Chapter 2137
"As long as he is happy, it doesn't matter how many wrong things he does. It's better than seeing him depressed every day."

"I always understood that he was just pouring out the resentment accumulated in his heart for more than ten years. He used to help the needy and pity the weak. If he hadn't been stimulated by his parents, he wouldn't have fallen to this point. "

"And I have no other redundant identity other than being his confidant and protector."

"I always wondered if things would be different if I were his elder brother, so that I could accompany him through the darkest time in those few years with my closest relationship, so that he would not be in a short period of time. In just one year, the temperament changed."

Zhuo Bai saw the look of loneliness in his brow, and couldn't help asking: "I heard that Lin Mo's mother passed away when he was young, is it because of this?"

He saw that he was silent for a while, and his sad face seemed to be expressing endless worries.

It turned out that when Lin Mo was ten years old, he had a natural nature and was extremely friendly to others, and he got along with the people in the mansion even more happily.

During that period of time, in order to cultivate his business experience earlier, Master Lin took him out together, and the two of them went out for three full months before returning to the mansion.

In order to make his mother happy, Lin Mo bought a gift with his father early on to surprise her, so before that, Lin's mother didn't know that they would come back, and the two traveled all the way, and it was already night when they arrived at Lin's mansion.

But for this surprise, Master Lin and Lin Mo didn't feel a little tired, instead they went to the house looking for Mother Lin expectantly.

But at the moment when they walked outside the house, the excited father and son heard the laughter of men and women coming from the house.

At the beginning, Lin Mo didn't know what it was, but after Master Lin heard it, his face suddenly darkened. Lin Mo will always remember his expression at that moment, which makes people feel scared and strange.

The anger, coldness on his face, and even the redness in his eyes made him unforgettable all his life. Lin Mo was cautiously about to speak, but he kicked the door open without thinking.

Immediately after that came the sound of panic and panic from inside. Lin Mo saw his father walk in angrily, but what caught his eyes was his mother hiding in a disheveled topless strange man. behind.

He looked at the scene in front of him in horror. The gift in his hand fell to the ground because of his trembling hands. For a moment, he seemed to be unable to hear the sound of the outside world, and could only see his mother being beaten by his father.

But he didn't want to step forward to stop him, because Lin Mo knew that his mother was no longer worthy to be his mother at this moment, and she was no different from those women who prostituted themselves on the street!

He stood there blankly, watching all this indifferently, even when he saw his mother was beaten all over, looking at him with tears, he knew that she was expecting him to intercede for her.

But at that moment, he only felt disgusted. Lin Mo saw the strange man rushing towards him, but he didn't want to escape, and let himself be knocked to the ground by him.

At this moment, he couldn't help crying anymore, but no one paid attention to him. When he remembered how long ago, he fell to the ground like this, but his parents always put down everything in their hands and ran over to comfort him immediately.

But this time, they didn't, and Lin Mo could only fall to the ground and cry in the endless darkness
At that time, Mo Wei was the child of a servant in the mansion, and he only entered the Lin mansion for a few days. During this period, as long as Lin Mo had something delicious and interesting, he would come to him enthusiastically. Although he was four years older than him, he had always been , as if he was taking care of himself.

But Mo Wei's mother was concerned about the disparity in status, and deliberately emphasized that Mo Wei should keep a distance from him on weekdays.

That night, he just couldn't sleep, and when he went out, he ran into a strange man running out of Lin Mu's house with his upper body naked. He looked up in a daze, and saw Lin Mo sitting on the ground crying, and couldn't help but feel sad. one touch.

He wanted to go forward, until he heard a miserable cry coming from the room. He knew very well that the sound was from Lin Mo's mother.

At first Mo Wei didn't know what happened, but when he was about to go forward, he saw Master Lin coming out of the house angrily. Mo Wei had roughly guessed what happened, and immediately stepped forward to appease Mo Wei. The tears were gone from his face.

Not long after, I saw several servant girls hurried into Lin Mo's house and closed the door, Mo Wei glanced coldly and left with Lin Mo who was crying.

Until later, the beaten and bruised mother lay in the mansion to recuperate. After that, her father signed a divorce agreement with her and went to the outer city overnight.

During that period, Lin Mo locked himself in the house all day long without seeing anyone, let alone that shameless woman. He only knew that he only had endless resentment towards her in his heart!

After recuperating for more than a month, Mother Lin's injuries were mostly healed. During this period, Master Lin did not send anyone to drive her away, and the servants in the mansion took good care of her as always.

Although there were gossips from the servants, they were all about feeling worthless for Master Lin and hating Lin Mu, but there was no ill-treatment during that period. it's too late.

When she left the house, she went to see Lin Mo for the last time, but he didn't want to see her. He just listened to her cry through the door, but in the end, he still didn't look at her.

When Lin Mo opened the door, his mother had already left the Lin residence, and only a bunch of hair tied with red string and a safety lock remained outside the door.

Later, Lin Mo gradually grew up, and Master Lin also married a new wife, but he didn't react too much, because for his father, he lost a lot of weight after only half a year since he went out that night.

It's hard for Lin Mo to imagine how he spent those days, because he also lived in endless pain during that period. He never thought that just one short night could shatter a family that should have been perfect .

Until by chance, he heard that his mother became a wife again in the second year after that year, and even raised a son.

Suddenly, he was deeply shocked, unable to control the resentment accumulated in his heart for several years, until he tried his best to find out her whereabouts, and went to find her with the idea of ​​not wanting to believe it.

Although he didn't allow anyone to accompany him, Mo Wei followed secretly and went to a relatively barren village. He saw Lin's mother coaxing the child in her arms with a smile on her face, and he was heartbroken when he saw this scene Lin Mo with lung pain.

Mo Wei saw him slamming all over the wall viciously, and in just a moment, the blood flowed down his hand drop by drop. After seeing him leave angrily and sadly, suddenly a strange man brushed past him.

Mo Wei hid as if nothing had happened, and when he was about to follow Lin Mo, he suddenly heard Lin's mother's screams. He hurried forward to look, but saw the man just now beating her.

(End of this chapter)

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