The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 1308 Reject, look down on

Chapter 1308 Reject, look down on
"Lin Fan."

The corner of Eternal Ghost Emperor's mouth showed a murderous intent, he said the word Lin Fan lightly, and immediately let himself yell loudly, unable to suppress the anger in his heart.


At this moment, the Eternal Ghost Emperor, who was furious, looked at the ghost emperors in the Ghost King Palace. These ghost emperors, each of them in charge of their own, were extremely terrifying existences.

Seeing the Eternal Ghost Emperor's eyes flash past these ghost emperors, he smiled coldly, and immediately made all these ghost emperors kneel on the ground.

"My lord, I will definitely kill Lin Fan and avenge Emperor Jiuyouming and Beihan Ghost Emperor."

"A mere Lin Fan dares to behave wildly in front of us in Huangquan. Don't worry, my lord, we will never let Lin Fan live."

"My lord, give the order, I'll kill Lin Fan later."

Hearing that the Northern Cold Ghost Emperor had been killed, these ghost emperors thought of the killing of the Jiuyouming Emperor, and immediately yelled loudly, out of anger.

In an instant, the Eternal Ghost Emperor looked coldly at these ghost emperors, and a long-lost smile burst out on his face.

At this time, those ghost emperors looked at Eternal Ghost Emperor together, and they all knelt on the ground with excited expressions on their faces.

"Okay, okay, if you can say something like this, it shows that you have intentions. Anyway, let you go find Lin Fan and kill him. When the time comes, I will let you control the world."

Eternal Ghost Emperor looked at these ghost emperors coldly, and as soon as he finished speaking, he saw these ghost emperors all showing excited expressions.

For a moment, these ghost emperors all looked at Eternal Ghost Emperor, with a killing intent on their faces.

These ghost emperors knew that it might not be easy for them to kill Lin Fan. After all, both the Northern Cold Ghost Emperor and Jiuyouming Emperor died in Lin Fan's hands.

Immediately, these ghost emperors all said to Eternal Ghost Emperor: "I beg the ghost emperor to give us some magic weapons and artifacts. When the time comes, we will definitely be able to kill Lin Fan."

As soon as these ghost emperors finished speaking, they saw Eternal Ghost Emperor laughing up to the sky, "Haha, okay, okay, I will give you some magic weapons and artifacts, and when the time comes, you will kill Lin Fan for me."

As soon as the words fell, the Eternal Ghost Emperor gave the magic weapon on his body to these ghost emperors.

"Thank you Eternal Ghost Emperor."

"Thank you Eternal Ghost Emperor."

These ghost emperors happily obtained the magic weapon of the Eternal Ghost Emperor, and they strode out of the ghost king's hall to Cangya Kingdom, looking for Lin Fan.

Seeing these ghost emperors all leave.

There was a sneer on the face of the Eternal Ghost Emperor, only to hear the Eternal Ghost Emperor sneer, "Lin Fan, you will definitely die in my hands, I will kill you instantly, just wait."

As soon as the Eternal Ghost Emperor finished speaking, he sat down on the ghost throne, his ghost eyes revealing a murderous intent.

And in the ruins of the Dragon Bird Dynasty, Lin Fan killed the God Slaughter Emperor and Beihan Ghost Emperor, and when he was about to kill the Dragon Bird Emperor, a figure suddenly descended from the sky.

Lin Fan instantly saw that this figure was the Huayin Emperor of the Star Field.

Could it be that Emperor Huayin came here this time to convey the order of the Lord of the Star Region, that he wanted to avenge his beloved son, City Lord Evernight?
Lin Fan sneered coldly, showing joking and contempt, he was not afraid of Emperor Huayin, let alone the Lord of Starfield.

The Dragon Bird Emperor also saw that Emperor Huayin was the confidant of the Lord of the Star Field.

This time, Emperor Longque felt that Emperor Huayin came here for the sake of City Lord Evernight.

Who doesn't know that Nightless City Lord died in Lin Fan's hands. Could it be that Emperor Huayin came here to trouble Lin Fan?
This immediately made Emperor Longque show a smug smile. If Emperor Huayin killed Lin Fan, he would be able to turn the crisis into safety.

The more he thought about it, the more excited the Emperor Longque was. He felt the hope of surviving. Maybe he would not be killed by Lin Fan in an instant like the God Slaughter Emperor himself Beihan Ghost Emperor.

Immediately, Emperor Longque ran over courteously and bowed to Emperor Huayin.

"Emperor Longque, the leader of the Dragonfinch Dynasty in the lower realm, pays his respects to Emperor Huayin."

Although Emperor Huayin is under the Lord of the Star Region, his status is far above that of Emperor Longque.

Behind Emperor Huayin is the Lord of the Star Field, so Emperor Longque appears extremely respectful.

However, when he finished speaking, he originally thought that Emperor Huayin might raise his hand.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Huayin ignored him directly, but looked at Lin Fan respectfully.

This sudden change of painting style made Emperor Longque break out in a cold sweat. Why does Emperor Huayin respect Lin Fan so much?

Could it be that Emperor Huayin really wanted to kill Lin Fan?However, the style of painting is obviously wrong.

For a moment, several thoughts flashed through Emperor Longque's heart. He thought about it, but he couldn't think of a reason.

At this moment, Lin Fan looked up at Emperor Huayin with a sneer.

Seeing this, Emperor Huayin hurriedly bowed to Lin Fan, "Emperor Huayin pays homage to Mr. Lin Fan."

Emperor Huayin's words were very gentle, which made Emperor Longque even more terrified. He broke out in a cold sweat. He didn't expect Emperor Huayin to treat Lin Fan so gently.

This was simply beyond Emperor Longque's imagination. He suddenly looked at Emperor Huayin, but Emperor Huayin looked at Lin Fan respectfully.

"What? You want to avenge the nightless city lord?"

Lin Fan looked directly at Emperor Huayin, and as soon as he finished speaking, he saw City Lord Ever-night waved his hand hastily.

"Mr. Lin Fan, you are wrong. I came here this time by order. My lord, the Lord of the Star Region, asked Mr. Lin Fan to be a guest in the Star Region. I don't know what your master wants?"

Emperor Huayin finally stated the purpose of coming to find Lin Fan this time. As soon as his words fell, Emperor Longque broke out in a cold sweat.

what's the problem?Didn't Lin Fan kill the nightless city lord?Isn't the nightless city lord the son of the star field lord?
His son Nightless City Lord was killed, so instead of seeking revenge from Lin Fan, the Lord of the Star Region invited Lin Fan to be a guest of the Star Region?
This immediately made Emperor Longque not believe what he saw in front of his eyes, he showed a look of horror, and suddenly felt that the change was too fast, and he couldn't react for a while.

At this time, upon seeing Emperor Huayin's words, Emperor Longque immediately felt as if he had been slapped in the face. He was completely stunned, and he didn't know why Emperor Huayin said such words.

For a moment, Emperor Longque glanced at Lin Fan and Emperor Huayin, and he suddenly felt that his mind was in turmoil. He didn't expect Lin Fan to be favored by the Lord of the Star Region, and the Lord of the Star Region also Invite Lin Fan to be a guest in Star Domain.

Could it be that Lin Fan killed the Nightless City Lord and attracted the attention of the Starfield Lord?
But considering that the Lord of the Star Region has 1 sons, he may not know that the Nightless City Lord is his son.

"Oh? The lord of the star field asked me to be the guest of the star field? Go back and tell him that I'm not free."


Lin Fan directly rejected Emperor Huayin, which immediately changed the face of Emperor Huayin who was originally respectful.

It is a supreme honor to be the guest minister of Star Field, but Lin Fan refuses to do it.

This is not to look down on the star field, but to face the master of the star field.

Hearing Lin Fan's words, the Dragon Sparrow Emperor was also stunned. He didn't expect Lin Fan to say such words, and he directly rejected Emperor Huayin.

This suddenly caused several thoughts to flash through Emperor Longque's heart. Didn't Lin Fan just look down on the Lord of the Star Field by doing this?
He felt that the Lord of the Star Territory was slapped in the face by Lin Fan. Lin Fan really didn't know what to do. It was a great honor for Emperor Huayin to let him go to the Star Territory as a guest. The Lord takes it seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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