The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 1315 I'm looking for death

Chapter 1315 I'm looking for death
Emperor Beichen knew that Lin Fan was a monstrous existence.

Because he had been retreating in Beichen Kingdom, the Lord of Nightless City was killed by Lin Fan, and Emperor Beichen had no idea that the Lord of the Star Region wanted to worship Lin Fan as a guest.

At this time, feeling that the lore Emperor Zun died in Lin Fan's hands, Emperor Beichen was really angry.

Originally, he wanted to catch up with Lin Fan.

However, Emperor Beichen suddenly noticed several shadows of ghost emperors passing by not far away.

In an instant, Emperor Beichen learned that Emperor Jiuyouming and Beihan Ghost Emperor had died in Lin Fan's hands.

These figures of ghost emperors must be the eternal ghost emperors of Huangquan, sent out to find Lin Fan.

"Lin Fan, you not only killed my disciple, you also killed Emperor Jiuyouming and Beihan Ghost Emperor, and provoked the Eternal Ghost Emperor of Huangquan. You are too arrogant."

In an instant, several thoughts flashed through Emperor Beichen's mind, and he looked coldly at the sky.His figure gradually disappeared.


Emperor Beichen came to the dark ghost domain from the teleportation, and the ghost guards at the gate rushed in to inform the eternal ghost emperor.

I saw Eternal Ghost Emperor walking out quickly, and when he saw Emperor Beichen, Eternal Ghost Emperor and Emperor Beichen looked up to the sky and laughed loudly.

"Emperor Beichen, what brought you here? Please come in."

Eternal Ghost Emperor hastily invited Emperor Beichen in, and the two emperors came to the Ghost King Hall, where they sat down as guests and hosts.

"Eternal Ghost Emperor. I saw several ghost emperors leave the ghost domain. Could it be that you want to find Lin Fan?"

After saying this, Emperor Beichen showed a look of regret, he felt that his disciple killed Emperor Zun too unjustly.

"That's right, this Lin Fan is simply hateful. I was going to find him to avenge Emperor Jiuyouming and Beihan Ghost Emperor. Why, you want to find Lin Fan too?"

"That's right, my disciple Lore Emperor Zun was also killed by Lin Fan."

Hearing Emperor Beichen's question, Eternal Ghost Emperor sighed, suddenly thought of something, and asked Emperor Beichen back.

For a moment, Emperor Beichen and Eternal Ghost Emperor glanced at each other, and there was a look of indifference in their eyes.

This Lin Fan was simply too terrifying. He actually directly offended Huang Quan and Beichen Kingdom.

"Hmph, Lin Fan is really hateful, if he is caught this time, he will be killed."

"Okay, no problem, we must kill Lin Fan,"

Emperor Beichen and Eternal Ghost Emperor looked at each other, thinking of Lin Fan, they hugged each other, and Emperor Beichen was about to leave.

The figure of Emperor Beichen disappeared in an instant, leaving behind the Eternal Ghost Emperor.

I saw a thought flash in Eternal Ghost Emperor's mind: "Hmph, Lin Fan, I, Eternal Ghost Emperor, must kill you."

As soon as the words fell, the Eternal Ghost Emperor sat cross-legged, and the image of arresting Lin Fan and throwing him into the ghost domain emerged in his mind to torture him severely.

However, he felt that Emperor Beichen came to Huangquan not only for Lin Fan.

At this time, Lin Fan had already left the city that never sleeps. He hadn't walked out of trillions of dollars before he saw several figures descending from the sky.

These figures all showed a covetous look, and a ghostly aura erupted from them, and Lin Fan immediately knew that they were the ghost emperors of the ghost domain.

Presumably, these ghost emperors were sent by Eternal Ghost Emperor, Lin Fan smiled coldly, and looked at them calmly.


These ghost emperors were trapped in front of Lin Fan, with playful killing intent on their faces.

When they saw Lin Fan, they were all inexplicably excited and excited.

Immediately, these ghost emperors smiled coldly and looked at Lin Fan, who was handsome in white.

"Lin Fan, I am the Mangshan Ghost Emperor." A tall and burly Ghost Emperor shouted, and looked at Lin Fan coldly.

"Lin Fan, I am Yuanshi Ghost Emperor." A thin ghost emperor grinned ferociously and sneered.

"Lin Fan, I am the ghost emperor of the barren tomb." An ugly ghost emperor looked at Lin Fan coldly.

"Lin Fan, I am the human slaughter ghost emperor." A ghost emperor covered in blood looked at Lin Fan.

At this time, Ghost Emperor Huangzhong, Ghost Emperor Rentu, Mangshan Ghost Emperor, and Yuanshi Ghost Emperor all yelled loudly. These ghost emperors looked at Lin Fan coldly, and they all showed their anger. look.

Thinking of the deaths of Emperor Jiuyouming and Beihan Ghost Emperor at Lin Fan's hands, these ghost emperors were filled with anger.

They all wanted to kill Lin Fan in an instant, and let Lin Fan know the consequences of killing Beihan Ghost Emperor and Jiuyouming Emperor.

In fact, these ghost emperors are also the lords of a country, controlling many vast worlds.

Mangshan Ghost Emperor is the lord of Mangshan City.

The Rentu Ghost Emperor is the ruler of the desert dynasty.

Yuanshi Ghost Emperor is the prison master of Yuanshi Town Prison.

The barren mound ghost emperor is the master of the ghost emperor mound.

The lords of these countries, as well as the countries they created, were all arrested from the underworld.

At this moment, Mangshan Ghost Emperor, Rentu Ghost Emperor, Huangzhong Ghost Emperor, and Yuanshi Ghost Emperor all looked at Lin Fan coldly. As soon as their words fell, murderous intent appeared on their faces.

Lin Fan smiled coldly, not paying attention to these ghost emperors.

Lin Fan was able to kill Jiuyouming Emperor and Beihan Ghost Emperor in an instant, and killing these ghost emperors was also easy.

Seeing Lin Fan's cold smile, these ghost emperors immediately burst into shouts, unable to suppress the anger in their hearts.

In an instant, these ghost emperors looked at Lin Fan, and fire spewed out from their eyes.

"Lin Fan, this time, I will definitely kill you."

Ghost Emperor Rentu was on good terms with Emperor Jiuyouming and Beihan Ghost Emperor, and after he said this, he crushed Lin Fan in an instant.

Lin Fan smiled coldly, and didn't take Rentu Guidi seriously.

Lin Fan's eyes flashed with murderous intent, he sneered, and the God-opening ax in his hand was immediately seen by Emperor Tugui, who broke out in a cold sweat,
Before he could make a move, Ren Tu Guidi saw that the Heaven Opening Ax in Lin Fan's hand was quite terrifying.

I saw Rentu Guidi taking out the Guidi sword in his hand, crushing it instantly as if covering the sky and covering the sun.

At this time, Lin Fan's Heaven Opening God Ax burst out with endless brilliance.

In an instant, with the power of an axe, it was as if the ghost emperor's sword that slaughtered the ghost emperor had been shattered.

This immediately made Ghost Emperor Tu take several steps back in shock. After he felt the Ghost Emperor Sword in his hand was shattered, the Heaven Opening God Ax in Lin Fan's hand smashed in an instant.


The power of the ax suddenly split the earth, and the sky seemed to cover the sky and the sun.

The man Tu Guidi turned into a ghostly aura and wanted to escape, but suddenly felt a coercion descending from the sky, blocking his way.


This monstrous offensive immediately made it clear to Emperor Tu Gui that it was a big bell.

That's right, this is the Chaos Clock sacrificed by Lin Fan.


The Rentu Guidi who wanted to escape was directly blocked by the Chaos Clock.

At this time, he saw the Heaven Opening God Ax in Lin Fan's hand, instantly hitting Rentu Guidi.


Even the Ghost Emperor of the Ghost Realm, the Rentu Ghost Emperor opened his mouth to spit out blood. He looked at Lin Fan in surprise, and felt that he was too terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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