The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 1313 Who are you, does it matter?

Chapter 1313 Who are you, does it matter?
At this time, Lin Fan showed a sneer, he raised his head to the sky and shouted loudly, his whole body was like a god of death.

This time, Lin Fan didn't give Emperor Yuetian any chance at all, he must kill Emperor Yuetian.

Killing Emperor Yuetian, the city that never sleeps is truly under his control.

And during the fight with Yuetian Emperor, several thoughts flashed through Lin Fan's mind.

He knew that although the master of the star field controls three thousand big worlds, the master of the star field is not the master of this world.

The ruler of this world is the ruler of the chaotic universe.

With a thought in Lin Fan's mind, it seems that he has encountered many strong people.

Both the Nine Nether Kingdom and the Northern Cold Ghost belong to the ghost domain that controls five hundred great worlds.

The master of the ghost domain is called the Eternal Ghost Emperor, he must have known that the Jiuyouming Emperor and Beihan Ghost Emperor of the Nine Nether Kingdom were killed. Immediately, Lin Fan sneered, he knew that the Eternal Ghost Emperor knew that the two ghost emperors had been killed. Kill, when the time comes, he will definitely come to revenge.

What Lin Fan was waiting for was this opportunity, he was waiting for the Eternal Ghost Emperor to come and take revenge.

This thought flashed in Lin Fan's mind, and Lin Fan looked at Emperor Yuetian coldly.

Only seeing Emperor Yuetian showing a look of anger, he shouted violently, obviously feeling that he was underestimated by Lin Fan.

This Lin Fan didn't take himself seriously, which immediately made Yuetian Emperor shout loudly, and the power of the pagoda burst out with endless brilliance and coercion.

Boom boom boom.

The pagoda of Emperor Yuetian was crushed in an instant, and Lin Fan smiled coldly, beheading him like a god of death in the world.

He didn't give Emperor Yuetian any chance at all, only seeing Emperor Yuetian broke out in a cold sweat, he obviously felt the pagoda shaking in fear.

Why is Lin Fan so terrifying?
Emperor Yuetian looked at Lin Fan in astonishment, and he saw the ax that opened the sky in Lin Fan's hand, which shattered his pagoda with lightning speed.

At this time, before Emperor Yuetian could react, he felt Lin Fan's Heavenly Opening Axe, killing him in an instant.

At this moment, Emperor Yuetian cried out in pain, and his body exploded instantly.

At this time, Emperor Yuetian was killed, and Lin Fan informed Canglan Jiaozu and Emperor Wuji with a communication talisman.

After that, he turned around and planned to leave the ruins of the city that never sleeps.

The city that never sleeps has become ruins.

The Emperor Huayin saw Lin Fan in just an instant, turned the Nightless City into ruins, and killed the Master of Nightless, Emperor Yehua and Emperor Yuetian, and he hurriedly told the Lord Master Starfield about this matter. .

When the Lord of the Star Region heard the words of Emperor Huayin, he couldn't help laughing.

The Lord of the Starfield smiled faintly.

"Well, don't worry about him, this piece of Three Thousand Worlds should be disturbed by one person."

The statement made by the Lord of the Star Territory immediately made Emperor Huayin feel that he valued Lin Fan very much.

Immediately, the Lord of the Star Region looked at Emperor Huayin.

The Emperor Huayin bowed to the Lord of the Star Region and left in a hurry.

He felt that the more he watched, the more frightened he became. This Lin Fan was truly terrifying.

However, he knew that Lin Fan's strength had reached an unprecedented level of terror, and even the Lord of the Star Region was somewhat afraid of Lin Fan.

Emperor Huayin left the Hall of Stars, and a thought flashed in the heart of the Starfield Lord.

"Lin Fan, why are you so monstrous? However, what you do will definitely be favored by the Chaos Universe."

Thinking of the master of the chaotic universe, the master of the star domain suddenly felt that Lin Fan might be the next master of the evil.

His heart was no longer to win over Lin Fan, but to make friends with Lin Fan.

And in the ruins of the city that never sleeps, Lin Fan, who was about to leave, suddenly saw a figure descending from the sky.

The appearance of this figure immediately made Lin Fan see that he is the disciple of Emperor Beichen of Beichen Kingdom, which has five hundred great worlds.

This figure had a ferocious face. He had a burly figure and looked like a sky-high figure. He looked coldly at Lin Fan, who was handsome in white.

Lin Fan instantly recognized that this person was the disciple of Emperor Beichen of Beichen Kingdom.

Beichen Kingdom is the same existence as Ghost Domain.

Beichen Kingdom controls five hundred Great Thousand Worlds, and Emperor Beichen is regarded as a terrifying existence.

Now, this person is the disciple of Emperor Beichen, named Emperor Zun.

"Kill the emperor?"

Seeing some information about the lore emperor, Lin Fan sneered, this lore emperor is not a good bird either.

"You killed these ants in the city that never sleeps?"

Before Lore Emperor Zun knew, Lin Fan already knew his background. After saying this, he looked at Lin Fan.

Seeing Lin Fan sneer, his voice immediately made the Lore Emperor snort coldly.

"So what?"

"Hmph, what do you want to do after killing these ants in the city that never sleeps?"

The Lore Emperor thought that Lin Fan was just a little boy. He was tall and tall, and looked down at Lin Fan. At this time, he saw Lin Fan smiling coldly, and did not take the Lore Emperor seriously.

"What do you think I killed these ants?"

Lin Fan sneered.

His every move immediately caused the Lore Emperor to shout loudly, and a flame burst into his heart instantly.

Lore Emperor Zun didn't expect this man in white to be so arrogant, and he simply didn't take himself seriously when he said such words.

Doesn't he know his own strength?
The Lore Emperor snorted coldly. He looked at Lin Fan coldly, thinking that if he didn't teach him a lesson, he wouldn't know who he was.

"Boy, do you know who I am?"

The Lore Emperor yelled loudly, the voice was so loud that it shook the heavens and the earth, he looked at Lin Fan coldly, but saw Lin Fan shook his head.

"I don't know, who are you?"

"I am the disciple of Emperor Beichen of Beichen Kingdom. This time, I was ordered to come and occupy the Nightless City. Boy, if you give me the Nightless City, maybe I will let you live."

After he finished speaking, a killing intent appeared on his face.

Lore Emperor felt that Lin Fan would never give him the Nightless City, which immediately made him shout loudly, unable to suppress the anger in his heart.

Sure enough, as soon as Lore Emperor Zun finished speaking, Lin Fan shook his finger.


Just two words, it was like the god of killing came to the world, and suddenly a terrifying breath rose in the heart of the lore emperor who wanted to be furious.

He felt that Lin Fan's strength was too terrifying. How could he not take himself seriously?
Could it be that he doesn't know Beichen Kingdom?Don't know who the Great Beichen is?

Thinking of this, the Lore Emperor shouted violently, and shot out an extremely terrifying brilliance in his hand.


The brilliance flickered, like destroying the sky and the earth, and immediately made the Lore Emperor feel unprecedented excitement and excitement.

Lore Emperor Zun is a strong man who likes to fight, especially when he meets strong men stronger than himself.

Now, feeling the terrifying killing intent on Lin Fan, the Lore Emperor suddenly felt that Lin Fan's strength might be far superior to his.

This immediately caused the lore emperor to shout loudly, and Lin Fan must be crushed.

Immediately, he saw the lore emperor killing him instantly, and a sneer appeared on the corner of Lin Fan's mouth.

This lore-killing emperor really wouldn't die if he didn't die, so let him know that Emperor Beichen was worthless in Lin Fan's eyes.


The explosive killing momentum of lore killing Emperor Zun is like destroying the sky and the earth, killing him in an instant.

Lin Fan smiled coldly, and immediately made the Lore Emperor feel that the God of Killing was coming to the world.

A thought flashed through his mind:
"This person is so terrifying, it's simply too arrogant."

Although this thought flashed through his mind, the lore emperor was not afraid at all.Instead, he showed excitement and excitement.

This time, he decided to kill the man in white and let him know who was the most powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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