Chapter 1260

In an instant, I saw Yannong Mietian wave his hand, and a few powerful men from the Yannong Divine Palace walked over.

Lin Fan saw a person walking out first. He was burly and fierce, and he was the adopted son of Yannong Mietian from Yannong Shenfu.

Yannong imprisoned the sky.

Yannong Prisoner is one of the six adoptive sons of Yannong Mietian, known as the Six Great Protectors of Yannong Shenfu.

The cultivation bases of these six adopted sons are all powerful in the Great Supreme Realm.

I saw Lin Fan looking at Yan Nong Prisoner coldly, and that Yan Nong Prisoner instantly formed a destructive force, and rushed towards Lin Fan.


Yan Nong imprisoned the sky and smashed towards Lin Fan instantly.

Unexpectedly, Lin Fan didn't take Yan Nong Jiutian seriously at all, he sneered, and immediately made Yan Nong Jiutian feel Lin Fan's evil spirit.

Before coming to the Canglan Sect, Yan Nong Prison Tian knew that Lin Fan was a strong man in the Supreme Realm, but this strong man in the Supreme Realm killed Liu Shen, the strong man in the Supreme Realm, and also killed Yan Nong Mietian and Yan Nong Potian .

Now, when he saw Lin Fan striding over, he sneered and killed Lin Fan.

Yan Nong's Prisoner's Art of Prisoner was really terrifying. In an instant, it seemed to cover the entire sky, and then, he saw the offensive of the Prisoner's Art, smashing towards Lin Fan in an instant.

At this time, Lin Fan showed an indifferent smile, he looked at Yan Nong Prison Tian coldly, and as if lightning was too fast to cover his ears, he opened the Heavenly God Axe and killed him in an instant.

Boom boom boom.

The Heaven-Splitting Ax smashed towards Yan Nong Prison Tian like overwhelming mountains and seas.

That Yan Nong Tian suddenly felt that his um, Tian Jue was instantly shattered by the Heaven-Opening Divine Axe. At the same time, Yan Nong Tian felt the power of the Opening God's Axe, which immediately made him restless.


Yannong Prisontian opened his mouth to spurt blood, and opened the terrifying Reiatsu of the God Axe, which immediately made him feel the breath of death.

In an instant, Yan Nong Prison Tian was crushed by Kai Tian Shen's axe, and was instantly shattered into a pile of ashes.

At this time, seeing Yan Nong Prison Tian being killed, Yan Nong Mie Tian almost exploded his lungs.

"What a fast ax."

"With one axe, Yan Nong was killed."

A few of the most powerful experts in the Yannong Shenfu were all in a cold sweat.

They didn't expect that Lin Fan's strength was so strong that he killed Yan Nong Prison Tian in an instant.

Now, Yan Nong Prison Tian, ​​a powerful man in the Supreme Realm, was killed by a strong man in the Supreme Realm, which immediately made Yan Nong Mietian shout loudly, out of anger.

But the ancestor of the Canglan sect looked so relaxed and happy, and the disciples of the Canglan sect were all secretly happy.

This Lin Fankeqing is really powerful, killing Yan Nong and prison sky in an instant, he is really a monster.

At this time, Lin Fan smiled coldly and pointed at Yan Nong Mie Tian.

I only heard Lin Fan say indifferently: "Yannong destroys the sky, you come."

Before the sound fell, everyone was in an uproar.

Lin Fan's words stunned everyone present.

The disciples of the Canglan Sect, including the ancestor of the Canglan Sect, all looked at Lin Fan who was holding the Heavenly God Axe.

Lin Fan actually asked Yan Nong Mietian to come. Could it be that he could beat Yan Nong Mietian?
You know, Yannong Mietian is the palace master of Yannong Shenfu, an extremely powerful character.

Lin Fan's words immediately stunned the powerhouses of Yannong Shenfu.

Who would have thought that Lin Fan would dare not take Yannong Mietian seriously and let him come to a duel?
For a moment, the strong men in Yannong Shenfu thought that Lin Fan was crazy?
If Lin Fan wasn't crazy, he would never have dared to say these words.

He is just a strong man in the Supreme Realm, and Yan Nong Mietian is at least a strong man in the Great Supreme Realm.

It is easy for a strong person in the Supreme Realm to crush a strong person in the Supreme Realm. Yan Nong Mietian sneered, and he immediately felt that Lin Fan was seeking his own death.

"Lin Fan, an ant like you, dare to act wild in front of us? Hmph, who gave you the courage, you really don't know good from bad."

Yan Nong Mie Tian shouted loudly, looking at Lin Fan like an ant.

His words immediately made Lin Fan sneer, and he didn't take Yannong Mietian seriously.

I only heard Lin Fan sneer, "Yan Nong Mie Tian, ​​an ant like you, dare to act wild in front of me?"

Lin Fan's words were purely a rhetorical question to Yan Nong Mietian, which immediately made Yannong Mietian stay away, and he felt that he was underestimated by Lin Fan.

It seemed that if Lin Fan didn't show some flair, he wouldn't know who he was.

In an instant, Yannong Mietian waved his hand, and Yannong strode towards Lin Fan.

Yannong Zhentian is also the adopted son of Yannong Mietian, and Yannong Zhentian instantly forms a thunder and lightning force that resembles the sky and the earth.

He saw that Yannong Mietian wanted him to kill Lin Fan, so he immediately yelled and killed Lin Fan.

This Yannong's shocking lightning and thunder had reached the point of terror. He looked at Lin Fan coldly, but Lin Fan was also looking at him coldly.

"Hehe, Yan Nong is shaking the sky, is this your ability?"

Seeing Yan Nong Zhentian's wave of thunder and lightning, Lin Fan sneered, not paying attention to Yan Nong Zhentian.

All I saw was Yannong shouting violently, and the terrifying thunder and lightning came directly to kill Lin Fan in an instant.

Yan Nong Zhentian suddenly felt that it would be quite easy for him to kill Lin Fan.

He suddenly laughed out loud, showing a smug look.

Yan Nong Zhentian knew that although Lin Fan's strength was extremely powerful, he had killed many masters.

However, Yan Nong Zhentian will never be crushed by Lin Fan.

Thinking of this, Yan Nong shouted loudly, and his whole figure was like the sky and the earth.


Yan Nong Zhentian looked at Lin Fan coldly, his attack was as swift as lightning, killing him instantly.

Unexpectedly, Lin Fan sneered, and the ax that opened the sky like overwhelming mountains and seas came out quickly.

Boom boom boom.

The power of Lin Fan's Heaven-opening Ax directly shattered the earth.

Yan Nong Zhentian saw Lin Fan take out the axe, and swept away his previous arrogance and impulsiveness.

When Yan Nong Mietian saw Lin Fan take out the God Axe, his gaze shrank into a ball.

In an instant, several thoughts flashed through Yan Nong Mie Tian's heart.

"Hehe, this time, I will definitely be able to kill Lin Fan. By then, all the magic weapons and artifacts on Lin Fan will be mine."

This thought flashed in his mind, Yannong Mietian was quite excited and proud, his eyes revealed a look of greed.

He knew that if he wanted to kill Lin Fan, it would not be easy to rely on these adopted sons alone.

However, he just wanted to test whether these foster sons could listen to him.

Before, an adopted son told Cangya Kingdom about his plot, and for this reason, Wuji Shrine was also attracted.

Now, he wants to take this opportunity to find out this rebellious adopted son.

Thinking of this, Yannong Mietian glanced at the remaining adopted sons, his gaze was like a god of death, and immediately made the hearts of these adopted sons thump, like falling into an ice cave.


Lin Fan's Sky-Opening God Ax directly killed him, and Yan Nong was shocked into a cold sweat.

He looked at Lin Fan in surprise, and felt trembling all over his body.

Why is Lin Fan so terrifying?His Heaven-Splitting Ax seemed to split the earth, causing Yan Nong to fly out in an instant amidst the screams.

With one axe, Yannong Zhentian was sent flying.

Amidst the bang, Yan Nong Zhentian fell directly to the ground, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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