The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 1101 It's Just a Little Trick

Chapter 1101 It's Just a Little Trick

"Theoretically speaking, it shouldn't be a problem, Suzaku has the power of a phoenix, and it has the fire of immortality!

"It can be reborn from ashes, and Xuanwu's defense is so strong, it is basically impossible to kill Xuanwu!"

The reason why Qinglong and Baihu were not allowed to go up was because Qinglong's power was powerfully restraining, and his own explosive power was also very strong!

Not to mention the white tiger, the attack power of the white tiger is the strongest among the four spirit beasts!

The combat power of Qinglong and Baihu is also very terrifying, and they have reached an extreme level, they can explode twice or even triple their strength.

"Thousand eyes clutch broken!"

Suzaku felt her own power, and it didn't last much at first, as if after being seen by this kind of eyes, she was completely fixed in the space!

His body began to disintegrate little by little, so that he couldn't believe himself, the flames in his body were also shattered!
The vitality of life began to dissipate gradually, why did it become like this, how powerful is this guy, even the strongest of the peak saints like them.

It will also be fragmented in an instant. It is conceivable that when this guy descends on the entire Three Realms, how many people in the Three Realms can support it?


"It doesn't matter, if this continues, it will be very difficult for me to use my own power to perform the fire of desire and rebirth. At that time, my life will be in danger. I will go back and talk to the Lord first!"

At this moment, Suzaku directly performed the technique of rebirth from the ashes!
All the flames began to wrap around his body continuously.

The next moment, Suzaku turned into a shell, no matter how scattered he was, it was just a shell!

And his soul began to transfer gradually, as if it was an existence across the void, and came directly to another land of flames, here is the Four Holy Artifacts in Lin Fan's hands!

"Master, it's not good. There is a very scary thing on it, called the Eye of Sleep. I can feel that he can control the space there and tear my body to pieces. It is very difficult to escape!"

Suzaku's aura is very weak, don't need to think about it, he also knows that rebirth from the ashes will consume the strength in his body, and it will take a long time to recover!
"This is a fragment of life. You can absorb the fragment of life first before talking about other things. Xuanwu is still on it, right? I will personally save him and kill this thing by the way!"

"My lord, you must be careful. His control over that space is very weird. Don't look into his eyes. After looking at each other, I feel that I am in his space, as if the whole person has no chance to move! "

Lin Fan thought for a while, this kind of eye-level monster should belong to the power in the void!
As long as you get hit by their fists, it's as if you're in an illusion, or in other words, you're being imposed on their own space!

Breaking through this space is not as simple as imagined, and it is very easy for them to break this space!

It can make a person shattered inside, and in the end, he doesn't even feel the feeling of death!

But he didn't know that his body had already been scattered, and his soul was gradually being shattered.

"It turns out that you want to use this power of the void to withdraw all the souls of the demons below after death, and rebuild them again, but you will be disappointed!"

Lin Fan smiled, how could he give them such a chance?
This kind of thing in front of him is delusional, Lin Fan will never allow them to do this!

No matter how powerful his own strength is, he naturally understands that it is more than enough to deal with these guys.

"It's a bit too ridiculous to want to show your fists in front of me!"

Lin Fan came directly to mid-air in an instant, and looked at this guy coldly!
He could feel that Xuanwu was bound in an illusion. At this moment, Lin Fan didn't care about that much at all, and directly saw people with the body of his soul.

"Xuanwu, wake up!"

"Stop wandering in that world for me, come back!"

With this little trick and this environment, no matter how powerful your soul power is, as long as you fall into this trap!

You can take your soul to another illusion, but no matter what, this is just a trick, and it has no effect on Lin Fan!He could feel the sleeping eyes and wanted to control Xuanwu, but his arrival completely broke everything.

"It's the Lord!"

"I was wandering in his illusion just now. It's not that I'm unconscious. I've sealed off my own power a long time ago. I just wanted to tease him!"

"Although I know that I can't get out of this environment, I can guarantee that my soul will not be affected in any way!"

Xuanwu's words were very simple, and Lin Fan nodded after listening to it, so he can protect himself very well!

This is his own responsibility, Lin Fan was able to save him when he came here, it was because his own consciousness was not affected by any fluctuations or influences!

He has already completely sealed off his soul and consciousness, and only Lin Fan can wake him up!

Because Lin Fan is his master, there is a contract and soul signed between them!

"Interesting, I didn't expect a human soul to be so powerful. It's amazing. If I absorb your soul, what kind of realm will my own strength be raised to?"

The sleeping eyes slowly opened their own eyes, and slowly looked at Lin Fan!

As if seeing his own delicious food, Lin Fan's soul power is very powerful!

In the eyes of these monsters, human souls are always food, and it never thought about how humans would use these souls.

But Lin Fan is different, Lin Fan's soul has been tempered, and Lin Fan's soul is stronger than his body!

It's not something that others can leave as they want, so at this moment Lin Fan sees the sleeping eyes!
This greedy look is just a smile on the corner of the mouth, it is not sure who will devour who.

One's own body possesses terrifying devouring power, which cannot be controlled by ordinary people.

"Lin Fan, this guy's soul is different, this soul is very essence, he has refined it to the extreme!"

"Just kill it. His weak point is in his eyes. Of course, his strongest point is also in his eyes!"

The sudden words of the Lunzhuan King were also a reminder to Lin Fan, how could Lin Fan not know the mystery of this!

It doesn't matter to him, as long as he kills the guy in front of him, he just needs to get the soul of the guy in front of him!

No matter whether he absorbs it or puts it in the Ten Temples of Yama, this is a business that can make a profit without losing money, and this is also a very good situation.

(End of this chapter)

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