The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 1020 The Way of Heaven

Chapter 1020 The Way of Heaven
After all, Lin Fan didn't know where his limit was, and if he was not careful, he might fall into the devil's way.

"Another point is, you must control your soul and nature. In this abyss, countless demons will wave to you!"

"These demons are more terrifying than the power of the coming darkness, it can be said that they are exactly the same as the origin!"

After hearing this, Lin Fan became more interested in this world and this primitive place.

He felt a little bit of flash in his memory, as if he was born here, this is his home.

But it's just this kind of feeling, after all, this primitive land contains all the avenues in the world, the way of heaven and all the interpretation of laws.

Of course, this is just a place where the sages simulated, the avenue here may be just a limitation, and there is no real avenue!

At most, you can only have the power of heaven and law, and it will continue to spread and form here!

"You are so good at cultivating yourself, I can't help you too much. I can only open a door in this primitive land, which has power above that of a sage!"

After finishing speaking, Freelander's words weakened, his aura completely disappeared, and the door slowly dissipated.

If he wanted to get out of here, he had to rely on himself. Lin Fan didn't know if he would stay here for a thousand years or ten thousand years!
But he believes that Freelander will never cheat himself, so he wants to move forward step by step.

Each class has different powers of laws, the first is the five elements law, which is nothing in Lin Fan's eyes.

"Come on, let me see to what level these five elements can improve my body, and watch me devour you all!"

"Since this is endless primitive, the power here will help my body!"

As he said that, Lin Fan walked up step by step, devouring his own soul, and all the power frantically poured into his blood and his body.

His body is like a bottomless pit, if Lin Fan wants to make it stronger, he can only go through countless trials.

However, such blood and power of the five elements are too weak, and in Lin Fan's opinion, they are not enough.

"That's it, it's too ridiculous!"

"Break it!"

When Lin Fan reached the sixth floor, the first five steps shattered instantly, turning into countless fragments, floating around.

When these fragments fall to the side, it seems that countless demons have been awakened.

The berserk breath was released in the entire primitive land, and it also drew some power in Lin Fan's body to a certain extent.

And at this moment, behind this door, in the three worlds.

A young man appeared next to Freelander, looking at Freelander with a smile on his lips.

"See the Three Realms of Heaven!"

"You really let him go. To be honest, I'm still quite afraid of this guy. If he gets angry, I won't even be his match. The Three Realms will be destroyed!"

The man said indifferently, this man is the image of heaven and earth in the three realms.

His power has already been visualized, he has already possessed his own independent consciousness, and transformed into a human form!

There is a big tree behind him, the divine tree of heaven.

"Come on, sit down and have a cup of tea with me, I want to see where this guy's limit is!"

When Freelander heard this, he nodded and sat across from him.

Two pieces of tea leaves fell from the Heavenly Dao Sacred Tree behind and landed in the two cups.

It has to be said that if such Tiandaoshen tea is placed outside, it will definitely have a price but no market.

Anyone who wants to have a drink has to think about it, and only the Freelander has such a quota and qualification, and the others have no ability at all.

"You don't have to be happy. Just because he entered the primordial land, it doesn't mean he can't get out. He will use his spirit body to unite. Think about the consequences!"

Freelander didn't intend to drink the cup of tea, watching a leaf floating in the tea.

There is the power of heaven in it.

For him, he can see through it at a glance, and he knows the ambition of Tiandao.

With Lin Fan here, he cannot completely rule the entire Three Realms, because Lin Fan's arrival has completely changed the pattern of the Three Realms.

"Da Dao will not get rid of a strong person because of this incident. He has his own survival foundation, and I see the future from him, an existence stronger than you!"

There was nothing wrong with what Freelander said, but it made the man hesitate.

He doesn't know what to say, he himself is the way of heaven, or the power he incarnates now is the power of a sage.

The power of the sage is terrifying, but the reason why he is afraid of Lin Fan is because the power in Lin Fan's body is too huge!

As well as the terrifying soul, even he couldn't see where Lin Fan's limit was, and what exactly was Lin Fan's body?
"I really didn't plan to get rid of him, but his existence did hinder the development of our Three Realms. I originally thought that after several baptisms, the entire Three Realms would be impenetrable!"

Tiandao's idea is naturally very simple, he just doesn't want to give up the world he controls.

As a sage, he is already very satisfied with the power of the three realms.

"But have you ever thought that your actions have caused dissatisfaction with Dao Dao, otherwise, Dao Dao would not have summoned us!"

Freelander's words are very simple, and they hit the vital point directly. He knows more or less the power of the Dao.

But he also understands that the power of Dao cannot be violated!
"How about the way of heaven? What about the way of the great way? I am far away from the future, and I don't even know what is waiting for me in the future. These three realms are just the beginning!"

The man shook his head slightly, and the next moment, he disappeared here in a gust of wind!

To be honest, he has already begun to hesitate, and this hesitation is derived from Freelander's words.

Maybe he has an unreconciled anger in himself, and wants to go out for a break.

Thinking of a higher world, a more terrifying world, as a sage, he has such abilities.

But he also understood that the more secrets he knew, the easier it would be for him to die, even beyond redemption.

"If you are free, let me say hello to the master of the hall!"

"Since Dao Dao has already intervened in this matter, let it drift away at will and let them indulge. The darkness is not easy to resist this time, and I will not make a move!"

Tiandao's words are very simple, obviously, he has decided to let go.

There is not much suppression of the entire world, but the Three Realms are still the Three Realms and will not change!

However, even if the darkness really came here, he would not choose to make a move.

All of this is the choice of Dao. If the choice of Dao is wrong, he will just stick to it and guard his own Three Realms.

(End of this chapter)

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