The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 1013 Unrivaled Power

Chapter 1013 Unrivaled Power

"Now that you are gone, the imprint on the throne has been erased by me. If you have any last words, hurry up and say them. For the sake of the three of you being saints, I will give you a chance to say your last words!"

Lin Fan's words were ordinary, but the extremely cold killing intent emanated directly, making people shudder.

The three gods and Buddhas didn't know what to say.

"Since you have nothing to say, then your lives should be over here. I don't bother to say anything to you, so use your strongest move!"

Lin Fan looked at the three gods and Buddhas, and a faint blue light began to flicker in his hands. This was the ice and fire he brought back from hell.

Lin Fan wanted to try, what is the power of this force!
After all, this is from another world, and Lin Fan also knows that there is the power of Jiuyou, he originally wanted to continue to cultivate the Jiuyou army, and wanted to turn the Jiuyou army into a powerful force!

And he returned to the prehistoric world in order to rectify the people in the ancient battlefield.

Unexpectedly, such a thing happened here.


"Brother, don't talk so much, use our strongest move, otherwise, it is really possible to die here, he has already moved to kill, we can't escape today, even if we go back to Wufo He will come after him too!"

It is still reasonable to hate gods and Buddhas, but now, it has no effect at all.

They are one with their eldest brother, at least they are not in a state of flying separately in the face of a catastrophe, and they are also helpless.

I didn't expect that because of one sentence, I would directly lose my life, and it was really uncomfortable.

It doesn't matter so much to hate gods and Buddhas, the body is on fire, and they burn their souls.

They knew that Lin Fan was beyond the existence of a saint, if he didn't go all out, he would only be a dead end.

"Your Excellency Lin Fan, if you want to kill us, you will have to pay a heavy price. We are not an existence that you can kill if you want to, and we should show you what is the real power of the Martial Buddha Realm!"

To be honest, their three great gods and Buddhas have been hiding their strength.

But now, there is no way to continue to hide. If they continue to hide, they will lose their lives.

"The gods and Buddhas are furious!"

The three of them roared, and in conjunction with these flames, the strength of the three of them gathered together, reaching a peak existence.

A huge Buddha statue appeared behind them, clasped their hands together, and rushed towards Lin Fan abruptly!

Extremely fast.

This powerful spiritual power has penetrated the Three Realms. To be honest, this kind of power is more than enough to deal with other people!

No matter whether it was Sanqing or Jieyin Zhunti, they couldn't take this move, but they were like ants and paper in front of Lin Fan.

"Ridiculous, this is your curse. It may be useful to others, but for me the curse can be reversed!"

I saw that the faint blue flame in Lin Fan's hand began to burn.

Forcibly absorbed their power into his own hands, and started to calcine them, so that all the power they released would dissipate!
"This is the most powerful force you have released, ridiculous!"

Lin Fan pinched lightly, and the faint blue sparks spread to the surroundings. The greedy gods and Buddhas didn't know what to say, they were really helpless, they had no way to resist, and they were ready to face death.

"For gods and Buddhas with resentment like you, living in this world is ridiculous!"


"Sometimes you have to pay a corresponding price for a single sentence. Of course, you did the ancient things, and it can be regarded as a complete answer to those ancient gods!"

When Lin Fan finished speaking, he didn't rush to kill the three of them directly, but threw them into the air.

The next moment, a terrifying force opened the gate of heaven, and countless ancient spirits fell down, which made everyone present feel incredible!

Even Sanqing felt some crisis.

And these people walked towards Nuwa and Ziyan one after another, this is all the tribes of Lich back then!

"Eastern Emperor Taiyi, Di Jun, lead all the monsters to meet Lord Nuwa!"

"Dijiang, Xuanming, lead all the witches to meet the mother of the great emperor!"

"The Jiuyou clan pays respects to the patriarch!"

Three powerful forces were directly summoned by Lin Fan, making everyone feel incredible.

It was too shocking, Lin Fan actually revived all the ancient lich clan back then, what kind of power this is.

"Now, you can also die with peace of mind. I didn't expect that the people you killed and everything you planned would have no effect!"

"You want to weaken the power of the Three Realms, so let me tell you that the Three Realms will only get stronger!"

After all, the dark blue fireball in Lin Fan's hand directly smashed towards the three of them!

When the faint blue fireball passed over the bodies of the three of them, without any warning, it directly penetrated their souls.

The three gods and Buddhas were instantly petrified, and everyone's expression was very surprised. They never expected such a thing to happen!

Lin Fan was able to summon all these people back. To be honest, Lin Fan also spent a lot of thought, no matter whether it was crossing time, or searching for their souls, or finding the slightest opportunity, he finally brought them back. Totally revived.

At least this has been done.

"Greedy for gods and Buddhas, pawn!"

"Obsessed with gods and Buddhas, pawn!"

"Annoyed gods and Buddhas, pawn!"

Once the three great gods and Buddhas die, there will be another seat on the throne.

Each of these thrones represents the power of a saint.

Quasi-sages like them, as long as they can get a position, they will be promoted to a top level, there is no doubt about it.

Even the Giant Spirit God who came over before saw this scene and didn't dare to say anything, Lin Fan's power is too strong!
With a light wave, even the soul of the other party will disappear directly, you must know that they are saints.

Moreover, this is also the first time Lin Fan has made such a move in the three realms.

He directly used his own soul power to form an absolute suppression, and then used the blood of the region and the law of Youlan to force these people to be scattered!

"My husband is so handsome, it's the first time I saw my husband make a move like this, and it's for us!"

"That's right, it's enough for us to stay by my husband's side obediently in the future."

Nuwa and Ziyan both understand how important they are now.

Originally, they all thought that Lin Fan was just using them as tools to use them!
I want to cultivate my own power in the prehistoric world, but now it seems that maybe not.

"It turns out that he cares about us. He doesn't rely on anyone who is strong. His own strength is terrifying enough!"

Nuwa saw this, and she also knew that Lin Fan was sincere to them.

They are also willing to continue to pay for Lin Fan in the future, and finally understand why Princess Zhongzhou treats Lin Fan like that!
Perhaps she already knew what kind of person Lin Fan was.

Just as Lin Fan said, if someone wants to harm the Primordial World, he must step through his body.

Otherwise, there is no such possibility at all.

"His strength is so strong!"

"Master's power is too strong. Just one move directly killed the three saints. They are saints. Although they don't belong to the Three Realms, no matter what, the power of saints is not fake."

Yang Jian said blankly, and the Xiaotian dog next to him also murmured, this was too shocking for them!

Those below Da Luo Jinxian basically cannot come here.

If Yang Jian hadn't brought Xiao Tiangou here with his quasi-sage power, otherwise, he wouldn't have seen this scene at all.

(End of this chapter)

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