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Chapter 94 Shonan's Strongest Freshman?

Chapter 94 Shonan's Strongest Freshman?
"Tang You... Could it be you?" Xiao Changsheng's voice trembled a little.

It was mixed with surprise, doubt and even a little excitement.

At this time, Tang You's long hair drummed without wind, three thousand blue hairs fluttered up, and his eyes were indifferent, really charming the world, unparalleled in ancient and modern times!

Xiao Changsheng said excitedly: "Tang You, it's layman Qingming, layman Qingming! And he's an intermediate layman!"

Oh my goodness.

As soon as these words came out, it was really like a volcano erupting, and the mountains fell apart.

All the teachers and students were not calm anymore. Their expressions froze and their mouths opened. They all received a powerful shock from body, mind and soul!
A 16-year-old mid-level Qingming Layman, what kind of concept is this?

Perhaps no one word is enough to express everyone's feelings now.

Xiao Changsheng felt dizzy, and said in a trembling voice, "Oh my god, I have been teaching for more than ten years, and finally a genius came out of my class, and a dragon came out of the second class!"

Even if Mu Yan led the team to win the team championship yesterday, Xiao Changsheng never lost his composure.

"Sister-in-law is Qingming Layman? Or intermediate?" Xiao Yue also felt a buzzing sound in her head and was strongly shocked.

Zhao Xiaofeng and the others were also speechless for a long time, and there was a turmoil in their hearts.

Li Cai also stood there in a daze, her expression became stiff, and she couldn't say a word.


If there was anything before, it is now completely gone, leaving only awe.

Would an ordinary person be jealous of a great god?Not even a thought of comparison.

In the arena, Di Lie was the one who collapsed the most.

Unexpectedly, he was full of fighting spirit and full of energy, and when he was about to fight with all his strength, he suddenly discovered that the enemy's strength had only revealed the tip of the iceberg!
That kind of feeling is like being in the wild, and you can reach the end immediately after you climb over this mountain.

But when I turned over to look, I saw a higher mountain, and it was boundless, without end!

How can this compare?

Di Lie was left with nothing but despair, he didn't even notice the long knife was out of his hand.

"I... admit defeat!" Di Lie's whole body was shrouded in a powerful coercion, and even panting became extravagant.

The gap between a layman and a chivalrous man is like a natural moat!
Hearing this, Tang You withdrew all energy fluctuations.

For a moment, the oppressive force around them disappeared instantly, and the students near the stands breathed a sigh of relief. The feeling just now was terrible, it was really like drowning, only suffocation remained.

Now, they looked at Tang You with nothing but deep awe.

Di Lie even took a big gulp of air, as if he had narrowly escaped death.

The feeling of being in the center of a disaster is truly terrifying.

Everything returned to calm again, Tang You still looks like a beautiful school girl, as if nothing happened just now.

However, the shock everyone received remained in their hearts for a long time, and they could not get rid of it.

At this time, Tang You raised his head, looked at the familiar figure in the crowd, and suddenly the corners of his mouth turned up, revealing a smile.

The familiar person also laughed, it was Mu Yan.

The two were thousands of meters away, looking at each other across the air. At this moment, it seemed that everything in the world did not exist, and only they were left.

Even if I frighten the audience and set off endless storms, in front of you, there will still be my only smile.

Tang You, from Class [-] and [-] of senior high school, with the rank of intermediate Qingming Layman, shocked the martial arts venues. This day is destined to be written in the history of Shonan High School. This day is worth remembering by all teachers and students!
The champion of the freshman competition individual competition!

Shonan's strongest freshman!
Everyone has such a definition for Tang You in their hearts.

But is it really the strongest?
Tang You's eyes are big and full of autumn water, but her eyes are so small that they can only accommodate one person.

Mu Yan looked at Tang You, and said in his heart: "I am not afraid of heaven or ghosts in my life, but I am afraid of you. Why are you not the strongest?"

At this moment, Xiao Yue hugged Mu Yan tightly and said, "Stop flirting with sister-in-law, the champion is about to be announced!"

Mu Yan was very embarrassed and looked at the host in a panic.

Zhang Kai said: "I will announce that the champion of the individual competition of this freshman competition is..."

All eyes are on the beautiful figure on the field!

Suddenly, the door of the martial arts arena was pushed open.

The movement was so loud that the sunlight from outside came in directly, as if to forcibly send in things that did not belong here.

A boy in a black training suit walked in.

Accompanied by the glare of the sun, this young man was cast with a hazy radiance.

Everyone couldn't see his appearance clearly, they just felt that the sunlight was so dazzling.

"It's too early to announce the champion, I haven't played yet!" The boy couldn't help but smile when he saw so many students in the stadium.

Seeing this sudden scene, Zhang Kai was dumbfounded. He didn't know how to continue, so he got stuck at "the champion is".

So who is the champion?
"Host, hurry up and declare the champion!" Mu Yan shouted suddenly.

This sentence woke up all the students present.

Everyone was still puzzled at first, but suddenly they seemed to be enlightened and shouted in unison: "Quickly declare the champion!"

"Let's talk about the champion, our goddess Tang You!"

"This kid who came out of nowhere must have caused trouble."


Xiao Changsheng was also in a hurry. If he didn't get the champion right in front of him, wouldn't the cooked ducks fly away?
Mu Yan showed displeasure, glanced sideways at the young man, and said with a sneer, "Did you think you could get your wish if you kill him halfway? I just won't let the script be written like that, I want to challenge my wife, in my next life!"

Xiao Yue and others yelled very hard: "Quickly announce the champion, the champion!"

Zhang Kai felt sweat on his forehead, the power of the masses is too strong.

However, he still had to follow public opinion and was about to speak.

Suddenly, a person stood up in the stands.

It was Teacher Wang from the Academic Affairs Office.

He made a silent gesture, and the students were still very face-saving, maybe because they were afraid of this Teacher Wang, they all shut up.

Teacher Wang said: "Students, I understand everyone's feelings very well. The competition for freshmen is very fierce. Every contestant who reaches the end has gone through layers of contests, blood and fire! Now, the champion is near. So close, if I just give it away like this, I will not be reconciled, and I will shout that it is unfair!"

After listening to it, everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

Next, Teacher Wang said: "However, just this morning, this new classmate said something that I still remember vividly. He said, 'Fair, you can only talk at the same height, otherwise you don't deserve it! ', to be honest, I was deeply stimulated, if I was 20 years younger, I would definitely return to the arena, compete with him, and let him know whether I deserve it or not!"

"But I'm old, I can't do it, but I don't allow it. My Shonan students are being provoked and despised like this, so I implore Tang You, do your best to win this battle and protect our glory!"

(End of this chapter)

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