The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 1038 The Great World

Chapter 1038 The Great World

"The two of us are here, let's talk, what do you think, it's best to tell everything thoroughly, let the two of us listen carefully, and see what you mean!"

King Qin Guang and King Chu Jiang, one with a spear and the other with a long knife, came directly from behind!

The power of these two people is very terrifying, and the power of King Chujiang is also very powerful.

The long knife in his hand is as sharp as if he was drawing a knife to cut off the water!

King Qin Guang has a sharp brilliance, so don't think about it, his long spear is definitely not simple.

"I have no other intentions. I just want to negotiate with you to see if you are interested in cooperating with me. If you don't, then hurry back from here."

What Lin Fan said about going back, of course, was to let them return to Shangyuan's arsenal.

Hearing this sentence, King Yan Luo was also a little unhappy!
To be honest, it was rare for them to come out once, and he still wanted to have a big fight.

He brought the sword in his hand, the Demon Suppressing Sword, out.

"Tell me, the condition you want to get is nothing more than that we don't occupy your body."

Yama's words were very simple, and he looked at Lin Fan.

Although he didn't know what Lin Fan's ultimate goal was, but there must be this one, because he knew that Lin Fan was unwilling to be controlled by them!
This is inevitable, so the facts are here, and it depends on how Lin Fan accepts such conditions.

"It's not that simple, do you think this is enough? With you by my side, it's a ticking time bomb!"

"It looks like you are Yama in hell, it looks like you have a strong soul and powerful power!"

"But in fact, you are nothing more than little demons, but you also want to devour souls."

The words Lin Fan said were imprinted on their hearts.

What Lin Fan said is also true!

The main purpose of these people is to absorb the soul when they come out, because the soul can nourish themselves.

Only in this way will their own souls become stronger, and this is the only purpose for them to come out!
The reason why they signed the ten-year agreement was that during these ten years, in addition to supplementing their own souls from the outside world, they also made Lin Fan's soul even stronger.

At that time, they will continue to carve up, so that when they return to the Shangyuan arsenal, there will be nothing else.

King Chu Jiang was very unhappy when he heard this, and wanted to do something, but was stopped by King Yan Luo.

"Boy, you understand our thoughts very well, but unfortunately, we are not the kind of people you imagined!"

"What we want to absorb is nothing more than the soul of the devil, and you see that we have become what we are now, because we have absorbed too much soul of the devil, causing our body to begin to change!"

King Yama said.

In the next moment, a picture will be released directly!
This picture is the underground where they guarded a world back then!

"This is not what you call the Three Realms, but the place where the gods and demons of chaos were bred, which is also called Diguan!"

Lin Fan frowned slightly upon hearing this.

He knew that they had been guarding this place under the Emperor Pass!
Constantly contending with those demons, I didn't expect to be backlashed in the end.

They abandoned their bodies, transformed into souls at the same time, and merged with these demons, so their souls became so ugly.

"So that's the case. It seems that I blamed you all wrongly."

That's what Lin Fan said, but he must be on guard against others, and he still has a strong vigilance.

Moreover, he also has his own ideas.

Because beyond the Three Realms, there are even more terrifying worlds!

This Emperor Pass is a checkpoint between the two great worlds, and this world is much larger than the Three Realms, even a peak of the entire era!
"Boy, let's put it this way, if you have the opportunity or you can promise, take us to the original place, take us to fight those demons, we can consider being your weapon!"

Both King Chu Jiang and King Qin Guang couldn't believe that King Yan Luo actually said such words.

But they did not refute, if Lin Fan really had this ability, they could indeed be used as Lin Fan's weapons.

"Because we are not reconciled, if the Emperor Pass is broken, then the whole world will be completely collapsed, including the place where you are now!"

"As well as the place you are touching now, when this piece of chaos comes to this universe, it will be instantly annihilated."

When Lin Fan heard these words, he felt incredible!

He feels that the whole world is constantly changing, and this world view is getting bigger and bigger.

Just like before, I have been suppressed to the extreme, but I didn't expect that the soul in my body broke a shackle.

This is something he never thought about.

What exactly is this shackle?
What kind of power is there in your body?
"Although I don't know what the place you are talking about is, I think it should be a higher world, it should be the top of the world!"

"You think too much, our current world belongs to the Nine Realms, and the topmost layer of the Nine Realms is Diguan!"

King Yan Luo said, he didn't know if Lin Fan could understand.

Only then did Lin Fan understand that the worlds of each layer are superimposed layer upon layer, and what they are in should be the world at the bottom.

This made Lin Fan feel a little unbelievable!
"I know what you mean, and you don't need to guess where I come from, but there is one thing, I will definitely go to the world you mentioned!"

Lin Fan had given a certain promise, but he still didn't want Yama of the Ten Temples to enter the Three Realms!
Because he doesn't know what kind of virtue these souls are, no matter how good he says about himself, even if they are benefactors who save the whole world, Lin Fan will never allow them to do anything wrong in the Three Realms!

Because, the three realms are the foundation of Lin Fan, after all, he has already stationed the foundation of the prehistoric world in these three realms!
"Then dare to ask Your Excellency, what is your purpose? We originally wanted to collect souls once, but seeing how powerful the next soul is, we are also overwhelmed!"

Yan Luo Wang asked, they also knew that this time they kicked the iron board.

It is basically impossible for them to compete with Lin Fan for the initiative of the body.

Unless Lin Fan was seriously injured, but if it really got to that point, could they successfully occupy Lin Fan's body by force?This also made them very hesitant, maybe they would all be different in that situation!
Moreover, they also know what a strong soul represents.

As long as one's own soul is strong enough, then occupying the Diguan will have a favorable position.

"My body is not here, my body is in the original place, I don't know if you have heard of it."

"I'm looking for the eight mysterious books. Among those eight books, they have the energy to save the three realms. After all, dark creatures are about to descend on the three realms. I don't want them to destroy my territory."

These people were taken aback when they heard this.

They didn't even expect that someone would go to the primordial place to find the book.

To be honest, looking at the entire Nine Realms, not many people can have such courage.

(End of this chapter)

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