The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 1746 Golden Crow

Chapter 1746 Golden Crow
Seeing Emperor Yuandi being killed, Heavenly Emperor Xiaoyuan and Emperor Qingyu Yuandi were startled. They looked at each other and felt that Lin Fan was too terrifying.

For a moment, Emperor Qingyu Yuan and Emperor Xiaoyuan shouted loudly, and Emperor Qingyu Yuan charged Lin Fan head-on.

Amidst the bang, Emperor Qingyu Yuan suddenly took out his spiritual weapon.

Green Feather Gate.

This is a spiritual weapon of Emperor Qingyu Yuan. The Qingyu Sect has a terrifying existence like the Nine Heavens.

But seeing Qingyu Yuandi looking at Lin Fan coldly, he snorted coldly and shouted: "Lin Fan, what do you think?"

As soon as these words came out, the Qingyu Gate appeared in Qingyu Yuandi's hands, which could not stop spinning.

Qingyumen is the most powerful spirit treasure of Emperor Qingyu Yuan, Qingyumen can devour and shred all objects.

Qingyu Yuandi saw it, especially when he saw Lin Fan kill the emperor Yuandi, he was even more angry.

Amidst the bang, Emperor Qingyu Yuan let out angrily, and looked at Lin Fan coldly.

Seeing Emperor Qingyu Yuan, Lin Fan chuckled: "Emperor Qingyu Yuan, your Qingyu Gate is not bad."

Hearing Lin Fan's words, Emperor Qingyu Yuan couldn't help snorting coldly, and he shouted loudly: "Is it okay? Lin Fan, I will let you die under my Qingyu sect."

With a loud shout, Emperor Qingyu Yuan showed a smug expression, and as soon as his words fell, the Qingyu Gate hovered in the air, shaped like a gate of heaven.

With a buzzing sound, the Qingyu Gate stood above the sky, and saw the Qingyu Yuan Emperor laughing strangely, and his Qingyu Gate appeared above Lin Fan's head.

With a buzzing sound, the power of the Qingyu Sect was quite terrifying, Qingyu Yuandi smiled coldly in his heart, he felt that Lin Fan would definitely be suppressed by the Qingyu Sect.

Thinking of this, Emperor Qingyu Yuan became even more triumphant, showing an extremely embarrassing expression.

At this time, Lin Fan saw the Qingyu Gate above his head, and terrifying auras burst out from the Qingyu Gate, like overwhelming the sky.

Lin Fan saw it, but he didn't pay attention to Qingyu Yuandi's Qingyu Gate at all.

But seeing Emperor Qingyu Yuan yell, pointing at Lin Fan, he couldn't stop laughing.

He felt that Qingyu Sect would definitely be able to crush Lin Fan, and he wanted to let Lin Fan know that his Qingyu Yuandi was stronger than Lin Fan.

With a bang, the Qingyu Gate fell from the sky and smashed towards Lin Fan.

Lin Fan saw it, he chuckled and shouted, a lunar star suddenly condensed in his palm.

"Lunar star."

Seeing Lin Fan use the Lunar Star, Qingyu Yuandi's pupils shrank suddenly, and he showed horror in his eyes. He didn't expect Lin Fan to use the Lunar Star.

With a buzzing sound, the Lunar Star circled away, smashing towards the Qingyu Gate like overwhelming mountains and seas.

Seeing this, Emperor Qingyu Yuan shouted loudly, causing the Qingyu Gate to expand, taking the form of heaven and earth.

In this way, the Qingyu Sect will be able to devour the Lunar Star.

Suddenly, Lin Fan's Lunar Star exploded, covering the Qingyu Gate in an instant.

The Qingyu Gate wants to devour the Lunar Star, but the Lunar Star is huge, even if the Qingyu Gate is shaped like the sky and the earth, it is impossible to swallow the Lunar Star.

At this time, Qingyu Yuandi saw that Qingyumen failed to swallow the Taiyin star, and he was also shocked into a cold sweat.

Emperor Qingyu Yuan was shocked in his heart: "I didn't expect Lin Fan's Lunar Star to be so powerful, and my Qingyu Sect couldn't devour his Lunar Star."

Thinking of this, Emperor Qingyu Yuan shouted loudly, and he shot a burst of divine power into Qingyu's gate.

With a buzzing sound, the Qingyu Gate burst open again, and immediately, the Qingyu Gate seemed to open its bloody mouth, devouring Lin Fan's lunar star.

Lin Fan chuckled: "Emperor Qingyu Yuan, your spirit weapon can't be so weak, can it?"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Fan showed an extremely arrogant expression.

At this time, Emperor Qingyu Yuan heard Lin Fan's words, his lungs almost exploded.

Emperor Qingyu Yuan shouted loudly: "Lin Fan, you are too arrogant, no matter what, let Qingyumen smash your corpse into thousands of pieces."

As soon as these words came out, it could be seen that Emperor Qingyu Yuan attached great importance to his Qingyu Sect.

With a bang, Emperor Qingyu Yuan raised the Qingyu Gate and came devouring Lin Fan.

The speed is so fast, it is really like killing a god.

In the bang, like a thunderbolt, Qingyu Yuandi's Qingyu gate instantly soared, as if swallowing the world.

At this time, Emperor Qingyu Yuan laughed triumphantly, showing a hint of embarrassment, feeling that killing Lin Fan was as easy as flipping the palm of his hand.

Therefore, his Green Feather Sect came with a bang.

Lin Fan chuckled, seeing it in his eyes.

Amidst the bang, Emperor Qingyu Yuan raised the Qingyu Gate and slammed it at Lin Fan.

Lin Fan condensed the sun star, and a ball of real sun fire instantly covered the Qingyu Gate and Qingyu Yuandi in the air.

At this time, Emperor Qingyu Yuan was startled, could it be that he was really inferior to Lin Fan?
Thinking of this, Emperor Qingyu Yuan really couldn't swallow this breath.

But what can he do?
Emperor Qingyu Yuan raised his hands to the sky, although the real fire of the sun covered the Qingyu gate, but Qingyu's wings were impressively formed around him.

With a bang, Qing Yu's wings soared into the sky, intending to break through the encirclement of the real fire of the sun.

It has to be said that Emperor Qingyu Yuan thought too naively, did he really think that he could get out of Lin Fan's sun star?
This is an extremely terrifying sun star, surrounded by terrifying real sun fire.

But seeing Emperor Qingyu Yuan raise Qingyu's wings, as if stirring the sea, he rushes away with a bang.

At the same time, the Qingyumen tried their best to devour the real sun fire, trying to tear the real sun fire apart.

It can be seen from this that the Green Feather Gate has an incomparably terrifying suction force, it is like a black hole, it can swallow anything, and it can tear anything apart.

When Emperor Xiaoyuan saw Qingyu Yuandi's Qingyu wings, a thought inevitably flashed in his mind.

But Heavenly Emperor Xiaoyuan said excitedly: "In this way, Lin Fan will definitely be killed."

As soon as the words fell, he saw Qingyu Yuandi's Qingyu wings set off a space hurricane, intending to hit the sun star.

But Qing Yumen is still devouring the real fire of the sun, the situation on the field is really terrifying.

Lin Fan saw everything in his eyes, he chuckled, obviously he didn't take Qingyu Yuandi seriously.

But seeing Lin Fan yelled, real sun flames spewed out from the sun star, and at the same time, a terrifying sacred tree appeared in front of Emperor Qingyu Yuan.

Seeing this, Emperor Qingyu Yuan couldn't help asking in surprise: "Is this Fusang wood?"

The surprise was no small matter.

Just when Emperor Qingyu Yuan was taken aback, a fiery red three-legged Golden Crow suddenly appeared on the hibiscus tree of Sun Star.

The fiery red three-legged golden crow raised its head to the sky and screamed, causing Qingyu Yuandi's Qingyu wings to tremble suddenly.

Emperor Qingyu Yuan broke into a cold sweat, he did not expect such a terrifying divine bird to appear in the sun star.

"This is, is this the three-legged Golden Crow?"

Heavenly Emperor Xiaoyuan was also taken aback, looking at Lin Fan's sun star in horror, a divine bird that was more powerful than Emperor Qingyu Yuan appeared.

But Heavenly Emperor Xiaoyuan soon knew that this divine bird was the three-legged Golden Crow.

The appearance of the three-legged Golden Crow made Emperor Qingyu Yuan stunned.

He took a few steps back involuntarily, and several thoughts flashed through his mind.

Emperor Qingyu Yuan was completely shocked, he didn't expect that Lin Fan's sun star would have hibiscus wood, let alone the three-legged golden crow.

(End of this chapter)

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