The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 1268 Conspiracy

Chapter 1268 Conspiracy
In the country of Cangya, Chitian Badao is an extremely terrifying existence. Legend has it that he kills like hemp and never misses.

Over the years, he sent many guards to capture the Chitianba Saber, but they always returned in vain, or were killed by the Chitianba Saber.

Thinking of this, Lord Cangya's back broke out in cold sweat, and he suddenly felt chilly.

The Lord Cangya knew that Chi Tian Ba ​​Dao definitely had a plan and a conspiracy to come here this time.

Before, he only told the Emperor Wuji of the Wuji Palace about this matter. Could it be that the Emperor Wuji sent the Chitianba Saber to kill him?

Take the opportunity to usurp the throne?

If this is the case, everything will be a matter of course, why the Chitianba knife was not caught by the four major towns.

Thinking of this, the Lord Cangya suddenly felt that he had failed too much. For so many years, he was breeding tigers.

Although he believed in his heart that all this might have something to do with the Emperor Wuji of the Wuji Shrine, the Lord Cangya still had some doubts, because the Emperor Wuji was always loyal and would never do such a thing.

Immediately, Lord Cangya looked outside the cabin, only to see the battleship blood flowed like a river, and only a few hundred of the thousands of guards remained.

The eyes of the Chitian Ba ​​Saber were blood red, he sneered at the Lord Cang Ya sinisterly, and suddenly the Ba Saber in his hand beheaded those guards who hadn't had time to dodge in the future.

Puff, puff.

In an instant, dozens of guards were killed by Chitianbadao, and Chitianbadao's sneer immediately made Lord Cangya feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and he felt an unprecedented fear, which exploded.


Chi Tian Ba ​​Dao continued to slaughter the remaining hundreds of guards. He almost killed several of them at one time. The blood splattered and the fallen corpses immediately caused the heart of Lord Cang Ya to be extremely painful.


Not long after, thousands of guards died in the hands of the Chitian Badao, who strode towards the Lord Cangya holding the Badao.

The Lord Cangya stood up, looking calm and unhurried, he said indifferently: "Who sent you to kill me?"

He knew that these words would not make Chitian Badao tell him, but he still had some doubts in his heart.

He asked himself if he had done anything wrong, and he didn't know who Chitianbadao was instigated by.

"Jie Jie, Lord Cangya, no one instructed me, I was the one who wanted to kill you."

Chi Tian Ba ​​Dao Jie Jie laughed strangely, and as soon as he finished speaking, he saw the Cang Ya Kingdom Lord say indifferently:
"Chitianbadao, if no one had tipped you off, you would never have found this place. Tell me, who is it?"

The Lord Cangya desperately wanted to know who was taking his own life from the hands of the Chitian Ba ​​Dao. After he finished speaking, he saw Chi Tian Ba ​​Dao turn his eyes and look at him.

"Jie Jie, no matter, you are about to die, let me tell you. In fact, the person who wants to kill you is Na Yan..."


Before Chitian Badao finished speaking, he heard two figures appearing in the sky, they were the Wuji Lord and Wuji Emperor.

"Chitianbadao, let go of the Lord Cangya."

It turned out that the one who suddenly appeared was Master Wuji, and as soon as he finished speaking, he immediately charged towards Chi Tian Ba ​​Dao.

The Emperor Wuji quickly stood in front of the Lord Cangya.


Master Wuji and Chi Tian Ba ​​Dao are inextricably linked. The Ba Saber of Chi Tian Ba ​​Dao would severely injure Master Wu Ji every time, but Master Wu Ji dodged it lightly.

This immediately made Chi Tian Ba ​​Dao shout loudly, unable to suppress the anger in his heart.


In an instant, Chi Tian Ba ​​Dao's Ba Dao cut off the arm of Master Wuji in an instant.

I saw Master Wuji screaming in pain, his arm was cut off abruptly, and blood spurted wildly from the severed arm.

Master Wuji was sprayed with blood all over his face, he held back the pain, and continued to kill Chi Tian Ba ​​Dao.

It has to be said that the Chitian Ba ​​Saber is really powerful, and now, his Ba Dao cut off the arm of Master Wuji, which immediately made Master Wuji angry.

The Promise Lord killed him in an instant, but saw Chitian Badao sneer.

At this time, before Master Wuji could react, the blade of the Chitian Ba ​​Saber pierced into Master Wuji's chest in an instant.


For a moment, blood spurted wildly, and even the primordial spirit of Master Wuji was shattered by a single blow.

It can be seen from this that Chi Tian Ba ​​Dao's sword has reached the point of exterminating the world.

At this moment, Chi Tian Ba ​​Dao's saber was as fast as lightning, and instantly killed the ruler of Wuji.

The Promise Lord had no time to dodge, and was instantly killed by the Chitian Ba ​​Saber. This scene was all seen by the Emperor Wuji and the Lord Cangya.

A thought flashed in the heart of the Lord Cang Ya, this matter was really done by the Emperor Wuji of the Wuji Palace?
If it was Emperor Zun Wuji, why did Chi Tian Ba ​​Dao kill Lord Wuji?

The Emperor Wuji yelled violently, and killed him in an instant. He didn't expect that the Lord Wuji would be killed by the Chitian Ba ​​Saber in an instant.

For a moment, the violent momentum of the Wuji Emperor immediately razed tens of thousands of miles around him to the ground.

"Jie Jie, another one has come to die."

"You ant, you still want to take revenge? You really overestimate your capabilities."

As soon as this remark came out, Chitian Badao laughed strangely again.

Seeing Emperor Wuji vomit blood, he said angrily, "Chitian Badao, who appointed you here?"

Emperor Wuji uttered these words with difficulty, and the Lord Cangya immediately looked at Chitianbadao upon hearing these words.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a voice suddenly came from the void.

"Obviously it was done by your Wuji Shrine, why, do you still want to use bitter tricks to frame the blame?"

That person is Yan Nong Mie Tian!

This man descended from the sky, and his voice was so penetrating that everyone raised their heads immediately, only to see that it was Yannong Mietian, the master of Yannong Shenfu.


Yan Nong Mietian fell down and walked up to the Lord Cangya, "Yan Nong Mietian came late to save you, please forgive me, Lord Cangya."

Hearing the words of Yannong destroying the sky, the Lord of Cangya was stunned again, who did this?
"You, you spitting blood."

Emperor Wuji was so angry that he opened his mouth to spurt blood, apparently irritated by that Yannong Mietian.

"That's right, Emperor Wuji asked me to do it. Yannong destroys the sky, I can't beat you, there will be a period later,"

The Chitian Ba ​​knife came out quickly, and killed Emperor Wuji with one blow.

He killed Emperor Wuji, and fled away like flying.

His words immediately made the Lord Cangya suspicious.

If it was done by Emperor Wuji, would Emperor Wuji and Master Wuji come to die?
This is obviously unreasonable.

While Chitian Badao escaped, Yannong Mietian remained indifferent, everything was too weird.

"My lord, it has now been found out that it was the Emperor Wuji who did it. I don't know what the country's plan is?"

Yan Nong Mietian glanced at the Lord Cangya, and as soon as he finished speaking, he knew that the Lord Cangya already knew that the person who harmed him was the Emperor Wuji.

This was a matter of his conspiracy with Chi Tian Ba ​​Dao, and now that Chi Tian Ba ​​Dao has left, his plan should be implemented.

(End of this chapter)

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