The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 1788 Chaos Opens

Chapter 1788 Chaos Opens
Immediately, I saw Chaos Fierce wanting to enter the magic circle of the forbidden barrier.

However, suddenly, he was blocked by the forbidden barrier and couldn't get in at all.

Such a horrific scene immediately caused Chaos to show a look of surprise.

In his heart, he wanted Lin Fan to come back as soon as possible, so that the spirit treasure in the magic circle would not fall into Lin Fan's hands.

For a moment, the chaotic and fierce heart was startled. He looked at the magic circle and Lin Fan who had disappeared.

Lin Fan smiled coldly, watching some changes taking place in the magic circle.

To be exact, the changes in this magic circle are simply too terrifying.

But Lin Fan didn't feel scared, instead he showed a touch of coldness.

Immediately, Lin Fan smiled faintly and looked at the magic circle.

With a bang, a terrifying palace appeared in the magic circle.

Lin Fan saw Chaos Palace written on the palace.

"Chaos Palace?"

Lin Fan saw that this was the first palace of the magic circle. He was outside the Chaos Palace, looking at the forbidden barrier covering the Chaos Palace.

Lin Fan walked forward coldly, and stretched out his hand to press the barrier.

With a bang, the forbidden barrier seemed to be shattered.

At the same time, the door of the Chaos Palace opened suddenly, and a terrifying suction seemed to suck Lin Fan in.

With a sound of touch, Lin Fan was sucked into the Chaos Palace, as if he was in the Chaos.

It was an endless, pitch-black chaos.

This was an endless and pitch-black chaos, Lin Fan was sucked in by the Chaos Palace, and stood in the middle of the chaos.

At this time, the surroundings seemed to be suffocated, and the strong air of chaos made Lin Fan feel very uncomfortable.

Lin Fan yelled, and took out a broad ax from nowhere, and with a bang, it split open the chaos.

With such a move, Lin Fan was stunned, and he said in shock: "The first chaos?"

The surprise was no small matter.

But Lin Fan knew that this was just an illusion, not the real splitting of the universe.

Immediately, Lin Fan closed his eyes, and suddenly the chaos in front of him disappeared, replaced by terrifying palaces.

Every palace has a terrifying figure, of course Lin Fan knows that this is still an illusion.

He smiled coldly, disapproving, and then a real fire of the sun burst out, and the blazing brilliance seemed to overwhelm the mountains, making the palaces disappear immediately.

Suddenly, a terrifying ball appeared in front of Lin Fan. The ball was so big that it seemed to be expanding.

Lin Fan chuckled, and he quickly saw a figure appearing in the sphere.


A thought flashed in Lin Fan's mind, and he saw that the ball was a mirage.

It turned out that all of this was an illusion of the mirage, Lin Fan snorted coldly and looked at the mirage.

The ball exploded, and a figure appeared in front of Lin Fan.

It is the mirage.

The mirage shouted loudly, pointed at Lin Fan, and shouted, "I am the Fu Ling mirage guarding the Chaos Palace, who are you?"

Sure enough, everything was as expected by Lin Fan. The mirage that suddenly appeared was indeed related to the Chaos Palace, and he was the rune spirit of the Chaos Palace.

Then, the previous illusions made sense, and those illusions were set up by mirages.

Lin Fan snorted coldly, looked at Mirage, and said indifferently: "Mirage, I came here to get some things."

"Things? There is nothing here, only Lingbao."

Hearing that Lin Fan wanted to take something, Mirage shook his head quickly, and as soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly covered his mouth, feeling that he had made a mistake.

He shouldn't have said that there is a spirit treasure in the Chaos Palace.

For a moment, Mirage pointed at Lin Fan angrily, and he felt that Lin Fan deliberately asked him to say it.

Lin Fan was bullying him.

As soon as the voice fell, Li Yao let out an angry roar, and an illusion suddenly appeared.

Lin Fan chuckled, raised his hand and punched, like overwhelming mountains, shattering this illusion.

With a loud bang, the illusion shattered and the mirage was taken aback. He looked at Lin Fan with a bewildered expression, and stepped back a few steps involuntarily.

The mirage looked at Lin Fan in horror. He never expected that Lin Fan would be so powerful that he could shatter his illusion with one punch.

Such a terrifying and powerful opponent is really a monster.

The mirage suddenly pointed at Lin Fan, and Lin Fan chuckled, "If you don't want to die, hand over those spirit treasures."

There was no warmth in Lin Fan's voice. As soon as he finished speaking, Mirage looked at him furiously.

The mirage was about to be blown up by Lin Fan's anger. He felt that Lin Fan was too terrifying. Such a powerful existence was like a god of death.

Although terrified in his heart, the mirage still glared at Lin Fan.

Lin Fan smiled indifferently, and he sacrificed the Emperor Zhi Sword to kill the mirage like overwhelming mountains and seas.

Seeing Lin Fan's Dizhi Sword, Mirage was startled. He hurriedly backed up a few steps, trying to reach out to grab the Dizhi Sword, but seeing that the Dizhi Sword was moving too fast, it hit the ground with a bang. he.

With a puff, the mirage opened its mouth to spit out blood, and he was taken aback by Lin Fan's strength.

He had never encountered such a terrifying and powerful existence, and the mirage involuntarily took several steps back.

Lin Fan said coldly: "Mirage, if you persist in your obsession, I will roast you."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Fan's left hand suddenly condensed a ball of real sun fire. The blazing light and terrifying flames immediately made the mirage frightened and scared out of his wits.

Mirage did not expect Lin Fan to be so terrifying, he shouted: "Since you want these spiritual weapons, I will give them to you."

Seeing the real sun fire, the mirage felt that he might not be able to bear it, so the mirage decided to tell Lin Fan where the spiritual weapon was. He didn't want to be burned to ashes by the real sun fire.

"Hehe, if I knew this earlier, why bother to lead the way?

Lin Fan shrouded a spiritual pressure on the mirage's head. He pointed at the mirage. Seeing this, the mirage immediately brought Lin Fan to the Chaos Palace.

The Chaos Palace is very large, and the surroundings are filled with Chaos Qi.

Lin Fan walked all the way, and the mirage said to Lin Fan: "Even if you kill me, it is not easy to get those spirit treasures, the master of the Chaos Palace has already set up a forbidden barrier

As soon as the mirage finished speaking, it looked at Lin Fan, and in an instant, it came to the space where the Lingbao was placed in the Chaos Palace.

Lin Fan probed it with his spiritual sense, and there was indeed a powerful existence in this space.

Lin Fan chuckled, raised his hand and punched the mirage, and with a bang, the mirage entered the space instantly.

Just as the mirage stepped into the space, a terrifying spiritual pressure descended from the sky, like overwhelming mountains and seas, with a bang, it shattered the mirage.

Suddenly, an extremely terrifying voice said in shock: "Mirage?"

Apparently, Reiatsu discovered that he had killed the mirage.

Lin Fan chuckled, and stepped into it, only to see a figure that looked like heaven and earth, watching the mirage being crushed by the spirit pressure.

This figure is the master of the Chaos Hall.

The owner of Chaos Hall suddenly looked at Lin Fan, as if he had thought of something, he shouted and pointed at Lin Fan angrily.

I saw the owner of the Chaos Hall shouted: "You asked the owner of the Hall to kill the mirage?"

The master of Chaos Palace glared at Lin Fan angrily. As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Fan sneered: "Don't talk nonsense, give me the Lingbao now."

Lin Fan saw the strength of the master of Chaos Hall, he chuckled and pointed to the master of Chaos Hall.

When the master of Chaos Palace heard that Lin Fan was for the spirit treasure, he immediately looked at Lin Fan with indignation.

The owner of the Chaos Palace shouted: "So you want the Lingbao?"

Amidst the bang, the owner of the Chaos Hall shouted loudly, and the surroundings were like mountains and seas.

He looked at Lin Fan coldly, and a terrifying spiritual pressure instantly crushed him.

Seeing this piece of spiritual pressure, Lin Fan showed a sneer on his cheek, but saw Lin Fan sneer and said: "Master of Chaos Hall, you are not my match at all."

(End of this chapter)

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