The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 1098 It's Not That Simple

Chapter 1098 It's Not That Simple

"Master, leave this kind of thing to us, you don't need to do it yourself, let's see how I wiped them out!"

Suddenly, a person appeared directly behind Lin Fan. This person was none other than the shadow from before.

Because the power of the shadow is completely integrated with the Three Realms, it has an absolute connection with his prehistoric world!

"Hou Yi pays homage to the Lord, this kind of power should be handed over to us to help the ancients. We have to do it ourselves. Our witch clan and monster clan were born only after you were resurrected, the Lord. This is also the time for us to make meritorious deeds! "

Houyi's words were very simple, not only that, Lin Fan also saw the emperor from the side!

I also saw some other ancestors of liches, and Zhu Rong, the god of water and god of fire. These powers are not simple, and their strength is very terrifying.

"The lich clan pays homage to the lord, thank you lord for giving us the prehistoric power, so that we will no longer kill each other. The prehistoric power of the lord is already very powerful, and can directly instill huge power in us!"

The two people's words were also very simple, and what they said was true, if Lin Fan hadn't provided the powerful prehistoric power!
I'm afraid they will have to commit suicide when they meet now, because the forces in this world are different, they must survive!

But it's different now, they have so much energy, why bother to kill each other!

Being able to coexist peacefully and protect the world together is the most important thing.

"It seems that you have all grown up, let me see your strength!"

Lin Fan said lightly.

The next moment, the powerful force in his hands began to lift up continuously!

Layer after layer of cabinets were built here, and he didn't want the lower realm to be damaged, so he could only set up obstacles here.

"Leave all those guys in the sky to me. I'll shoot them down through one eye, and you'll execute him directly. As for the others, you'll deal with them individually!"

Sure enough, these people are not very powerful, and those who meet the saint level will basically be obliterated!

Just like Nezha and Yinsha next to him, this Dungeon Beast and Mantis are nothing to worry about!

The opponent was directly eliminated in two rounds, but the number of these extraterritorial demons was very large.

To be honest, it is really not that simple to deal with them, but their strength is also limited, so let them have an endless future.

Lin Fan could feel that these demons still had certain souls. After breaking open their souls, they directly instilled them into the core of the prehistoric world, making the entire prehistoric world even stronger.

Others don't know how to use their power, but it's really not difficult for Lin Fan, because he has a powerful Tunshu in his body!

The power of the Eight Strange Books is not built, the power of swallowing books is also very powerful and terrifying, which needs to slowly deprive the soul inside it!

Just absorb it into your own body, and then transform into the prehistoric world, and Lin Fan doesn't leave any magazines behind, these things let the power of the prehistoric to slowly transform!
Because this is the best way, he really doesn't have to think so much about other things!

At this moment, Lin Fan was also smiling at the corner of his mouth, so he didn't even need to think about it.

"I don't worry if they are here. If there are more, let's take a look here. If there is something wrong with one side, we will go directly to support. I think this is just the first step, and it's just a test!"

Lin Fan said lightly.

Nuwa and Ziyan next to them, when they heard this sentence, they also nodded!

This is indeed the case, it is really not as simple as it seems on the surface!
Indeed, if this kind of thing is not well controlled, there will inevitably be some problems, let these people try the water, these strong fighters will not do it!

Moreover, Lin Fan took out a bead from his body at this moment, and the bead contained a terrifying devouring power.

Lin Fan released this devouring power to the surroundings, these demons who had just been killed, and their souls!

Instead of being taken back, it was continuously absorbed by Lin Fan, directly forming a huge envelope here.

"It's no wonder that these demons will come down again and again endlessly. It's because these souls also have power to take them back!"

"After taking it back, you can create another demon to come down. For me, it is impossible for them to leave me!"

Nu Wa also felt strange, but now it seems that they may suffer a loss!
Because, if these demons can't absorb the soul, their number will be limited, and it will only become less and less, and in the end, they will basically die!
There is no other situation at all, all of this is due to Lin Fan's strength.

How terrifying Lin Fan's power is, it is beyond the control of ordinary people, and it is beyond his imagination.

The barrier formed by Lin Fan can directly prevent the soul power from leaving. In this way, the power of their prehistoric world will become stronger and stronger!
After Lin Fan absorbed these souls, he completely transferred to the prehistoric world, and continued to absorb these creatures in the prehistoric world!

Continuous improvement, let them improve their own strength, this is the most important point.

"Come on, the more they come, the happier I absorb it. The devouring power in my hand is beyond their control!"

"Husband, my Nine Serenity Power used to have the ability to swallow, but this kind of power is not very good for your body. If you continue to swallow it, there may be a lot of impurities in your body!"

Ziyan reminded, of course he knows that the power of devouring has an absolute disadvantage, even if it is the soul.

Moreover, all these powers have to be filtered from Lin Fan's body.

He was afraid that Lin Fan's body would not be able to support it at all. If the accumulation of such impurities would affect Lin Fan's cultivation and even his future development, he was also very worried.

"Fool, how could I not know about this kind of thing, don't worry, for me, there is no way for me to keep this kind of magazine in my body!"

"I will completely pile it up in the prehistoric world!"

"In the ancient battlefield, isn't there a lot of impurities in such a powerful aura?"

"At that time, I will pile up all the impurities in the ancient battlefield, and let these people practice and hone themselves!"

Lin Fan said, this is also definitely beneficial to them.

Let them go to the ancient battlefield to overcome this difficulty. This is the most important thing to use the power of these impurities to fuse into the aura!

Making it difficult for them to move an inch in the ancient battlefield is also a key to indirectly and directly reflecting their own strength!
This is the most important thing. Lin Fan can make full use of the power here. It has to be said that it is very powerful. Others must admire it when they see it and give them a thumbs up.

"Hehehe, there is another wave of ice balls. The power of the ice and the power of the flames want to directly break through the defense here. How could it be possible to give you such a chance?"

"I'll kill as many as they come. In front of me, there are no signs!"

As he said that, Lin Fan's terrifying vitality began to spread continuously!

(End of this chapter)

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