I have a hundred times the upgrade speed

Chapter 318 Underground World!Another group?

Chapter 318 Underground World!Another group? (seeking subscription)
"Let's report the number!" Mu Yan said in a deep voice.

So, one by one, they began to report the numbers in the order of queuing.

Five Tianjiao fell, leaving one hundred and three, plus Xiao Yue, Zhao Xiaofeng, Tang Zhendong, Professor Chen, Lu Ming, Liu Yiyi, Feng Shiyin, and Mu Yan, it should be 110.

"One hundred and nine!" Feng Shiyin shouted.

"It's exactly 110 here, so there are really few people!" Mu Yan frowned.

"Everyone, look, who is not here?" Tang Zhendong commanded with experience.

These Tianjiao looked at each other for a while.

Finally, a young man said: "Ma Jing is gone. I remember he told me to go and make it easy. It seems that he didn't come back at all."

He pointed to a sand dune in the distance.

Everyone walked over, but they saw that the back of the sand dune was full of yellow sand, and there were no people.

From time to time, a gust of whirlwind blows, and even if someone walks by, the footprints are quickly covered.

There was silver light flowing in Mu Yan's eyes, and a huge spiritual thought swept out like a vast ocean.

But when the divine sense just came into contact with the outside world, it was as if it had encountered an invisible wall and was blocked abruptly.

"This place is really evil, and it's forbidden to space and isolated from spiritual thoughts." Mu Yan felt a little tricky.

Suddenly, the bull with the horned horns mooed.

A pair of bull's eyes stared round, fixedly staring at the bottom of the sand dunes, becoming very vigilant.

"Is there something down here?" Mu Yan slapped without saying a word.

The majestic big hand rushed over, rumbling like a bulldozer, lifting up all the surrounding yellow sand, revealing a large black stone slab.

Everyone was taken aback. Unexpectedly, there was something strange under the yellow sand.

Professor Chen has always been interested in weird things, he looked intently and said, "It seems that there is a hole under the stone slab."

"The entrance of the hole?"

All are weird.

A bold Tianjiao stepped forward to move the stone slab away.

Suddenly, the originally smooth stone slab, as if it had come to life, had ripples on it, turning into a jet of black water, instantly submerging the proud man.


Tianjiao was screaming, his whole body was covered by this black water, and soon he was struggling and lost his voice.

Immediately afterwards, the black water was tumbling, swallowing Tianjiao completely, and turned into a trickle again, flowing towards a person who was closer.

"What?" Everyone was shocked.

This accident happened in a flash, and no one reacted to it.

After the first Tianjiao died, the second screamed and rushed behind him.

"That's not water, it's black iron ants, which devour everything. As long as there are enough of them, even a demon beast can swallow them in the blink of an eye." Feng Shiyin said with a surprised face.

The second person who fled wildly also spewed out a pillar of fire very quickly.

The raging flames roared like an angry dragon, hitting the torrent of black iron ants.

"Dead ants, aren't they afraid of fire!" The person's eyes lit up, and he felt that there was a door.

The fire dragon swallowed surging energy, and soon burned into a gorgeous sea of ​​flames.

The black iron ants struggled in it, and their speed also slowed down.

But the next moment, the black iron ant that had been condensed into a stream suddenly changed its formation, turning into a peerless fierce spear, flying out of the sea of ​​flames!

Tianjiao was dumbfounded.

Like a black comet, the fierce spear whizzed towards him and directly nailed him to death!
Immediately afterwards, the spear turned into a stream of black water, submerging Tianjiao's body.

Everyone felt a burst of shock!
Suddenly, their eyes went dark, but they saw a huge wave tens of meters high rising above their heads at an unknown time.

The waves rolled over, making the sound of turbulent water, which was majestic.

Immediately afterwards, the huge wave was like a big hand covering the sky, covering everything, and rushed towards the black iron ant.

A big hand descended from the sky, slapped it hard, and smashed the black water into the sand.

One after another, the sea water kept pounding, pouring down with astonishing momentum, as if it wanted to penetrate the sand.

I don't know how long it took, but it actually merged into a small lake.

Countless small black spots slowly floated up.

Everyone looked at it carefully.

It was those black iron ants.

At this time, each of them drank enough water, burst their stomachs, and died on the water.

Mu Yan sneered and said, "Isn't it edible? I'll let you eat your fill, and then go on your way after being a dead ghost."

It was only then that everyone knew that the astonishing tsunami-like method came from the hands of this supernaturally powerful Master Mu.

Immediately, they all looked in awe.

But Mu Yan couldn't be happy.

Unexpectedly, dangers emerged one after another.

At this moment, everyone turned their attention back to the hole that the black iron ant had covered.

There is no trace of wind erosion in this hole, but it seems to have been excavated recently.

"Who dug the hole? Did someone else pass by here before us?" Feng Shiyin asked in surprise.

Professor Chen said: "Based on my experience, this should be a robbery hole."

"Stealing a hole?" Everyone was puzzled.

"It's the entrance that the tomb robbers dug out to get down into the tomb." Professor Chen explained.

Zhao Xiaofeng smiled and said: "I know this, if you touch the gold captain, you will find the dragon and share the gold."

Xiao Yue was speechless: "You have read too many novels, this is Donghuang, I want to read novels back to the League."

Tang Zhendong said: "Is there any big tomb nearby?"

"Old Tang, have you forgotten our destination, the tomb of the evil king is near here." Feng Shiyin said.

With his brain running fast, Mu Yan figured it out: "A group of people came down to the tomb of the evil king before us. The black iron ants just now are also their pets, and they are used to guard the entrance of the cave."

Everyone looked at Mu Yan.

At this moment, what to do next is under Mu Yan's command.

Mu Yan looked at the dark and deep hole.

This hole seems to be a boundless abyss. At first glance, it is impossible to see the bottom, but it makes people feel dizzy.

"Let's go down from here too." Mu Yan said.

Feng Shiyin said: "Master, won't we meet this group of tomb robbers like this? Everyone has seen the method of the black iron ant just now. This group of tomb robbers is very powerful."

"If we do meet, let's confront each other head-on." Mu Yan chuckled, and changed the topic: "But there are people in front of us scouting the way, which can reduce our danger even more."

The crowd nodded yes.

Mu Yan propped up a strong fighting spirit, then jumped into the hole.

Even if there are traps set by tomb robbers along the way, Mu Yan is confident that under the sweep of his fighting spirit, he can be turned into ashes.

The hole is really long, Mu Yan slides down like a slide.

After sliding for about 10 minutes, I felt that there was an exit in front of me.

With a whoosh, Mu Yan rushed out like a water arrow and landed firmly on the ground.

At this time, he looked at the place in front of him.

At this moment, Mu Yan was in a wide underground passage.

The front is very deep and dark, with no end in sight.

The surrounding area is seven to eight meters wide, and the top is ten meters high. They are all made of the same kind of rock.

Just by looking at the manufacturing level of this passage, one can imagine the scale of the entire Evil King's Tomb.

Immediately afterwards, Feng Shiyin also slid out from the exit.

He stood up rather embarrassed, and looked at all this in amazement: "This is the tomb of the evil king, and it was built so grandly."

Mu Yan nodded.

One person after another slid down from the top. Due to the large number of people, the process lasted for more than an hour.

Originally, Tang Zhendong didn't want Professor Chen to come down, because he was afraid that he would not be able to bear the danger in the tomb.

But Professor Chen insisted on coming down to take a look.

He already liked to study these things, so how could he not be willing to explore them with his own eyes.

So, Tang Zhendong hugged him, and the two old dancing partners on the square headed down lightly.

When they slid out, the two slowly separated, both dizzy, and they didn't know whether it was motion sickness or nausea.

Everyone repaired in situ before starting again.

I don't know where this channel leads to. Thousands of years have passed, but there is still air circulating.

Although it has a rotten smell, it doesn't affect everyone's breathing.

A few Tianjiao held fire folders in their hands, reflecting the passageway extremely brightly.

Mu Yan took the lead and walked slowly.

The team didn't know how long they had been marching, and suddenly felt that the air became humid.

"Is there a dark river near here?" Everyone was surprised.

After walking for a while, everyone stopped suddenly.

Because a large group of people suddenly appeared in front of them, there were more than 50 people.

There are people of all ages, tall and short, all dressed in simple and strong clothes, and they look very well-trained.

"These are the tomb robbers from before?"

Everyone immediately raised [-] points of caution.

It is worth everyone's attention that the three leaders of this group have very different styles.

A Taoist priest in green robes, a monk in cassocks, and a strange man wrapped up tightly.

This combination is really strange.

But looking at the powerful aura they exuded, everyone felt a terrifying sense of oppression.

The three of them turned out to be above mid-level sages!
The monk is even more aggressive, and he is a senior sage.

The Taoist stood up suddenly, squinted his eyes and said, "Going together?"

Feng Shiyin was about to speak, but Mu Yan said first, "Exactly."

"Since we are in the same company, we must know the rules!" The Taoist priest suddenly had a strong aura, and behind him seemed to be the faint shadow of the Taoist priest.

Mu Yan smiled and said, "No problem, if you eat meat, just share some soup with us."

The Taoist nodded, and then he restrained his breath, and the green robe that was originally dangling also fell down.

"Let's get to know each other again, my name is Chang Yi." The Taoist priest said.

The Taoist pointed to the monk and said, "This is Master Xuankun."

Master Xuan Kun has kind eyebrows and kind eyes, wide face and thick lips. He looks like a Vajra enshrined in a temple, kind and majestic.

"Hello, benefactors." Master Xuan Kun proclaimed a Buddhist name with a smile on his face.

"This..." Taoist priest Chang Yi carefully glanced at the tightly wrapped strange man, with a hesitant expression on his face.

Compared to Xuan Kun who is a high-level sage, Chang Yi is obviously more afraid of this person of the same realm.

Seeing that the strange man showed no signs of abnormality, Chang Yi said, "This is Sangji, the king of poison!"

"Poison King?" Mu Yan and the others were surprised.

Chang Yi nodded: "We are from the Tianqi Dynasty, and we usually make a living by reselling some rare underground items."

Mu Yan said: "We are all from the Lan Ba ​​Sect. My name is Mu Yan, and this is Feng Shiyin."

He only introduced two people. After all, they are the only ones with the highest level on his side.

A trace of surprise flashed in Feng Shiyin's eyes.

Unexpectedly, Mu Yan didn't mention anything about the Kamikaze Dynasty.

"Blue Overlord Sect? You all come from the same sect?" Chang Yi was a little surprised.

Mu Yan nodded.

"I'm afraid the Blue Tyrant Sect is down and out for living on this." Chang Yi sneered.

Mu Yan said: "There is no way, there are no resources near the mountain gate, and a large group of disciples have to be supported."

Chang Yi seemed to understand it very well, and sighed: "We are also desperate, so we live on this, otherwise it would be more comfortable to be an ancestor in the Dazong Dazong."

Unexpectedly, while chatting, Mu Yan seemed to touch the sad past of the other party.

With the level of these three people, it is indeed qualified to be an ancestor among the big forces.

But it is sad enough to be reduced to treasure hunting in this dark place.

Suddenly, Feng Shiyin used his mental power to transmit a voice to Mu Yan: "Master, this place is the tomb of an evil king. How can there be any treasures?"

"We don't have much experience in the tomb. Wouldn't it be good to have more people to explore the way?" Mu Yan replied.

Feng Shiyin shouted in her heart that her master is wise.

Suddenly, the tightly wrapped Sanji spoke, with an extremely cold voice: "The black iron ants I placed outside were killed by you?"

He wore a hat on his head and a cloth around his face, revealing only two narrow eyes.

But these eyes are extremely cold, like a poisonous snake staring at its prey.

"Yes." Mu Yan nodded.

Sangji's eyes changed slightly, as if he was about to burst into anger, and his voice became colder: "Then do you want to give me an explanation?"

Mu Yan frowned.

I don't want to argue with you, so why are you so shameless?
"Then your black iron ant killed two of my disciples, do you want to settle the debt?" Mu Yan's voice also turned suddenly cold, and frost seemed to condense around him.

The two groups that had originally formed a temporary alliance suddenly became serious.

Unexpectedly, Sangji suddenly turned his head, but ignored Mu Yan.

Many Tianjiao sneered in a low voice: "Aren't you afraid of our Master Mu?"

However, Chang Yi looked at Mu Yan with a little more sympathy unconsciously.

Mu Yan saw everything in his eyes.

It seems that Sanji, who is known as the king of poison, has his own extraordinary features.

But even so, Mu Yan is not afraid.

Chang Yi smiled and said: "Sangji also sensed that all the black iron ants were dead, so he asked everyone to stop and see who you are. But since everyone is cooperating now, let's put these unhappiness aside."

Mu Yan hummed, but didn't say anything else.

Chang Yi pointed to the front and said, "There is a dark river just ahead, why don't Brother Mu show his sincerity and cross over to have a look first?"

When Mu Yan heard this, he cursed the old fox inwardly.

They didn't stop because of the black iron ant. I'm afraid this dark river is not easy, so they want Mu Yan to be taken advantage of later.

Mu Yan had the idea of ​​letting this group of tomb robbers find their way.

Why didn't the other party have the same idea?

Thinking of this, Mu Yan said in embarrassment: "Our sect is relatively poor, and we don't even have a small boat to cross the river. It's better for the Taoist leader to lead the way this time, and our people will take the lead next time."

Chang Yi laughed and said: "Brother Mu, we warriors live and sleep in the open, how can we care about these things, since there is no boat, let's send people to go over there!"

(End of this chapter)

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