Chapter 1009
"Do you want me to die? Those two in front are something ordinary people can provoke!"

"Get out, if you don't get out, I can think about it and smash you flat with a hammer."

The goat's words were very simple, and at some point, he took out a magic hammer!
This divine hammer can surpass all divine weapons, and it is also a super divine weapon in Shangyuan's arsenal, possessing extremely powerful power.

Although its main function is to forge iron, this divine hammer can wear down even the hardest material.

Not to mention a person's bones and flesh, basically no one can hold the hammer down.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Yuanshi Tianzun was also really scared, and didn't know if this guy in front of him had anything to do with Lin Fan.

The next moment, he left his seat directly and continued to move back one space. The subsequent battle was still very fierce.

"Encountering such a strong man one after another, it's really bad luck for eight lifetimes!!"

"Brother, what should we do now? It seems that there will be a huge change in the entire Three Realms. With this field, all races will come to the Three Realms!"

The Taishang Laojun is also worried. Originally, there are only these three powerful forces in their Three Realms!

They are the Buddhist world, the heavenly court, and Lin Fan's later prehistoric world.

But now, all races have come here. Although they have certain limitations, they can only live in the realm, and it is impossible to completely come to the Three Realms. The only person who can really move around is this person sitting on the throne.

"What are you afraid of? Their strength is nothing at all!"

"We are still the masters of the three realms, there is nothing to be afraid of. If they really dare to touch us, they have to think about the consequences, don't you think?"

Yuanshi Tianzun sees clearly, and he also knows that this is Dao's strategy!

In any case, dealing with the dark world and dark creatures is the most important thing.

There are many hidden spaces in their Three Realms, and this time they will be completely opened without any restrictions.

This is also the space that Tiandao has been blocking.

"It's best if there are as many of them as possible. When the darkness is approaching, we don't have to think so much about them fighting the front line. We just need to do our part!"

Yuanshi Tianzun is a very shrewd person, so he naturally has his own plan in doing so.

"Give up the seats for the two of you, basically there is no chance, and there are people of other races behind, wouldn't it be better to let them be cannon fodder?"

"I know!"

Taishang Laojun and Lingbao Tianzun nodded and left their seats.

The two of them originally occupied a seat.

But it's a pity that it was broken by the power of gods and Buddhas. They also knew that if they went on, there would be a certain pressure on them.

It is naturally impossible for Nuwa to challenge. Nuwa's strength is the pinnacle of a saint.

Therefore, not many people present dared to provoke them. Moreover, the two great saints in the Buddhist world have not done anything yet, and these two saints are chicken thieves!

"Those two bald donkeys don't know when they will do it, and there is a high probability that they can snatch a seat, so let's figure it out now, take away two seats first, and see if there is a chance for each of them to get one!"

Yuanshi Tianzun said with Lingbao Tianzun and Taishang Laojun on the side.

They don't know if there is a time limit, but it's really not suitable to make a move now.

Because, there is already a mess of war below!
No one knows what kind of ending it will be, and moreover, races from various worlds have come here one after another.

There is such a scene of prosperity, they also want to see it, even if they can't get the throne, it is good to join one of the domains.

"Let's figure it out now and see what to do next. At least the first, second and third are gone now, and Nuwa occupies one, so there is no hope for the four!"

Yuanshi Tianzun calculated that not only that, but also the three major gods and Buddhas.

These three guys can occupy at least one of the positions.

"Then, it means that the seven positions are gone!"

Yuanshi Tianzun said.

If you only count them occupying one position, there is indeed a chance to expand a field.

Because expanding one more field is equivalent to their strength, and their strength is expanding!

"The Three Realms are in chaos now, Jade Emperor, what should we do now? How can we go to snatch them now, all of them are more powerful than saints!"

The Jade Emperor is also hopeless, including Erlang God next to him.

I don't know what to say at all, it's a completely decadent state.

"There are so many saints, what should we do?"

Jade Emperor didn't know what to do!
Next to Erlangshen and others, they are all here to watch a play, anyway, he is not in a hurry, his master is Lin Fan.

He just needs to wait here silently.

He will definitely be able to pass Lin Fan's domain, and he also knows Nuwa.

"People from the giant spirit world are here."

"This is the ancient god, the giant spirit god, and his strength is above the peak of a saint!"

"It's really the Giant Spirit God!"

Many people are cheering.

They have only seen the body of the giant spirit god on the totem, or even on the stone statue, as well as his stone statue, but they have never seen the real giant spirit god!
Therefore, everyone felt incredible. Unexpectedly, the Giant Spirit God was really summoned from the ancient world.

Such a powerful existence also made each of them feel incredible.

"Everyone, why don't you welcome me to this world, I am the existence of your high-level plane, and I came here to accept the call of your Dao!"

The words of the giant spirit god are very simple, but it looks very strange, like a huge stone statue, and has a faint blue light all over its body, making it unpredictable.

However, this force is absolutely supreme, and at some point, there was a huge hammer in his hand.

The power of this hammer is not simple, it is definitely an artifact.

"Juniors, get out of the way and give me the number one position!"

The words of the Giant Spirit God were very simple, but when he said these words, many people were very happy.

The two saints on one side, Jieyin and Zhunti, are here, and on the other side, Yuanshi Tianzun and others are also watching here.

"This time, I don't know how Lin Fan will deal with the Giant Spirit God in front of him. You know, this is the existence summoned by Dao!"

"I don't know if they will violate all orders to fight against Heaven!"

But at this moment, Lin Fan in the first throne is not there, but the people in the second and third thrones are all here!

"If you want to be number one, I'm afraid you're not qualified enough, just get lost."

What Princess Zhongzhou said was very simple, and she looked at the giant spirit general coldly.

No matter how powerful this god's power is, it is still an ant in front of her!
(End of this chapter)

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