Chapter 1241 One move in seconds
"Senior, this is where the Soul Emperor is imprisoned."

After about an hour, Emperor Yan told Lin Fan what he knew, and the two came under a towering volcano together.


The volcano plunged straight into Xiaohan, and the surrounding area was filled with thunder and lightning, and the flames soared into the sky. Rolling magma spewed out from the crater, forming a sea of ​​flames at the foot of the volcano.

Not to mention the emperor-level powerhouses of the soul clan, even Lin Fan felt that the magma was extremely hot.

He strode over, and a thought flashed in his mind, this Emperor Yan is ruthless.

Immediately, Lin Fan and Emperor Yan entered the crater together, passed through a teleportation array, and came to the interior of the volcano.

Inside the volcano is the core of the world.

In order to prevent the Soul Emperor from escaping, Emperor Yan took great pains.

At this time, I saw a black-robed man locked in a large formation in the volcanic prison. He couldn't move, as if he was dead.

"Soul Emperor."

"What's the noise? Didn't you see me sleeping?"

Emperor Yan called out to Emperor Soul, but saw Emperor Soul opened his mouth and roared, and as soon as he finished speaking, he let out a snoring sound.

"Emperor Soul, several of your emperor-level powerhouses came to save you, but were killed by seniors."

"The emperor-level powerhouse of my soul clan was killed? Senior? Hmph, he doesn't look very big, Emperor Yan, are you fooling me?"

Seeing that Lin Fan was young, the Soul Emperor smiled.

What are you kidding?How many emperor-level powerhouses of his soul clan can this man kill?
Did you get it wrong?

Emperor Hun smiled coldly, he didn't take Emperor Yan's words seriously at all, he felt that Emperor Yan was deliberately provoking him.

"Hehe, I'll lie to you? They wanted to save you before, but the magic weapon of the soul clan they got from nowhere actually hurt me badly. Fortunately, senior came and saved my life."

Emperor Yan smiled coldly, which immediately surprised Emperor Hun. He struggled a few times and let out a terrifying growl.

He widened his eyes and glared at Lin Fan and Emperor Yan.

"Emperor Yan, you will not end well, boy, who are you?"

The Soul Emperor was furious, if he hadn't been sealed by the Yan Emperor, he would have already slapped him.

It is simply too hateful, to kill several emperor-level powerhouses of the soul clan, this is a slap in the face of him.

The Soul Emperor, who was already so angry, glared at the man, he had no idea who this man was.

"Emperor Hun, you will never know who this senior is, hmph, I will kill you today, and stop the Hun Clan's desire to save you."

Emperor Yan sneered, this Soul Emperor is already like a trapped beast, what else can he do?

Unexpectedly, Lin Fan walked up to Emperor Yan, and looked at the soul emperor with red eyes.

"Soul Emperor, I am Lin Fan."

"Lin Fan? Lin Fan? Alright, I, the Soul Emperor, will remember."

"Oh? But I'm curious about the magic weapon of the Soul Race, it should be taken from the Canglan Sect."


The Emperor Hun gritted his teeth angrily, he didn't expect Lin Fan to see something.

He was taken aback and approved of Lin Fan's judgment even more.

"Hehe, this time the emperor-level powerhouses of the Soul Race came to take you away because they obtained the magic weapon of the Canglan Sect."

In fact, Lin Fan didn't think of this, it was because Lin Fan learned something about this world, and then deduced it.

"What? No wonder I think these magic weapons of the soul clan are very unusual. They were originally obtained from the Canglan Sect. Hmph, they really took great pains to save you, Soul Emperor."

Emperor Yan turned pale with shock, if Lin Fan hadn't reminded him, he would never have thought of this.

Immediately, Emperor Yan looked at Emperor Hun, who was too ruthless.

"Haha, Emperor Yan, so what if you know? You're going to die anyway."

The Soul Emperor looked up to the sky and laughed, his laughter immediately made Lin Fan sneer.

Seeing Lin Fan's sneer, the Soul Emperor couldn't calm down anymore, his smile stopped abruptly, as if someone had cut his vocal cords.

"It seems that the Canglan Sect wants to attack the Fire Realm, the Fog Realm, and the Sword Realm, and those emperor-level powerhouses of the Soul Race hold the magic weapon of the Canglan Sect. They are just here to spy on the truth.

When Lin Fan said these words word by word, Emperor Hun broke out in a cold sweat.

The Soul Emperor suddenly felt that Lin Fan was terrifying, he knew everything?

So, who is it that leaked the news?

"You, how do you know?"

The Soul Emperor was taken aback, he looked at Lin Fan, and saw Lin Fan sneer again.

"Is there still a need to guess?" Lin Fan spread his hands, his face full of sarcasm.

His words immediately surprised the Soul Emperor, who did not expect Lin Fan to know everything, it was too terrifying.

He didn't like a master with top aptitude like Lin Fan. He yelled loudly and struggled in the prison. It was impossible to break the seal.

He yelled violently, but saw Lin Fan sneer coldly, which immediately made the Emperor Hun angry, and his whole body burst out with murderous intent.

"What? I saw through the scheme, and you became angry from embarrassment? Hehe, Soul Emperor, you are considered a strong soul clan, but you are so simple-minded."

Lin Fan gave Soul Emperor a cold look, and immediately made Soul Emperor feel bad, he felt that he was being tricked by Lin Fan.

"Lin Fan, I'm going to kill you."

The Soul Emperor yelled violently, and a mass of terrifying blades erupted from his body.

However, Emperor Yan stood directly in front of Lin Fan, and a flash of brilliance casually shattered the attack of Emperor Soul.

At the same time, it also broke off one of the Hun Emperor's arms.


The Soul Emperor opened his mouth to spurt blood, and he was completely hit. He was a majestic Soul Emperor, but was seriously injured by Yan Emperor, how could he resist?
Soul Emperor opened his mouth to spit out blood, he suddenly laughed ferociously, and glanced coldly at Emperor Yan and Lin Fan.

"Haha, Emperor Yan, you may not know. The Canglan Sect has already sent people, and soon the whole world will fall. Hmph, you never know, I, Soul Emperor, is an outer disciple of the Canglan Sect."

Emperor Hun looked up to the sky and laughed loudly. When he said this, Emperor Yan's expression suddenly changed, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

But Lin Fan snorted coldly, the Soul Emperor is in the Dominant Realm, and he is an outer disciple of the Canglan Sect, that is to say, all the disciples of the Canglan Sect are in the Dominant Realm?
Lin Fan was a little surprised, it seems that the great world is full of super masters.

"A lot of nonsense."

Lin Fan raised his hand and slapped the Emperor Hun on the face, causing the Emperor Hun, who was laughing up to the sky, to stop abruptly.

He stared at Lin Fan with wide eyes, his face full of anger.

"Lin Fan, you are really hateful. Today, I, Soul Emperor, will kill you."

The Soul Emperor killed Lin Fan in anger, and he must kill Lin Fan.

Lin Fan casually cast a big flame technique, like destroying the sky and destroying the earth, it directly enveloped the Soul Emperor.

For a moment, the Soul Emperor broke out in a cold sweat. He wanted to run away, but saw that the flames were too terrifying, and he was swallowed before he could dodge.

At this moment, I saw the Soul Emperor exhaling in pain, and felt a terrifying aura.

He had never felt terror or death, even when he was duel with Emperor Yan, but Lin Fan's great flame technique immediately made him restless and felt the pressure of death.

"You, do you know the great fire technique?"

The Soul Emperor finally saw it clearly, and Lin Fan cast the Great Flame Technique to trap himself.

In other words, his great fire technique crushed him in an instant.

Thinking of this, the Soul Emperor felt the terror of death.

That Emperor Yan looked at it with ease and joy.

Unexpectedly, Lin Fan's Great Flame Technique instantly devoured the Flame Soul Emperor.

A thought flashed through his mind, senior Lin Fan's Great Fire Art, probably no one in the whole world can learn it.

Immediately, Yandi saw that the Soul Emperor was instantly burned to powder in the engulfment of the Great Flame Technique.

In the beginning, Emperor Yan sealed the Soul Emperor because he really couldn't kill him.

Now, Lin Fan directly killed the Soul Emperor, which is simply too terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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