The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 1719 The speed is too fast

Chapter 1719 The speed is too fast
With a buzzing sound, the Earth Spirit Treasure Mirror charged towards Lin Fan in an instant, and the violent attack made the surrounding area cover the sky and the sun with a bang.

I saw the Earth Spirit Treasure Mirror rushing toward Lin Fan like an overwhelming mountain.

Lin Fan chuckled, looking at Emperor Tian Zuozhen's Earth Spirit Treasure Mirror, a sneer was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

Lin Fan chuckled: "Tianzuo Zhendi, how powerful can you be with just this Earth Spirit Treasure Book of yours? You really can't control yourself."

Lin Fan looked at Tianzuo Zhendi and Tianpeng Zhendi coldly.

As soon as his words fell, it was like an overwhelming sea, and suddenly let a spiritual weapon rush away.

Such a terrifying scene made Emperor Tian Zuozhen furious. He pointed at Lin Fan and shouted: "Lin Fan, you are really hateful."

With a bang, Emperor Tianzuo raised the Earth Spirit Treasure Mirror and killed Lin Fan.

Lin Fan sneered, as if the god of death had come to the world, his every move made Emperor Tianzuo feel extremely horrified.

At this time, Emperor Tian Zuozhen was startled, he didn't expect Lin Fan to be so powerful.

In an instant, Emperor Tian Zuozhen pointed at Lin Fan angrily, and his earth spirit treasure mirror, as if devouring the sky and the earth, killed Lin Fan.

Seeing the Earth Spirit Treasure Sword approaching, Lin Fan shouted loudly and used the Xuantian War Sword.

With a bang, Xuantian Zhanjian killed the Dilingbaojian in an instant, making Emperor Tian Zuozhen even more furious.

Emperor Tianzuo pointed at Lin Fan angrily, he was about to be blown up.

Seeing that Emperor Tian Zuozhen was furious, couldn't his Earth Spirit Treasures be as good as Lin Fan's Xuantian Battle?
Thinking of this, Emperor Tian Zuozhen couldn't swallow this breath at all.

In an instant, Emperor Tianzuo Zhen was seen killing Lin Fan, and terrifying attacks erupted from all around him.

Di Ling Bao Jian and Xuan Tian Zhan Jian were killed together, Lin Fan saw Emperor Tian Zuo Zhen coming to kill him, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

But seeing Lin Fan sneer, the berserk Emperor Zhijian rushed towards Emperor Tian Zuozhen.

With a bang, Emperor Tian Zuozhen couldn't help being frightened when he saw Di Zhijian coming.

Immediately, Emperor Tian Zuozhen couldn't help but took a few steps back, feeling extremely fearful in his heart.

Emperor Tianzuo saw that Lin Fan's strength was quite terrifying.

Just when he was feeling terrified, he saw a cold look on Lin Fan's cheek.

Lin Fan smiled coldly: "Emperor Tianzuo, look!"

As soon as the words fell, he pointed to the Earth Spirit Treasure Mirror. Emperor Tian Zuozhen looked at it and couldn't help being surprised, only to see the Xuantian Zhan Jian hit the Earth Spirit Treasure Mirror.

The Earth Spirit Treasure Mirror was on the verge of falling, almost shattered.

The Earth Spirit Treasure Mirror is the spiritual weapon of Emperor Tianzuo Zhen. Seeing the Xuantian Zhanjian hit with a bang, Emperor Tianzuo Zhen was surprised.

Immediately, Emperor Tian Zuozhen saw the earth spirit treasure mirror shattered.

This shock shocked Emperor Tian Zuo Zhen speechless, he pointed at Lin Fan angrily.

Emperor Tian Zuozhen was stunned. Why was his earth spirit treasure mirror shattered by Lin Fan?
He was almost blown away.

Tianpeng Zhendi held a nine-toothed rake and looked at Lin Fan and Tianzuo Zhendi.

Emperor Tian Zuozhen was furious, he quickly walked over, and another extremely terrifying spiritual weapon charged towards Lin Fan.

There was a sneer at the corner of Lin Fan's mouth, he shouted loudly, and with a swish of the Emperor Zhi sword in his hand, he fought with Emperor Tian Zuozhen's spiritual weapon.

When Emperor Tianzuo saw such a scene, he couldn't help being angry.

Pointing at Lin Fan, he shouted: "Lin Fan, you are really abominable. You broke my spirit weapon into pieces again. I want you to pay for it!"

From this it can be seen that Emperor Tian Zuozhen hated Lin Fan very much. He pointed at Lin Fan and decided to kill Lin Fan.

Lin Fan chuckled, not paying attention to Emperor Tian Zuozhen.

Seeing the look in Lin Fan's eyes, Emperor Tian Zuozhen immediately shouted, and another spiritual weapon rushed towards Lin Fan.

Lin Fan smiled lightly: "Emperor Tianzuo, with you as an ant, how dare you kill me?"

As soon as these words came out, the Emperor Zhi Sword in Lin Fan's hand slammed towards Emperor Tian Zuo Zhen.

When Emperor Tian Zuozhen saw Lin Fan's Emperor Zhi Sword, he couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

With a loud shout, this spiritual weapon instantly killed Lin Fan's Emperor Zhijian.

With a bang, the Emperor Zhijian collided with the spiritual weapon of Emperor Tian Zuozhen.

In an instant, Emperor Tian Zuozhen's spiritual weapon was shattered by Di Zhijian, and then, Di Zhi sword stabbed Tian Zuo Zhendi.

With a puff, Emperor Tian Zuozhen spat out blood and broke into a pile of powder on the spot.

At this time, Tianpeng Zhendi couldn't hold back for a long time.

With a bang, the nine-toothed rake in his hand smashed towards Lin Fan.

Tianzuo Zhendi and Tianyouzhendi have been killed, how can he swallow this breath.

Emperor Tianpeng pointed at Lin Fan and shouted: "Lin Fan, you are really hateful."

Before the sound fell, the people had arrived.

The nine-toothed rake of Tianpeng Zhendi slammed towards Lin Fan with a bang.

Lin Fan chuckled: "Tianpeng Zhendi, I heard that you are a pig who cultivated to become a god. Today, I want to see it."

As soon as this remark came out, Emperor Tianpeng really gritted his teeth with anger.

Emperor Tianpeng said angrily: "Lin Fan, if you don't hand over the Void Altar, you still tell me my true face, hmph, go to hell!"

With a loud shout, the nine-toothed rake slammed into Lin Fan's body.

The nine-toothed nail rake is a very powerful spiritual weapon. As soon as this spiritual weapon is released, it immediately smashes out several holes in the zhenqi mask.

Seeing these holes, Tianpeng Zhendi became more and more triumphant.

He felt that he would be able to make several holes in Lin Fan.

However, Emperor Tianpeng really overestimated himself, or he underestimated himself.

With a sound of touch, the Canopy Emperor was seen killing Lin Fan, and his nine-toothed rake instantly shattered the zhenqi mask.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Fan sneered coldly, and he said indifferently: "Tianpeng Zhendi, you want to kill me? Hehe, you are too weak."

Lin Fan chuckled, not paying attention to Emperor Tianpeng.

At this moment, Tianpeng Zhendi felt the terrifying killing intent and banter.

Could it be that Lin Fan is really not afraid that he will be looked down upon?
Thinking of this, True Emperor Tianpeng was furious. He is a strong man in Fengshen Mausoleum, how could he be crushed by Lin Fan?
With a bang, the nine-toothed rake of the Canopy Emperor hit Lin Fan.

Lin Fan chuckled, raised a terrifying Emperor Zhi sword, and with a whoosh, blocked the nine-toothed rake.

Seeing the nine-toothed rake being blocked by Di Zhi's sword, Tianpeng Zhendi was stunned.

He felt that the nine-toothed rake couldn't stop the sword intent of Emperor Zhijian.

In an instant, Tianpeng Zhendi shouted angrily, and the nine-toothed rake turned back to kill Lin Fan.

This is the case with Tianpeng Zhendi. The more he thinks it is impossible, the more he wants to kill him.

Thinking of how powerful he is in Fengshenling, if even Lin Fan can't kill him, wouldn't it be embarrassing for Fengshenling to spread the word?
In an instant, the Canopy Emperor shouted loudly, and a terrifying divine light formed around him.

With a bang, the divine light of the Canopy True Emperor exploded, causing the divine light on the nine-toothed rake to explode, and smashed towards Lin Fan with a bang.

Seeing the nine-tooth rake of Tianpeng Zhendi, Lin Fan chuckled: "Tianpeng Zhendi, you really won't die if you don't try to die, anyway, I will let you know how powerful it is."

As soon as the words fell, a spiritual weapon flew out of Lin Fan's hand.

With a whoosh, Lin Fan's spiritual weapon was extremely violent and vibrated.

Seeing that, Emperor Pengzhen hurriedly blocked the spirit weapon with a nine-toothed rake.

However, the speed of his nine-toothed rake was too slow, and the spirit weapon swished and came directly in front of Tianpeng Zhendi.

(End of this chapter)

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