The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 1214 Kill All

Chapter 1214 Kill All
As soon as Zhao Lao made a move, he went all out.

The lion fought the rabbit with all its strength, not to mention, Mr. Zhao knew that Lin Fan was by no means simple, and he was able to kill two Golden Core stage monks outside the cave, which showed that Lin Fan was quite powerful.

Moreover, Lin Fan is very arrogant, and generally this kind of person is very strong, otherwise he would not have survived to this day.

Zhao Lao's dagger collided with Lin Fan's fist.

"What!" Elder Zhao was astonished, his dagger was actually split open in front of his eyes.


With only his physical body, Lin Fan smashed his weapon with one punch!

You must know that his weapon is not a simple weapon, but a superior magic weapon, and it also blesses his strong aura.

Even ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators may perish if they are stabbed by his knife!

However, Lin Fan actually destroyed his weapon with his bare hands!

How does this not surprise him!
After being hit by Lin Fan Xiaosheng, Mr. Zhao quickly retreated.

At this time, Zhao Kai and other three young monks joined forces to kill them.

It was a surprise attack!

But Lin Fan didn't care at all!

It's just a punch to kill him!


Two loud bangs!

Lin Fan's fists directly opened the chests of the two of them!


The crisp sound sounded!
This is the sound of Jindan shattering.

Then, Lin Fan saw that the bodies of the two Golden Core stage monks exploded on the spot, and the pain that hadn't come yet was sudden death!

Zhao Kai was lucky and was not hurt by Lin Fan. After seeing Lin Fan's strength, he backed away again and again with lingering fear, gulping air.

He had consumed a lot of spiritual energy just now, but now he wanted to replenish the spiritual energy in his body, but found that the spiritual energy in the surrounding space was actually frozen by Lin Fan, which made him terrified.

"It's dangerous, I almost died just now!"

He looked at Lin Fan with fear and fear!
This guy is scary!
"It's your turn!" Lin Fan suddenly turned around, smiled faintly, and looked at Zhao Kai.

This voice, like the scythe of death, instantly made Zhao Kai's heart tremble, as if he had fallen into a thousand-year ice cellar, trembling all over his body.

Under the shroud of death, Zhao Kai looked at Mr. Zhao, wanting to ask for help.

However, Mr. Zhao himself was in danger, so how could he spare any energy to save him!
Frightened, Lin Fan had already arrived in front of Zhao Kai.

Then he punched it away.

Zhao Kai didn't have any capital to resist, and his whole body exploded into a cloud of blood mist, and he couldn't die anymore.

As soon as he made a move, he instantly killed three Jindan stage monks.

It's a no-brainer.

Beside them, the four flirtatious female monks were already so frightened that their legs were weak at this moment, and they were trembling together, terrified.

"It's your turn!" Lin Fan stepped in front of Mr. Zhao.

It's still a punch!
No fancy moves!

Only power!Ultimate power!

"What a speed! What a terrifying power!" Mr. Zhao's pupils shrank sharply.

He finally knew how powerful Lin Fan was.

The strength gap between oneself and the opponent is too great.

Even if he tried his best and even burned his blood, he would never be able to injure the opponent, let alone kill him.

He has only one thought at this time!
next second.

Mr. Zhao didn't resist at all, and he didn't dodge at all, because there was no point in resisting or dodging.

He resolutely gave up his physical body.



I saw that Mr. Zhao's body exploded directly, turning into a cloud of blood mist.

"Senior, he doesn't want his body anymore, and his Nascent Soul was let away!" On the side, Hei Yao shouted.

"Huh?" Lin Fan was startled when he heard that.

To be honest, he had never seen a Nascent Soul leave the body before.

Being reminded by Hei Yao at this time, he knew that there was such a thing.

He thought that Mr. Zhao was killed by his own punch.

Unexpectedly, the other party was so cunning and cunning that he wanted to put him to death and survive.

"You want to escape under my nose? You don't have the strength yet!" Lin Fan chuckled.

Although Zhao Lao's Nascent Soul was extremely fast after leaving the body, more than ten times faster, but Lin Fan's speed was even faster.

"What!!!" Zhao Lao was dumbfounded.

Although he knew that Lin Fan's speed was very fast, he never expected that Lin Fan's speed was so fast.

In just a few breaths, Lin Fan caught up to him.

"Death!" Lin Fan chased after him, without any nonsense, the power of devouring emerged, directly sucking Lao Zhao's Nascent Soul.

Then devour it!
"That's right! Swallowing the Nascent Soul can provide me with a lot of spiritual energy." Lin Fan didn't expect that the effect of swallowing the Nascent Soul was several times stronger than that of swallowing Qi and blood.

Smiling satisfied, Lin Fan came back.

Then he saw Hei Yao handing some Qiankun rings to Lin Fan in front of Lin Fan.

"Senior, this is their Qiankun ring. I checked it, and there are some secret weapons and techniques in it." Hei Yao laughed.

"Keep it for yourself, these things are useless to me, I don't need them." Lin Fan waved his hand.

"Hey, that's right. From senior's point of view, you really don't need these." Hei Yao smiled and put it away by himself.

"Senior, how should we deal with them?" Hei Yao pointed at the four trembling female monks.

Hearing this, Lin Fan swept over.

At this time, the four female monks immediately knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Young master, spare your life!"

"I was also coerced by them, don't kill me!"

"If you don't mind, son, we can serve you!"

These female monks are coquettish, pulling off their clothes to reveal their fair skin, extremely charming.

Lin Fan glanced at it with extreme disgust.

He didn't believe that these people were all good people, they practiced seductiveness one by one, specially absorbing the essence of male monks, otherwise, with their aptitude, they would not be able to cultivate the golden core realm, and they must have sucked up the essence of many male monks. In order to reach the current state.

Immediately, Lin Fan waved away!

Several sword qi shot out!

Swish swish!
After killing these people, Lin Fan's eyes fell on a pool of Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Liquid.

Spiritual liquid is a good thing, let alone ten thousand years of spiritual liquid!
This is a rare treasure outside, not to mention this plane where aura is scarce, even if it is placed in the Three Realms, it is a rare existence.

"The Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Liquid that devoured this pool should be able to restore one-thousandth of my spiritual energy!" Lin Fan smiled, and then walked towards the Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Liquid step by step.

Narrator, upon seeing this, Hei Yao hurriedly chased after him.

"Senior, what are you going to do, senior!" Hei Yao stopped Lin Fan, "You don't think you want to devour these spiritual liquids in one go!"

"What? Is there a problem?" Lin Fan glanced at Hei Yao and said impatiently.

With Lin Fan staring at Hei Yao, he instantly felt shrouded in a chill.

He didn't dare to move, but finally he dared to say:

"Senior, I have no other intentions. I just want to remind you that if you swallow so much spiritual liquid in one breath, you will explode and die. You know, this pool is full of spiritual liquid for thousands of years!"

(End of this chapter)

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