The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 1219 Blocking the way

Chapter 1219 Blocking the way

Hong Ying and Hei Yao were surprised when they heard the words!

I have no idea what Heaven is!
Lin Fan smiled and immediately gave an explanation.

The so-called way of heaven is the will of a world!

The stronger the plane of a world, the stronger the will that he was born with.

For example, the world of martial arts and low martial arts also has the way of heaven!

However, the way of heaven in the world of low martial arts is too weak, only the most primitive will.

The so-called most primitive will is that the way of heaven only maintains the stability of this world, nothing more.

And the more powerful the plane of the world, the stronger the way of heaven, like the way of heaven in the three realms, already possessed its own thoughts, and even possessed the ability to transform into form, possessing the peak combat power of the world!

From the outside, he is no longer the way of heaven, but a real thoughtful existence.

Hearing this, both Hongying and Hei Yao showed deep disbelief in their eyes!


This is the first time they know this word!

It is also the first time to know the existence of the Dao of Heaven!

If other people said that, they would not believe it at all, but since it came from Lin Fan, they couldn't help but believe it.

"Master, you talk about the way of heaven in this world, what is his strength?" Hongying asked curiously.

Lin Fan thought for a while, then said lightly: "I don't know the exact strength, but he shouldn't be very strong, but in this world, he is the most peak existence! No one can beat him!"

Hearing the words, Hei Yao couldn't help asking: "No one is invincible? Senior, aren't you an opponent of Heaven?"

Lin Fan nodded and smiled: "For now, yes."

Obsidian was extremely surprised when he heard this.

Even senior Lin Fan is not an opponent? !
Is the way of heaven actually so powerful?
In fact, in terms of real strength, Tiandao doesn't have much combat power at all.

But after all, Tiandao can control the rules of a world, and even more control the aura of a world, which is incomparable to others.

It's like two people swimming in a competition, one is a normal person and the other is also a normal person, but he can control the structure of the water and instantly turn the water around you into ice cubes, the result is unquestionable!

This is the power to control the rules!

It can't be compared at all!
Unless you can also control the rules, you will have a lot of capital!

Although Lin Fan's current realm has not yet recovered, he is not afraid at all if he is to face the heavenly way of this world.

Without him, although Tiandao can control the rules of this world, it still can't hurt himself!
After all, he has already refined the Sun God Body now!
The strength of the physical body is incomparable! ! !

Lin Fan thought to himself, even if he stood in place and let Tiandao's endless attacks, he would not be able to hurt himself even a single bit!
This is where Lin Fan's confidence lies!
"Let's go, these people should be guided by the Heavenly Dao, I would like to see what the Heavenly Dao wants to do! Hehe, it's interesting." Lin Fan smiled.

Instruct Obsidian to move on!

at this time.

A figure flew over quickly, blocking Lin Fan's way.

Lin Fan raised his head slightly and swept away lightly.

In the eyes, it is an old monk riding a crane!

The strength is not bad, the early stage of transformation!
Behind the old man riding a crane, there are two middle-aged monks.

One male and one female.

They are all the cultivation bases of Jindan late stage!
"Little friend! Old man Gu Yuan! Dare to ask your name?" The old man looked at Lin Fan with a smile.

He could tell that although Hongying behind him had the strength of Jindan, Lin Fan seemed to be just a cultivator in the realm of body refining, but he was the person in charge.

Without him, because Lin Fan's aura is only possessed by those who have been in high positions for a long time, it cannot be pretended!

In Gu Yuan's view, Lin Fan should be the prince of the dragon clan, or something like the prince of the dragon clan.

Otherwise, given his level, how could he possess dragonriders?

Therefore, Gu Yuan did not despise Lin Fan, but gave Lin Fan a certain amount of respect!

However, he didn't expect that Lin Fan just glanced at him, and then replied a word lightly.

What annoys Lin Fan the most is people who stand in his way for no reason!
Especially the way the old man looked at him, although he didn't look down on him in the slightest, his superior aura made Lin Fan very unhappy.

Apparently, the old man didn't look down on Lin Fan on the surface, but he had already shown it in his heart!
If it weren't for the fact that the old man was still polite, Lin Fan's violent temper would have already taught him a lesson.

When Gu Yuan heard this, his face suddenly changed and became a little gloomy.

However, Gu Yuan is worthy of being an old fox who has lived a long time, he did not get angry.

It was the two middle-aged monks behind him who were immediately angry!

"Boy, what are you? Don't be ashamed, what is my master's status, can you insult me?" the male monk shouted.

"Boy, hurry up and apologize. If it wasn't for my good-natured master, you would be a corpse now just based on what you said just now!" The female monk also scolded immediately.

Behind him, Hongying couldn't see past.

A red-tasseled God of War gun appeared in his hand!

She was about to teach these two guys who insulted her master a lesson.

Seeing this, Lin Fan waved his hands: "It's just two barking dogs, there's no need to be familiar with them."

"You..." When the two heard this, their faces turned red.

The two wanted to refute, but Gu Yuan gave him a blank look, and immediately dared not say anything more.

Bai Yuan looked at Lin Fan and said apologetically, "Little friend, I apologized to you on behalf of my two traitors. They were also angry for a while. Please forgive me."

After a pause, Gu Yuan smiled and said, "Why are you so angry? This old man has no other intentions. I just want to make friends with you, that's all!"

Lin Fan took a look at Gu Yuan, and the corner of his mouth twitched into a sneer: "Really? Do you really want to make friends with me, or do you have ideas about my dragon ride?"

Lin Fan could tell that the old man's eyes scanned Hei Yao's body several times in just this moment.

Although it was well concealed, it still couldn't escape Lin Fan's eyes.

Obviously, the other party has some ideas about his dragon ride!
When Gu Yuan heard this, his face changed slightly.

But soon, Gu Yuan still said: "Little friend, it's like this, to tell you the truth, I have indeed taken a fancy to your dragon ride."

When Lin Fan heard this, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "So, you are going to take my dragon ride?"

Hongying also looked at Gu Yuan with contempt.

She was naive, originally thought that Gu Yuan was an upright gentleman, but she didn't expect that in the end, she turned out to be this kind of person!
This kind of hypocrite makes Hongying sick even more than a real villain!

When Gu Yuan heard this, his eyes became sharp.

"Little friend, I, Gu Yuan, am not the kind of person who bullies others. You are too serious!" Gu Yuan said: "The old man just wants to use my divine crane to exchange dragon rides with my friend. How about doing a business like this?"

"Hehehe." Lin Fan was really amused when he heard this.

"I said old man, how dare you call yourself a divine crane even with your broken crane? Are you brazenly saying that you want to change my dragon ride?" Lin Fan sneered, "Old man, you really are shameless!"

(End of this chapter)

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