The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 1221 Necessary

Chapter 1221 Necessary

Hearing this, Gu Yuan squeezed out a smile on his face: "Little friend, you must have practiced some kind of secret technique to hide the aura on your body, and mislead others to think that you are just a cultivator in the body cultivation realm, right?"

To be honest, he also knows some secrets of this kind of secret method to hide the spiritual energy that escapes from his body.

However, to be honest, this was the first time he had seen such a secret method that could perfectly hide the aura in Lin Fan's body.

When Lin Fan heard this, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Stop talking nonsense, do it, or you will die later, don't blame me for not giving you a chance to make a move."

When Gu Yuan heard this, his face sank again.

Just because he didn't do anything, didn't mean he was afraid of Lin Fan.

Rather, he felt that there was no need to fight to the death between monks in the transformation stage!

You must know that people who have cultivated to this level are unique in a million. Everyone has gone through hardships, and they should cherish their lives. There is really no need to kill them!
And he even gave Lin Fan a step down, you know, Lin Fan's apprentice killed one of his apprentices!

In this case, both sides should make a concession.

However, he never expected that Lin Fan would be so closed-eyed!
Even, want to fight him to the death?

"Little friend, don't be shameless! I, Gu Yuan, don't want to fight with you, but it doesn't mean that I'm afraid of you! You should also know what the consequences of the duel between monks in the transformation stage will be!" Gu Yuan shouted.

Hearing this, Lin Fan sneered, "Oh, I'm curious, what's the consequence!"

After all, Lin Fan stopped talking nonsense.

Facing Gu Yuan's direction, he shook both hands directly!
Immediately, a huge amount of spiritual energy condensed directly, turning into a huge fist of spiritual energy, and smashed fiercely at Gu Yuan's head!

"Good boy, you forced me! Hmph!" Seeing that Lin Fan actually made a move, Gu Yuan was also a little angry!

It's unbearable!
Lin Fan was simply too deceitful!

This made Gu Yuan unable to control Sanqi 21 anymore!
After all, Lin Fan has already made a move, if he doesn't do it, he can't be kind!

Think here!

A whisk appeared in Gu Yuan's hand!
"Go!" Gu Yuan shouted loudly!
Suddenly, a lot of spiritual energy gathered around Fuchen!
With a light wave, these auras formed a gossip aura barrier!
It easily blocked Lin Fan's aura fist!
"It's interesting!" Lin Fan was a little surprised to see that his attack was easily blocked by Gu Yuan!

After all, this move of his contained considerable power, even if ordinary cultivators at the transformation stage could block it, they couldn't do it as easily as Gu Yuan!
This made Lin Fan involuntarily become interested in Gu Yuan!
It seems that the other party has a certain opportunity!

The gossip aura barrier shown just now is no ordinary secret method!

It's not like the secret method that this plane should have, because the strength of this secret method has reached the level of the three planes!
Lin Fan guessed that it should be the secret method that Gu Yuan obtained in this secret realm!

"Hmph!" Gu Yuan snorted coldly: "My little friend's strength is indeed good, but it's not that easy to defeat this old man!"

While speaking, Gu Yuan took the initiative to attack.

Gu Yuan generally doesn't make moves easily, but once he does, it's a killer move!
The kind that never dies!
His creed in life is not to leave a retreat for the enemy!
"Boy, I didn't want to do anything before, but you forced me to do it. Now even if you beg for mercy, I won't let it go! If you want to blame, you are stupid!" Gu Yuan's eyes flashed with astonishment murderous look!
Immediately, his figure turned into three afterimages on the spot!

Each afterimage has exactly the same aura and cultivation level, which makes it hard to see which one is the real body!

"Three cleans in one breath?" Seeing this, Lin Fan was also a little surprised!

Isn't this the practice of the Three Purities of the Three Realms?

"Huh? You know?" Gu Yuan was as shocked as Lin Fan when he heard this.

You know, he is the secret technique he obtained in this secret realm!

This is the first time he has performed such a secret technique!

Unexpectedly, Lin Fan saw it at a glance!

"Of course I know, but you are a pirated copy, which is far worse than the real one!" Lin Fan sneered.

"Piracy? Hehe, who wouldn't say big things? If you have the ability to see my real body, otherwise you will die!" Gu Yuan sneered.

At the same time, the three afterimages were divided into three sides, completely surrounding Lin Fan!

Terrifying aura condensed from each afterimage, and with the fly whisk, they ran towards Lin Fan in the air!

"Hehe, can't you tell? I saw your real body at a glance!" Lin Fan smiled.

These three afterimages are almost exactly the same, if it were someone else, they wouldn't be able to see the flaws in them!

But Lin Fan saw the clue at a glance!
Lin Fan suddenly turned around and looked at the afterimage on the left!
Seeing this, Gu Yuan was a little panicked!

"Impossible? How did he see it!" Gu Yuan was shocked and very puzzled.

"Hmph, he must have guessed, and wants to see my reaction! Hehe, how can I be so easy to get on the order!" Thinking of this, Gu Yuan calmed down!

Not to mention the stage of transforming spirits, even the great powers of the Void Refining Realm will never be able to see the real body in it!
This is also the power of this secret technique!
If he didn't believe it, he could see the flaws in it based on Lin Fan's strength!
He firmly believed that Lin Fan must be a temptation!

Therefore, he did not dodge at all!

However, he didn't know that when he used this trick, Lin Fan had already seen the clues!

Although this afterimage looks exactly the same as the other two afterimages, there is one thing that cannot be fooled, and that is the soul!
The soul of this afterimage is slightly different from the other two afterimages!
This is also the flaw of the one-qi transformation and three-purity!
"Break!" Immediately, Lin Fan punched it directly!
Just hear the bang!
Immediately, the two afterimages around him turned into nothingness!

And the afterimage hit by Lin Fan's punch was Gu Yuan's body!

At this moment, Gu Yuan was hit in the chest by Lin Fan's punch!

Then I saw that Gu Yuan spit out blood from his mouth!

Just one punch!
Gu Yuan was hit hard!

"Hmph! Kid, you're lucky!" Gu Yuan gulped it down, and the aura around him poured into his mouth crazily, continuously being used to heal his injuries!

This is also the power of the god transformation period!
Use the aura between heaven and earth to quickly recover from your injuries!

"Hehe, do you really think I'm guessing?" Lin Fan's mouth twitched with sarcasm.

"Isn't it?" Gu Yuan almost roared angrily!
In the next second, Yiqihuasanqing was cast again!

Swish swish!
The three afterimages were formed almost instantly!

The momentum is more than three times stronger than before!
"Death to me!"

Three afterimages shot at the same time and ran over to Lin Fan again!
This time, Gu Yuan became crazy!
He actually attacked Lin Fan at the cost of burning his own blood!

(End of this chapter)

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