The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 1275 Crushed

Chapter 1275 Crushed

In an instant, Li Potian and Yue Tianzun felt several terrifying figures suddenly appear above the sky.

The appearance of these figures immediately made Li Potian and Yue Tianzun feel a terrifying aura, they only felt the spiritual pressure coming, and instantly knelt on the ground.

At this time, I saw the big Qingtian hands stretched out by those figures, and instantly grabbed Li Potian and Yue Tianzun.

"No, who the hell is this?"

"The one who is the strongest in the supreme realm, the one who is the strongest in the supreme realm."

For a moment, the murderous aura of several figures made Li Potian and Yue Tianzun feel the breath of death.

In an instant, the two masters were crushed by the giant hands of a few figures, and they died in an instant.

At this time, seeing the hundreds of millions of creatures were all stunned.

However, the appearance of these figures caused the world to shatter immediately, and hundreds of millions of living beings were instantly swallowed up before they could react.

This scene immediately caused several figures to look up to the sky and laugh. They instantly destroyed the Xuanyuan World, and then caused the Xuanyuan World to be destroyed and reduced to ruins.

"Hmph, the next world is the Xuanhuang world."

"That's right, if the Xuanhuang World is destroyed, Lin Fan will definitely appear, and when the time comes, we will kill Lin Fan."

"Yan Nong Mie Tian asked us to kill Lin Fan, but he didn't say he wouldn't let us destroy this world. We and other ancient gods and demons are of the most noble blood, killing the creatures of these worlds and taking their blood essence. "

Several ancient gods and demons laughed loudly. After they took away the blood essence of hundreds of millions of creatures in the world, they left the ruins of Xuanyuan World.

At this time, Emperor Yan, Wuzu and Jian Aoshi felt the horrible killing in Xuanyuan World.

The masters of the Xuanhuang World instantly informed the Patriarch Canglan of the destruction of the Xuanyuan World.

The Patriarch Canglan told Lin Fan all this in an instant.

Lin Fan knew that all of this was probably a conspiracy by Yan Nong to destroy the sky.

Thinking of this, Lin Fan came to the Canglan sect in an instant.

He knew that the next target of these figures that suddenly appeared would be the Xuanhuang World.

Immediately, Lin Fan brought the ancestor of Cang Lan to Jian Ao Shi's sword world.

The Sword Realm is the entrance to the Xuanhuang World.

At this time, Emperor Yan and Wuzu also came, and when everyone saw Lin Fan, they bowed to Lin Fan, "Greetings, Senior Keqing."

For a moment, Lin Fan was the leader of all the people present.

Lin Fan brought the ancestor of Canglan to the sword world of Xuanhuang World.

At the same time, Emperor Yan, Wu Zu and Jian Aoshi came to the entrance of the sword world. After seeing Lin Fan, everyone hurriedly saluted Lin Fan.

"Okay, you should know that the Xuanyuan World is destroyed, it seems that those figures will come to the Xuanhuang World, we will wait."

Lin Fan smiled slightly, no matter who these figures were, he would press them to the ground and rub them hard.

"Yes, Senior Ke Qing."

Emperor Yan, Wuzu, Jian Aoshi, Canglan Jiaozu and other powerful people all spoke to Lin Fan.

And at this time, at the entrance of the Xuanhuang World, a big hand suddenly appeared.

That big hand seemed to want to shatter the sword barrier in the Xuanhuang world.

There was only a loud bang, and the giant hand almost wanted to shatter the barrier.


At this time, Lin Fan took the lead, and the ax that opened the sky smashed into Qingtian's big hand like a thunderbolt.


The ground shook for a while, and the big hand that lifted the sky was instantly shattered by the ax that opened the sky.

All I saw was Lin Fan sneering, not paying attention to these figures.

At this time, several figures suddenly appeared at the entrance of the sword world.

Another arm was broken, and the broken arm was dripping with blood.

All of a sudden, some information about those figures came to Lin Fan's eyes.

It turned out that these figures were the killing gods and demons.

Lin Fan instantly knew that the Slaughter God Demon was refined by Yannong Chitian.

Originally, these killing gods and demons were going to the Wuji Temple to kill themselves.

However, when they were hungry, they came to the Xuanyuan World and destroyed the Xuanyuan World. The blood essence of hundreds of millions of creatures was instantly swallowed by them.

After they were full, they saw the Xuanhuang World again, and came to the Xuanhuang World. Unexpectedly, the big hand that stretched out to the sky was shattered by Lin Fan's Heaven Opening Axe.


The appearance of these slaughtering gods and demons immediately shocked the Canglan Patriarch and other powerhouses into a cold sweat.

I only saw the Canglan Patriarch and saw that these killing gods and demons were all powerful in the Supreme Realm.

"It's no wonder they are able to destroy the world of Xuanyuan."

"They killed Long Tucheng, Li Potian and Yue Tianzun?"

"Hmph, if Lin Fanke is here today, they will definitely die."

Emperor Yan, Wuzu, and Jian Aoshi all had several thoughts flashing through their hearts. These powerful masters instantly looked at Lin Fan.

Only Lin Fan can kill these killing gods and demons. Now, seeing Lin Fan coldly looking at the killing gods and demons, these killing gods and demons all shouted loudly.

It turned out that several killing gods and demons also saw Lin Fan's cultivation and stepped into the Great Supreme Realm.

That is to say, Lin Fan is a powerful person in the Great Supreme Realm.

However, Lin Fan is just one person, and the few of them who killed the gods and demons are several powerful people in the Supreme Realm.

Thinking of this, these killing gods and demons looked at Lin Fan, wanting to kill Lin Fan one by one.


The first one to kill the God Demon was the God Demon of Thunder. He strode out, and the Thunder God Hammer in his hand burst out with the force of infinite thunder and lightning.

Boom boom boom.

The God of Thunder knew that Lin Fan was also a powerful person in the Great Supreme Realm, so he instantly burst out a thunderbolt that covered the sky and the sun, as if it shattered the sky in an instant.

At this time, Lin Fan held the Celestial God Ax in his hand, and looked coldly at these killing gods and demons.

He yelled violently, and the ax that opened the sky was like destroying the sky and the earth, covering the sky and the sun in an instant, turning into infinite brilliance, crushing the god of thunder.

The God of Thunder's demon eyes saw Lin Fan's Sky-opening Axe, which was as swift as lightning, which immediately made the God of Thunder shout loudly, unable to suppress the anger in his heart.


The Thunder God Demon's offensive and the Heavenly God's Ax quickly killed them.

I saw Lin Fan smiling coldly, and the power of the Heavenly God Ax to open up the world burst forth.


For a moment, it was like splitting a hole in the sky.

However, the God of Thunder was instantly shocked by Lin Fan's attack.

He looked at Lin Fan in horror. It turned out that he saw Kaitian Shen's ax cut across his body.


The God of Thunder opened his mouth to spurt blood, he was still in shock, showing a trembling expression.

He felt that his body was directly dismembered under the impact of Kaitianshen's axe, and it was divided into several parts.

But at this time, Lin Fan still didn't seem to give the God of Thunder any chance. He only saw the Pangu Banner in Lin Fan's hand rushing out, directly crushing the God of Thunder into a pile of powder.

So far, the god of thunder was killed by Lin Fan and died unexpectedly.

And Lin Fan smiled coldly, and looked at the other gods and demons.

The other gods and demons all looked at Lin Fan angrily amidst the shouts.

Why is Lin Fan so arrogant?

Why can he kill the God of Thunder?

All the killing gods and demons were furious, and they were determined to kill Lin Fan one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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