Chapter 1048
Their extraterritorial celestial demons may kill each other, and their power may confront each other!
Even the strength of one's own companions will be eroded, and they humans will not do this!

Humans absorbing such souls is equivalent to practicing magic.

"You think too much, the Heavenly Demon Emperor and we human beings are guarding the justice in our hearts, absorbing these souls is nothing!"

"Haha, forget it, all creatures in this world are different, whether it's us demons or humans in this world, they all have the same mind, that is greed!"

What the Demon Emperor said was not false at all.

If human beings were not greedy and united as one, then there would be no room for these heavenly demons to survive. This was the most important point.

Humans are still not united enough, there are intrigues everywhere!

They will never gather together, even if they win the battle, they still think about how to maximize their own interests.

How to carve up such fruits, only in this way can one's family and future generations flourish!
Make yourself stronger, this is where they are greedy, and because of this greed, there are many monsters!

He possesses a lot of magical skills, and in this way, the outside world will have the corresponding power to eat away, or find a way to speculate!
"I don't care about other people, but at least now I will never allow you to be presumptuous here, and I will never let you go out from here!"

Lin Fan's words were very simple, he was determined to kill the Demon Emperor!
If there are internal and external troubles, it is really difficult to solve.

If the Heavenly Demon Emperor goes out from the primordial land, I don't know what kind of disaster it will bring to mankind.

"Boy, you are really ridiculous. Do you think you can kill me with your strength and the weapon in your hand?"
"Can you kill me? You'll know if you try it. Let's see who is stronger. I don't believe you, an extraterrestrial demon, can display such power here!"

Lin Fan said coldly, he clenched the Shidian Yan Luo tightly in his hands, and the terrifying aura lingered in his hands!
It started to spread like a strong wind.

The power of this gust of wind continuously blew away towards the surroundings, and the magic sword in the hands of the Demon Emperor also burst out with strange brilliance.

"Boy, don't talk nonsense with him, just use the rubbing stick technique!"

Lin Fan nodded his head, the stick-suppressing technique is the simplest move, and it follows the way of heaven!

This was also the first move that King Yama gave himself, and the move he used was very simple.

Just take advantage of the characteristics of the jerk and apply strong pressure to it!

The terrifying power began to dissipate, and this kind of power could directly restrain the Heavenly Demon.

At this moment, the Heavenly Demon Emperor felt a little unbelievable. The magic sword in his hand began to burst out with the same brilliance!

Forcibly piercing towards Lin Fan from here, the three kinds of radiance scattered in all directions hit Lin Fan's surroundings, forming a huge barrier, making it impossible for Lin Fan to attack at all.


"Suppressing the magic seal."

In the end, Lin Fan was suspended in mid-air, and the mark in his hand began to roll continuously!

Forcibly, directly towards the Heavenly Demon Emperor, hit here.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor never expected that this guy's flexibility is so strong!
He actually broke the seal of the magic sword formed by himself in an instant, and it was still intact, without any damage at all!
He really couldn't figure it out, maybe it was the power of the weapon in his hand.

But at this moment, the Heavenly Demon Emperor directly inserted the magic sword in front of him, forming a sword shield abruptly, forming a powerful defense, blocking in front of him, just to prevent Lin Fan!

"With your strength, you want to stop me. It's ridiculous. I thought you, the Heavenly Demon Emperor, are so powerful. It turns out that you don't even have royal blood!"

Yama's words were spoken directly.

It made Lin Fan feel weird. It seems that they are the experts. They have been fighting these demons in Diguan all the time. They know the power of demons and the horror of their blood!
Of course, the bloodlines of Heavenly Demons are also different. There are bloodlines of wind, bloodlines of fire, and all kinds of bloodlines, just like the laws of their world.

Therefore, the power of the Heavenly Demon Emperor is also different, and the Heavenly Demon in front of him does not seem to belong to the royal blood.

But to be able to cultivate the power of the Heavenly Demon Emperor is obviously because he has absorbed a lot of souls.

"You even know you have royal blood?"

"How can I not know, I have lived in Diguan for so many years and have been fighting with you, how could I not know the origin of your Heavenly Demon Emperor and the bloodline of the Heavenly Demon Emperor, it seems that your bloodline is not pure!"

When the Demon Emperor heard about Diguan, he didn't know what to say!

This kind of thing is really not easy, because people who live in Diguan, of course know that he is just a little magic general.

It was only after absorbing a large number of souls that it became what it is now.

"It turns out that's the case. Then we will have a meeting later. I won't give you a chance to kill me. If you have the ability, go underground and chase me!"

The Demon Emperor wants to leave here directly, he knows that this guy in front of him is not something he can fight against!

But the victory or defeat is in an instant. If Lin Fan is allowed to attack again, he will be able to cooperate with the powerful Yama of the Ten Temples.

With the constant combination of the two, I am afraid it will be very difficult to keep a stubborn distance!
Therefore, it is still the best policy to go. Leaving here is the best choice. As long as they leave here, if they want to chase after them, they must abandon their physical bodies.

"It's interesting, do you really think you can leave here? I already knew that you would leave here after you learned our identities, so you set up an enchantment here!"

How could Yan Luo Wang not have such a plan, Lin Fan is also eager to try here!
He knew that the demons that invaded from the Three Realms might not be much different from these heavenly demons.

Therefore, Lin Fan did not intend to let them leave.

Moreover, Song Emperor and the Four Sea Kings have long been allowed to use the powerful hell water to form a huge barrier here, not allowing these heavenly demons to leave here, this is the most important thing.

"You guys are so insidious!"

"Insidious, we are no match for you, you, a little devil, will survive forever!"

"It's pretty good to be here, if you didn't meet us, I'm afraid all the people who come here will become your dinner!"

Lin Fan's words were very simple, and he looked at the Demon Emperor coldly!
"This is not just a matter of Chinese food. If he continues to develop, it is also possible to break through a Heavenly Demon Emperor!"

"If a Heavenly Demon Emperor appears behind our army, the consequences will be absolutely unimaginable, and the entire Emperor Pass will collapse directly. I can't accept such a thing!"

Yan Luowang's words are very simple, telling the seriousness of this!
To be honest, the Demon Emperor hasn't contacted his tribe yet.

He knew that once he contacted the tribe, there might be big problems.

Therefore, he has been here to endure, as long as he is given a chance.

As long as the next Emperor Pass battle is opened again, then he will be an important pawn!
Or in other words, he will be an important general. Once he appears, he can directly defeat human beings. For him, his own contribution will be very huge. Even if he returns to the Heavenly Demon Clan, his glory will also be covered in body.

So he also wants to continue to endure here. The most important thing is that there are countless souls here.

These souls can continuously invade his body for him to devour!
Only in this way can he exert his own strength to a top level!

Use these souls to start nourishing yourself continuously, this is the most important thing.

(End of this chapter)

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