The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 1238 Unexpected Gains

Chapter 1238 Unexpected Gains

"Well, my strange fire has not yet been fused into a great fire technique, hey, it's really hateful."

Emperor Yan sighed, shook his head and sighed.

He has already fused nine kinds of different fires, and he has not practiced the last supreme flame.

The Supreme Flame was in the Endless Fire Field, but he searched for it for a long time, but couldn't find it.

In an instant, Emperor Yan stood up, and suddenly felt that the surroundings were shrouded in terrifying killing.


Emperor Yan looked coldly at the entrance of Emperor Yan's Hall, and saw several figures appearing in Emperor Yan's Hall.

The cultivation of each figure is at the peak of the emperor level.

Above the peak of the emperor level is the master, above the master is the great master, and above the great master is the supreme.

Seeing several emperor-level powerhouses appearing in Emperor Yan Palace, Emperor Yan, who was dressed in a fire robe, smiled faintly, "I don't know why you are here?"

Emperor Yan saw that these emperor-level powerhouses were all masters of the soul clan.

Back then, when he sealed the soul emperor of the soul clan, could it be that these people came to snatch the soul emperor?
Thinking of this, Emperor Yan smiled lightly, just a few emperor-level powerhouses, just want to snatch the soul emperor?

"Hmph, Emperor Yan, you sealed the Soul Emperor back then, and I came here today to kill you and rescue the Soul Emperor."

"That's right, Emperor Yan, although your strange fire is very powerful, it's a pity that we want to kill you easily."

"Hurry up and release the Soul Emperor, otherwise, this endless fire domain of yours will turn into an endless hell."

Several emperor-level soul clan powerhouses looked at Emperor Yan coldly.

They knew that Emperor Yan was a strong man in the dominance realm.

However, once several of their emperor-level powerhouses join forces, let alone the powerhouses of the dominator realm, the powerhouses of the great dominance realm will have to kneel down and beg for mercy.

This is also the reason why several emperor-level powerhouses dare to come to the endless fire domain.

I saw a few emperor-level powerhouses slamming and besieging them.

Everyone held the magic weapon of the soul clan, and the hands of Emperor Yan suddenly burst into endless fire.

Boom boom boom!
Emperor Yan is a strong man in control of the strange fire, and this group of strange fire burst out, causing the earth to crack immediately, and the entire Yandi Palace seemed to be destroyed.

In an instant, the magic weapons of the soul clan of several emperor-level powerhouses directly swallowed Emperor Yan's strange fire.

Emperor Yan's expression suddenly changed. He didn't expect the magic weapon of the soul clan to swallow his strange fire?

He suddenly discovered that these emperor-level masters were probably even more powerful than the Soul Emperor.

Back then, he used all his strength to seal the Soul Emperor.

Looking at it now, the strength of these soul clan emperor-level powerhouses is quite terrifying.

After all, Emperor Yan's Endless Flame can also be regarded as the master of the world.

"Emperor Yan, these strange fires of yours can't hurt us at all!"

One of the soul clan emperor-level powerhouse snorted coldly.

With the magic weapon of the soul clan, Emperor Yan's strange fire is not worth mentioning at all.

It turned out that this magic weapon of the soul clan was obtained by these strong soul clansmen from another great world.

They refined a special magic weapon to restrain different fires, and this time, it was also specifically to deal with Emperor Yan.

Seeing Emperor Yan's surprised expression, those strong soul clansmen all laughed out loud proudly, and they looked at Emperor Yan coldly, just like looking at ants.


The entire Yandi Palace disappeared instantly as if it was crushed by these soul clan magic weapons.

Even the flames with a radius of thousands of miles were swallowed by the magic weapon of the soul clan and became barren.

At this time, the entire Endless Fire Territory is being crushed like never before.

"You dare."

Seeing his many years of painstaking efforts being shattered by the magic weapon of these strong soul clan, how could Emperor Yan swallow this breath?
In an instant, Emperor Yan shouted violently, and a terrifying strange fire formed around him.

He forcibly fused nine kinds of different fires to form an extremely terrifying strange fire.

This is no longer a simple strange fire, but the embryonic form of the Great Fire Art.

Because Emperor Yan hadn't fused the ten different fires, his great flame technique was not yet perfect.

Even so, it still shocked these emperor-level powerhouses of the soul race.

"What a strong strange fire."

"I didn't expect Emperor Yan's strange fire to soar."

"Is this our negligence?"

In an instant, several strong soul clansmen all looked at Emperor Yan, they shouted violently, and threw the magic weapon of the soul clan into the void.

In an instant, the magic weapon of the soul clan formed a terrifying array.


In the magic circle, the soul energy was raging, and the entire sky was dark, as if it had been destroyed.

Emperor Yan snorted coldly, he didn't understand why these emperor-level powerhouses of the soul clan who came suddenly were so powerful.

Even the Soul Emperor, the leader of the Soul Race back then, could not be so powerful.

For a moment, Emperor Yan's mind was full of thoughts, and several thoughts flashed through.

"We must not allow these emperor-level powerhouses of the soul clan to rescue the soul emperor, otherwise, the entire fire domain will be destroyed."

A thought flashed in Emperor Yan's mind, he yelled violently, forming endless flames with his hands, as if devouring the sky and devouring the earth, he rushed towards several emperor-level powerhouses of the soul clan.

"Small tricks, do you dare to be presumptuous?"

The magic weapons of the soul clan of several strong soul clan experts formed a magic circle in an instant, directly blocking Yandi's strange fire.

Emperor Yan was directly frightened and his expression changed suddenly.

He saw these strange fires being swallowed by the magic circle, and instantly shattered into a pile of powder.

This directly stunned Emperor Yan.

Could it be that his strange fire couldn't be resisted at all?

These emperor-level powerhouses of the soul clan don't seem to be real soul clans, they seem to be extraterritorial soul clans.

Thinking of the soul race outside the territory, Emperor Yan raised his heart nervously again.

The extraterritorial soul race is more terrifying and powerful than the soul race.

It's no wonder that these emperor-level powerhouses of the soul clan were able to crush themselves.

Immediately, I saw those emperor-level powerhouses sneer and said:

"Emperor Yan, you have already lost. If you continue to be stubborn, don't blame us for being cruel."

Several emperor-level powerhouses snorted coldly, not paying attention to Emperor Yan at all.

Boom boom boom!
Emperor Yan shouted violently, and the strange fire in his hand burst out instantly.

This strange fire raged violently, and directly swallowed the emperor-level master of the soul clan who was the first to bear the brunt.


The emperor-level soul master let out a miserable cry, and suddenly felt as if his whole body was being torn apart by flames.

He struggled directly on the ground a few times and remained motionless.

Emperor Yan gasped for breath, and the rest of the strong soul clan were stunned.

At this time, a figure was also looking at this place, and this figure was Lin Fan.

Lin Fan came outside the Yandi Hall in the Endless Fire Territory, and instantly saw the battle between Yandi and several soul clan emperor-level powerhouses.

Lin Fan could see that these emperor-level powerhouses of the soul clan were even more powerful than Emperor Yan.

And Emperor Yan's strange fire only burned an emperor-level powerhouse to death.

However, he also committed public anger because of this. Will those strong soul clan let Emperor Yan go?
Lin Fan didn't think about it for too long. When he saw Emperor Yan, he suddenly heard a system prompt.

"Ding, I found the Supreme Flame."

The Supreme Flame is the most terrifying of the Ten Great Flames. The so-called Supreme Flame can burn even the strongest in the Supreme Realm to powder.

Lin Fan instantly heard the Supreme Flame prompted by the system, he smiled slightly, put the Supreme Flame into the other different fires, and instantly fused them.

This supreme strange fire has been found, that is to say, there is still a kind of strange fire left in Lin Fan's body that has not been found.

As long as he finds the last strange fire, he will be able to fuse with the Great Flame Technique.

Lin Fan believed that the last strange fire must be in Yandi Palace.

Although Yandi Palace was shattered by the strong soul clan and Yandi.

Why was Lin Fan able to find the Supreme Flame, but Emperor Yan couldn't?
This is because Emperor Yan didn't know that Supreme Yan was in Emperor Yan's palace.

There are some things that you desperately want to find, but just can't find.

However, if you don't look for it, it will suddenly appear in front of you.

The same is true for the Supreme Flame. Lin Fan just watched the duel between Emperor Yan and the strong soul clan, but he discovered the Supreme Flame by accident.

(End of this chapter)

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