The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 1271 Self-injection?

Chapter 1271 Self-injection?

"Chi Tian Ba ​​Dao, do you do it yourself, or let the old man kill you?"

Yannong Batian's words were like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, which immediately made Chitian Badao break out in a cold sweat.

He looked at Yan Nong Batian in shock, and sure enough, everything was as expected, Yan Nong Batian wanted to kill people to silence him.

But, will he let Yannong dominate the sky?
Thinking of this, Chitian Badao snorted coldly: "I won't accompany you anymore."

As soon as the words fell, Chitian Badao wanted to run away.

Unexpectedly, Yannong Batian's strength is far above him, only seeing Yannong Batian's flash of brilliance, he trapped the surroundings.

Seeing this, Chitian Ba ​​Dao swung the Ba Dao in his hand and killed him instantly.


His Ba Dao was extremely powerful, but it didn't shatter the brilliance, which immediately made Chi Tian Ba ​​Dao break out in a cold sweat.

"Old master, what are you doing?"

Seeing that the brilliance could not be crushed, Chitian Badao turned and looked at Yannong Batian.

Yan Nong Batian couldn't help sneering when he heard his words.

"Chitianbadao, if you die, I will bury you generously and seal you with the Yuanshen seal. I will release you when I, the Yannong Shenfu, occupy Cangya Kingdom. If you persist in your obsession, then don't blame this old man for being ruthless."

Yan Nong Batian yelled loudly, every word, every sentence of his, suddenly Chitian Badao was still in shock. It turned out that Yan Nong Batian wanted to kill himself, and he was afraid that he would reveal the conspiracy of Yan Nong Shenfu.

As soon as this remark came out, Chi Tianba's saber energy immediately stopped. He had done so many things, but in the end, he ended up like this.

Anyone who saw this scene would not be able to swallow this breath.

The same is true for the Chitian Basword, he yelled violently, and the terrifying killing intent gushed out, killing Yannong Batian in an instant.

Yannong Batian's strength is far above Chitian Badao, only to see Yannong Batian grabbing the Chitian Badao's Badao in an instant with a flash of brilliance.

He stretched out his hand to crush the Ba Dao, causing Chi Tian Ba's blade to spurt blood immediately.

At this time, Chitian Badao was completely crushed by Yannong Batian, and Chitian Badao knew that his own Badao was destroyed, and he might not escape death this time.

Thinking of this, Chitian Badao yelled violently and tried his best to kill Yannong Batian.

Yan Nongbatian smiled coldly, and didn't take the Chitianba knife seriously.

He was sure about killing Chi Tian Ba ​​Dao, he watched Chi Tian Ba ​​Dao's attack, and killed him instantly, Yan Nong Ba Tian coldly stretched out his finger, as if destroying the sky, immediately let Chi Tian Ba's knife spurt blood, Kneeling directly on the ground.

This scene immediately terrified Chi Tian Ba ​​Dao, and he looked at Yan Nong Ba Tian in surprise.

"why why?"

He broke out in a cold sweat with a look of disbelief on his face.

Originally, he had helped Yannong Shenfu a lot, so he should be rewarded generously.

Now, no rewards have been obtained, and he was almost killed by Yannong Batian.

For a moment, a thought flashed through Chi Tian Ba ​​Dao's mind. He felt that he had been cheated. From the beginning to the end, he was an ant in Yannong Shenfu.

Thinking of this, Chitianbadao spurted blood again, and he suddenly felt that Yannong Batian looked at him coldly, and was about to kill him.

He felt a breath of death rushing towards his face, at the same time, Chitian Badao felt Yannong Batian's extremely terrifying killing intent surging towards him.

At this time, I saw Yan Nong Ba Tian sneering coldly, "Chi Tian Ba ​​Dao, don't worry, you will always be a chess piece of my Yan Nong Shenfu."

As soon as the words fell, Yannong Batian instantly charged towards Chitian Badao.

At this time, I saw Chi Tian Ba ​​Saber yelling violently, and an overwhelming offensive came in an instant.

"Hehe, with the power of ants, how dare you make a mistake?"

Yan Nong Batian snorted coldly, and as soon as his words fell, the brilliance he sacrificed casually entangled the Chitian Basword directly.


Seeing Chi Tianba's knife opening its mouth and spurting blood, the whole person was crushed.

He felt the breath of death getting heavier and heavier. At this time, suddenly, a white shadow descended from the sky. The magic weapon in the white shadow's hand was like an overwhelming coercion, and the brilliance that trapped the Chitianba knife was instantly shattered. Come.


Just when Chitianba Dao was crushed by Yannong Batian, suddenly, a white-clothed figure descended from the sky, and the magic weapon in the white-clothed figure's hand instantly shattered Yannong Batian's brilliance.

This move immediately made Yan Nong Batian take several steps back, showing a look of extreme shock.

And Chitian Badao also looked at the man in white who rescued him.

This white-clothed man was handsome and handsome, and his gestures gave him a feeling of death, which immediately shocked Chi Tian Ba ​​Dao, but Yan Nong Ba Tian suddenly knew who he was.

"You are Lin Fan?"

As soon as Yan Nong Batian saw this person, he knew that he must be Lin Fan.

Lin Fan, that was the murderer who killed several of his grandsons and adopted grandchildren. Now, Lin Fan is looking for him?

Yan Nong Batian suddenly felt that there was nowhere to go, and it didn't take much effort to get here. He was about to kill Lin Fan, but Lin Fan came.

"Hehe, yes, I am Lin Fan."

Lin Fan looked at Yan Nong Batian coldly. The strength of Yan Nong Batian was not simple, but Lin Fan was not afraid.

The several magic weapons and artifacts on his body are sure to defeat Yannong Batian.

Thinking of this, Lin Fan looked at Yan Nong Batian with a cold smile.

His sneer was seen by Yan Nong Batian, who snorted coldly, "Lin Fan, you have killed many of the Supreme Realm powerhouses in my Yannong Divine Mansion, this time, Take your life."

Yan Nong Batian yelled loudly, and he raised his hands to the sky, as if covering the sky and covering the sun, immediately causing the surrounding coercion to wreak havoc.

The Chitianba knife couldn't help being happy when he saw someone coming to stab him horizontally.

However, when he saw that Lin Fan's cultivation was a powerhouse in the Great Supreme Realm, his heart suddenly became cold.

Who doesn't know the strength of Yannong Batian, the most powerful person wants to kill Yannong Batian?That's like ants shaking a tree.

Thinking of this, Chi Tian Ba ​​Dao suddenly felt that Lin Fan would be crushed by Yan Nong Ba Tian.

At this time, he saw Yannong Batian's terrifying attack, killing Lin Fan in an instant.

But Lin Fan smiled coldly, and didn't take Yan Nong Batian seriously, he said flatly: "Yan Nong Batian, you are to blame for this."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Fan took out the Heavenly God Axe, as if opening the sky and breaking the earth, instantly smashing the sky and sun covered by Yannong's hegemony, and split it into pieces.

At the same time, the Yannong God's Mansion was also exposed to the crushing force of the Heavenly God Axe.


This scene immediately caused Yannong Shenfu to be shattered into a pile of dust under the crushing of Kaitianshen's axe.

This scene directly enraged Yannong Batian.

One must know that the Yannong Divine Mansion is not only the stronghold of the Yannong family, but also many strong men of the Yannong family, as well as women and children.

Now, Lin Fan struck down with an axe, immediately making these women, children and strong men unable to dodge.

Before they could dodge, they were instantly shattered by the power of the Godly Axe.

For a moment, Yan Nong Batian shouted violently, unable to suppress the anger in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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