The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 2130 Divine Seal

Chapter 2130 Divine Seal
"Since you want to keep them, then so be it."

Lin Fan nodded, and said to the three people on the ground: "Are you willing to be my mount?"

"Yes, yes!"

Hearing Lin Fan's words, the faces of the three were all excited.

Said loudly again and again.

"If that's the case, then you all will follow me."

After Lin Fan finished speaking, all of a sudden, he waved his hand above the void.

I saw three golden rays of light falling down, and a mark was punched into the bodies of the three people.

"Meet the master."

The three smiled bitterly, then stood up from the ground, and bowed deeply to Lin Fan.

"Okay, let's go."

Lin Fan looked at the sun, turned around and walked towards the mountain not far away.


The three of them also greeted Shui Ruoqing, and followed Lin Fan towards the opposite mountain.

When they reached the mountain, they saw that Lin Fan had opened up a huge cave directly on the mountainside.

"I want to refine the seal of God in this place, you are waiting for me outside."


Lin Fan dodged towards the cave, and the moment he arrived at the cave, he sealed off the cave.

He himself took it out, and the golden god seal came out.

The moment he took out that divine seal, he saw countless spiritual powers sweeping towards this direction crazily.

"Good stuff!"

Lin Fan looked at the golden seal in front of him, his face was full of excitement.


The moment the blood essence flew in, I saw a huge golden light emanating from the golden seal.

"It's so dazzling!"

Lin Fan didn't have the slightest preparation, because he was relatively close.

So he only felt the moment when the golden light suddenly burst out.

He felt that his eyes, as if all of a sudden, couldn't see things clearly.

"what is that?"

Shui Ruoqing and the others below saw the huge golden light erupting from the cave.

They all set their eyes on the top.

"This is the divine light on that treasure."

The faces of the nine lions were full of shock.

"The divine light above the treasure?"

The black pig immediately stood up from the ground, his face full of regret: "I knew before that this must be a treasure."

"Black pig, you bastard, are you still determined?"

The eyes of the white elephant fell firmly on the black pig.

"I don't."

The black pig sensed the ulterior motives of the white elephant, and a horrified expression appeared on his face.

"All right."

"You all look around to see if any strangers are approaching."

"White elephant and black pig, you two guys, if you don't want to die, just be honest with me."

"This is a lesson for you."

Shui Ruoqing made a move above the void, and immediately saw a huge water blade.

It slashed heavily across the faces of the two of them, and blood immediately overflowed continuously.

"Don't dare!"

"Don't dare!"

The two of them were so frightened that they knelt on the ground, kowtowing continuously, their faces full of horror.

It was also at this time that they fully understood their identity as others.

That's a slave!

They have completely forgotten their identities.

"Don't you dare?"

Shui Ruoqing said coldly: "One of you is sorry that you didn't grab this treasure, and the other wants to put someone to death."

"I hope you will remember, this scar is a warning to you."

Hearing Shui Ruoqing's words, the two kowtowed on the ground again.

But in his heart, he was completely relieved.

At least this time, I won't die.

Also in my heart, I firmly remembered that I am a slave and should not have any bad thoughts.

The moment Lin Fan entered the golden seal with a drop of blood essence.

I saw the golden seals flying continuously above the void.

Then it flew up towards Lin Fan, the golden light on it was shining bright golden light.

It slammed heavily towards Lin Fan, but Lin Fan said to make a move above the void.

Immediately caught, this huge golden seal came.


The big golden seal was constantly struggling, trying to break free from Lin Fan's grasp.

"If you don't recognize the Lord, then don't blame me, I completely melted you."

Lin Fan said to the struggling Jin Yin in his hand.


The golden seal is still struggling, even on his body.

"I really can't see the coffin without crying!"

A black iron sword appeared in Lin Fan's hand, and it slashed heavily on the golden seal.

Immediately, the golden seal trembled above the void, and then fell heavily to the ground, motionless, like a dead dog.


"Since you don't obey, don't blame me and be rude to you."

Lin Fan sneered, snorted coldly, and the black iron sword in his hand fell heavily on the golden seal again.


I only heard a loud bang, and then I heard that this time the huge sword light fell on the void, directly embedding the golden seal deeply into the golden seal.

"Now let me say one more thing, are you convinced or not?"

Lin Fan stepped forward again, then looked down at the golden seal deeply embedded and said.


"Since that's the case, then the Heavenly King Tower, devour its natal essence."

As Lin Fan spoke, the divine light in his hand flickered, and he saw that the Heavenly King Pagoda flew out directly.


The moment the Tianwang Tower flew out, it looked very excited.

A bright golden light erupted from his body.

It fell heavily on this huge golden seal.


The moment Jin Yin saw the Heavenly King Tower, he wanted to fly out, but he couldn't.


Lin Fan said to Jin Yin: "Even if you want to follow me, I don't bother to accept you."


Obviously, after hearing Lin Fan's words, Jin Yin immediately became very excited.

"Let's go to the Heavenly King Tower."

Lin Fan's hand flew out, a huge spiritual energy flew out, and poured directly into the Heavenly King Tower.


With the support of Lin Fan's huge aura, a huge golden light suddenly enveloped the golden seal.

"No, I was wrong, I know I was wrong."

A miserable voice came out.

"Hehe, is this your sincerity?"

"Tianwang Pagoda refines him, what's the use of being unfaithful to me?"

Lin Fan said coldly.

After all, Lin Fan completely ignored the other party, no matter what the other party said, he just shot away with a flash of lightning.

In the next moment, only a scream was heard, and he died directly.

(End of this chapter)

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