Chapter 352 Hideout

"Nangong Jun, stop here, here... I've been here before!"

At this time, Nangong Jun was in the same cave that they left earlier.

"Well, then what?"

When Nangong Jun heard this sentence, he only paused for a moment before continuing to walk forward, as if he didn't care about Mamen's words.

"Nangong Jun, why aren't you surprised at all?"

Mammon sat up from the ground and stared at Shui Jing, he didn't understand why the other party acted so calmly.

"Before you absorbed the wisp of black air, I felt that this place was inexplicably familiar, and I have never been here before, so you are the only one who is familiar with this place..."

This time Nangong Jun stopped because he was wondering where to hide Xiaobei.

"I am indeed familiar with this place, because it used to be my hiding place~"

Mamen looked at the familiar things in front of him, and remembered what happened when he just escaped from the Demon Realm. At that time, he immediately fell in love with this cave, but didn't he discover the cave in the Central Continent?Why are you running into the Forbidden Forest now?
"Where are you hiding? But isn't this a secret realm created by the academy? How did you get in then?"

Nangong Jun frowned. The old castle he saw in the academy earlier felt very familiar to him. Could it be that Mamen really came to the academy?
"How is it possible? This cave was obviously in a canyon in the Central Continent before. If you want to say why it is in a secret realm now, you can only ask the person who created this secret realm, but..."

Mammon suddenly remembered something when she said this, so she stopped in the middle of her speech.

"But what?"

Nangong Jun intuitively felt that Mamen's "but" might contain the information he needed.

"Hmph! Trying to trick me? Let me tell you, there is no door!"

Seeing Nangong Jun's question, Mamen immediately swallowed back the half of the sentence that she was going to say later.

"Well, then stop talking..."

Nangong Jun can be considered to have figured out Mamen's temper, especially at this time, the more he can't show that he wants to know, otherwise he will only make the other party push his nose in the face.

"You really don't want to hear it?"

Sure enough, seeing Nangong Jun not interested, Mamen suddenly wanted to say something again.

"What's nice, anyway, it has nothing to do with me~"

"Who said it has nothing to do with you? At that time, I fled into the cave, but was found by that nasty mage, so I had no choice but to escape, and finally met your parents!"

Mammon was annoyed by the disapproval of the other party, so she spoke immediately.

"oh, I see…"

Although Nangong Jun still looked unmoved on the surface, there was already a storm in his heart.

He suddenly had a bold guess, that the magician Mammon offended might be the one who created this secret realm, that is to say, that magician is very likely to be in the Academy of Magic now!
"Are you trying to find a place to hide that little fat man now?"

Mamen saw that Nangong Jun didn't seem to really care about this matter, so she lost the interest to continue talking, seeing him looking around, she spoke again.

"What? You want to take me to your house?"

Hearing this sentence, Nangong Jun finally gave Mamen a good face, he really wanted to put Xiaobei down quickly, and then go to Qianqiao.

"My house? My house is much more luxurious than here. There are countless gold, silver and jewelry..."

As soon as Mamen heard the word home, he immediately thought of his Palace of Demons in the Demon Realm, where many of his treasures were hidden, but he didn’t know if the treasures were still there...

(End of this chapter)

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