The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 1054 Head to Head!

Chapter 1054 Head to Head!
At this moment, the Demon Emperor couldn't control so much anymore, he summoned his soul blade, he knew this was his last chance!

Slowly, a flame soared directly above the space between the souls, slashing upwards fiercely!
"I won't play with you anymore. Even if it burns my soul, I have to leave here quickly. Otherwise, if I spend it with you like this, it won't last long!"

Lin Fan looked at the power of this knife, it was very powerful, but he didn't dodge at all!
For him, this is nothing more than a competition for the power of the soul, and it is absolutely impossible for him to back down!
Because he knows that once he retreats so deeply, there will be a vast space!
Once he splits the space here, the ending will probably be different.


"Give me town!"

Lin Fan also roared angrily, and used Yama of the Ten Temples to hit him. The power of Yama of the Ten Temples forcibly suppressed the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

But the sword of the Heavenly Demon Emperor also slashed on Lin Fan's body!
Lin Fan didn't dodge at all, instead he held the blade in his hand with his own hand, even if he was risking the flames of his soul.

Lin Fan didn't have any right or wrong at all, although it was very painful, the consumption on himself was also huge!

The fire of his soul is not only burning his own soul, but also burning Lin Fan's soul!
"Heavenly Demon Emperor, this move of yours is hurting the enemy one thousand and self-damaging eight hundred. I can afford it, and you want me to avoid it!"

"Do you think it is possible to split the territory here with this trick? I didn't say you couldn't split it, but I will definitely not give you any chance!"

Lin Fan's words aroused the resonance of Yama of the Ten Temples!
This operation by Lin Fan really made all the Yan Luos in the Ten Halls of Yamas recognize Lin Fan.

To guard with their own lives, this is their last oath, that is, their final mission has also been accomplished!
They used their lives to maintain Diguan, although they all turned into souls and left Diguan, but they also want to return to that place, at least now there are successors!
"Crazy, everyone is crazy, get out!" The Demon Emperor was furious!
Lin Fan was stunned back by this terrifying move, but the Yama of the Ten Temples in his hand came out of Lin Fan's hand, went into the air, and once again suppressed it towards the Demon Emperor.

These Yamas are not vegetarians.

It is impossible for him to let the Demon Emperor have any chance to escape, they have already calculated everything!
Even if he uses the soul blade to break through the space here, there is not much possibility.


Yan Luo's power was terrifying, directly piercing the soul of the Demon Emperor.

Although his soul is constantly merging again and again, constantly changing back to its original appearance!

But in fact, it was already riddled with holes, and the aura of the soul was gradually weakening.

"Boy, you did a good job. It is because of your desperation that you gave us a chance to hit him hard!"

King Yama's words were very simple, when Lin Fan picked up Yama of the Ten Temples.

The scars on his body have basically recovered, and he doesn't know why, but his soul can heal by itself!
Although the soul does have a certain ability to recover slowly, but like Lin Fan, it is a bit too exaggerated!

Lin Fan's ability to restore soul life is much stronger than that of ordinary people, basically hundreds or thousands of times that of ordinary people.

Under normal circumstances, those whose souls are injured need to be warmed up slowly, and they all need to have powerful attachments to start constantly nourishing!

Only then would it be possible to return to the original state, but Lin Fan was hardly injured if he was like this.

"Come on, the next battle is between us, your soul and body are already riddled with holes, and next, it's time for me to ravage you!"

Lin Fan said, slowly looking at the Demon Emperor!
The Heavenly Demon Emperor looked at Lin Fan, who was not injured at all, in disbelief, and couldn't believe his eyes at all.

Even Yan Luowang and others among the Ten Temples of Yama couldn't believe it, this guy is really a freak.

"How could you bear it, my knife was actually in the middle of my knife, nothing happened at all, how is this possible, you boy!"

The Heavenly Demon Emperor narrowed his eyes, he wanted to see through Lin Fan, but in fact, when his Heavenly Demon Eye fell on Lin Fan, he saw countless seals.

None of the seals were opened.

This is the true secret of Lin Fan's soul. Every time a seal is opened, Lin Fan's soul power will become stronger!
But at this moment, the Heavenly Demon Emperor was in a daze. He had never encountered such a thing before. He was originally just a Heavenly Demon General, but he did not expect to come here by chance and absorbed so many souls to become the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

"No matter what, I have to leave here today. I must not bring shame to our demon clan!"

The Heavenly Demon Emperor also knew that he couldn't consume any more, he wanted to burn all his souls and condense the flames of his souls!

Cut a path from here, only if he goes outside can he survive!

If you continue in this field, even a little bit of soul will not be able to survive.

Then all his forbearance for so many years will come to an end, and all the things planned for so many years will be wiped out. This is not what he wants to see.

"I don't have this chance anymore. I will do what I say. Even if you use the flame in your hand to slash me on my body again, I won't be afraid. At worst, you will hurt the enemy by a thousand, and you will hurt yourself by eight hundred. I will follow you slowly." consumption!"

Lin Fan's words were very simple, and he lay directly in front of him holding the Ten Temple Yama!

The two forces began to spread continuously, and at this moment, the Heavenly Demon Emperor really didn't care that much.

His own soul power, as well as this powerful soul fire, erupted to an extreme strength, he knew that he had to leave here, only by leaving here could he really find a way out!
Therefore, he had to dismiss Lin Fan, had to confuse Lin Fan, but Lin Fan directly abandoned the Ten Temples of Yama in his hands!
Let Shidian Yanluo stare at the Heavenly Demon Emperor from all directions, and don't give him any chance!
Standing here as a simple person, the soul in my body exploded directly!

"Unity of spirit and body!"

Lin Fan let out a rage, and continuously fused his soul with his body!
Only in this way can one's strength reach its peak.

Obviously, now Lin Fan wants to use his own strength to contend with the Demon Emperor.

Because he knew that Yan Luo in the Tenth Palace would watch the surrounding area, and he absolutely couldn't let the Heavenly Demon Emperor have any chance to leave here.

Then, all the important responsibilities fell on Lin Fan.

It was very difficult for Lin Fan to confront him with his own fists and body.

It's not that simple, but Lin Fan has the corresponding determination!
He knew that defeating this guy was just the beginning, his own strength would never be restrained, and he had to do this step.

As he said that, Lin Fan rushed directly from here, relying on his physical body and his own strength, he had no choice but to face the Heavenly Demon Emperor head-on!
(End of this chapter)

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