Chapter 1004
"No matter what, we must occupy this seat. I'm afraid this news has spread through the Three Realms. There are many people in the Three Realms who will compete with us for the seat!"

Yuanshi Tianzun already has such a plan, no matter what, they must stand in this position!

Only by standing in this position can it be possible to occupy the initiative of the Three Realms.

"The most important thing is that there are two other forces now, one is the prehistoric world, and the other is the Buddhist world. There are two old bald donkeys in the Buddhist world, and they have already occupied these two positions!"

Yuanshi Tianzun said, if this power is allowed by the Dao of Heaven.

Then, in the next period of time, I am afraid that the hidden spaces and hidden worlds of the Three Realms will pop up!
Because they also want to participate in this election.

Because, only when they obtain the throne, can they truly live in the three realms, won't be squeezed out by anyone, and have absolute power, which is the most important thing.

"The prehistoric world is our great enemy. This matter must not be sloppy. No matter what, we need at least three positions. Then, see if there is a chance to get more positions!"

Yuanshi Tianzun said, and the Taishang Laojun next to him also nodded.

For them, this is indeed not easy. One must know that Lin Fan's strength is already a bottomless pit!

They couldn't detect how powerful Lin Fan was.

Their seven saints have at least seven positions, then, the remaining three positions.

Let's see if there is anyone who can compete for it. Further down, it is the power of quasi-sage level!
"Jade Emperor, they may have a chance to get the remaining positions. Of course, there are still these three quasi-sages in the Buddhist world, and whether there are other powers in the prehistoric world, we don't know!"

"There is no chance. In this world, there are still many hidden worlds, such as the martial Buddha world below the Buddhist world, and the 36 heavens in the heavenly court."

Taishang Laojun said that he knew the 36 days very well.

Therefore, this battle is bound to be bloody!
The position of the three of them is unquestionable, and no one can compete with them. Then, it is difficult to say the position of the others.

In the Buddhist world, Jieyin and Zhunti also got the news.

The two of them hesitated, should we go to this place?
For the two of them, there is not much competition.

The strength of the two of them is not particularly strong, and they are only in the middle range among saints.

"Are we going to fight for this throne? I don't think it's necessary!"

"We should go or go, let's go to cheer, the big deal, we just leave."

Jieyin and Zhunti can be taken seriously, for the two of them, although they are constantly pursuing!
But there is no limit to the sea of ​​suffering, and one day, it will be unbearable.

The two have already obtained the supreme power of the Buddhist world, and for them, it is no longer necessary.

"It's time to unleash the real power. Come on, this is my prehistoric world territory. I want to occupy half of these ten thrones!"

Lin Fan smiled at the corner of his mouth. Raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a while is the most important thing. Next, it depends on who has this ability.

He and Nuwa occupy the second place, and Ziyan's power can quickly break through.

There is also the power of the princess of Zhongzhou, and the power of Chi You, these powers add up to enough, if it is not enough, call the goat down.

Lin Fan didn't know whether Chi You could truly make a breakthrough in a short period of time, but the others didn't have any problems.

Because other people have enough power.

With Lin Fan's help, Zi Yan has already broken through the saint, and the power of the saint is also gradually becoming stronger, able to absorb all the essence between heaven and earth.

"Come on, let me see how many people can take this seat. Once they can achieve this seat, they must be the strongest in this world. Without exception, their strength is the most peak existence!"

There are already many strong people who have come outside the void, looking at the ten thrones in the mid-air.

These ten thrones all represent different powers and different authorities.

Every throne possesses terrifying power.

There must be the power of the Dao, which has surpassed the Dao of Heaven.

"Ancestor Hongjun, why didn't that guy come?"

"I don't know where Patriarch Hongjun has gone, he is the only one who can control the Dao of Heaven!"

Lin Fan murmured, "However, whether Patriarch Hongjun comes or not doesn't affect the situation here!"
Because, this is the power of the Dao, far stronger than the Dao of Heaven.

The gap between the two is still very obvious.

"Sit in this seat, there are no rules!"

Lin Fan didn't even think about it, he directly chose the first place, walked in, and had a terrifying suppression!

These strong people around are incredible, not only that, people from all over the world have come here!

Lin Fan also understood that this must be a battle of wheels, so the order he gave to others was that there was no need to go first.

I will try the water here first.

See how deep the water is, and how strong the forces from all over the world are.

"Husband, come on!"

"Don't worry, his strength is the ceiling of this world, not many people can compete with him!"

Ziyan looked at Nuwa.

What they should worry about most is themselves!

Nuwa is actually okay, she has enough power.

But Zi Yan, although she also broke through the saint, but no matter what, her power is not recognized by the Three Realms!

Even if he is the mother of the earth, he has not experienced the experience of the three realms, so her name as a saint is not justified.

However, with this throne, maybe her power will change!

It will also let more people know her, this is the Mother Earth of the Three Realms!
Not only that, the power here has a very huge temptation for every quasi-sage.

These quasi-sages all want to use this throne to help themselves break through the realm of saints, so many people have come here, whether it is from the Buddhist world or the heavenly court.

Jade Emperor is also the first to bear the brunt!

They came here directly with the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals, they were all waiting for the Heavenly Dao to listen, but for Lin Fan, there was no need for this at all.

"Who is that person?"

"Is this person so arrogant? Just go in, isn't he afraid of being condemned by the heavens?"

"Is this the most powerful among our saints? He won't want to grab the top spot."

Many people looked at Lin Fan floating in mid-air and were at a loss, and many people didn't know Lin Fan.

But both Sanqing and the two great Buddhas understood how powerful Lin Fan was.

There is no way to compete, the gap between the two is huge!
Even if the five of them work together to truly defeat Lin Fan, there is basically no possibility.

(End of this chapter)

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