The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 2144 Calm down

Chapter 2144 Calm down
He glanced at Lin Fan in a daze, and then broke away his hand.

"Healer, what are you doing covering my mouth?"

"We came here a bit suddenly, so we must not startle the people here. It is best to leave as soon as possible after we have dealt with that evildoer."

"After all, the West City side doesn't know how the matter will be resolved, so I hope everything goes well."

Zhuo Yu patted his chest confidently: "Don't worry about it, there are some difficulties that our general Xi can't solve, not to mention the fifth lady, there must be no problem!"

He couldn't help recalling what the old lady said just now, and then thought: "Speaking of a spiritual master, do you think what she said just now is so evil?"

Lin Fan nodded: "Not only her words, but even the entire ethnic group here feel weird. If you didn't say that this is the territory of Yunfu City, I would really feel that something is wrong."

"By the way, according to that aunt, only the city lord and generals have been here, so how do you know what's going on here?"

Zhuo Yu thought for a moment, then smiled and said, "Ehhahaha, actually I didn't know where this place was at first, but the clothes on them were quite similar to what General Xi described to me before."

Lin Fan stopped suddenly, seeing the road ahead gradually distorted, as if there was some kind of gravitational force that was gradually sucking him in.

"Wait, don't go any further!"

Lin Fan sensed that the front was very strange, and immediately stopped Zhuo Yu, his calm face suddenly became serious.

In Xijiang Mansion, the memories of the dead caused by the nightmare technique began to gradually merge into a blue illusion. After Yunuo cast the spell with his hand, scenes soon appeared.

Seeing this, Yu Nuo's tense face immediately relaxed: "Fortunately, it succeeded!"

Seeing such a miraculous scene, everyone looked at Lin Xue and Lin Mo, who was kneeling, in amazement, and became even more nervous.

The picture flowed to the moment when Lin Mo appeared, just as Yu Nuo said, he molested Jin Ning'er in every possible way until he was knocked out, defiled, threatened, pushed into the water, and drowned before his eyes.

This scene was meticulously presented in front of all the people present. For a moment, all the people present were shocked and speechless. Lin Mo curled up nervously and fearfully.

Lin Xue couldn't help clenching her palms tightly, no matter how much she pretended to be calm, she couldn't conceal the panic in her heart.

At the end of the picture, Lin Mo glanced at Jin Ning'er who was constantly struggling in the water, and then left cruelly. When everyone saw this, they all felt chilling and pity for it.

"This kind of person is really inferior to a beast!"

Liu Ye suddenly felt a burst of anger in his heart, and defended Jin Ninger's injustice, while Sun Yao at the side noticed the change in Lin Xue's expression: "It seems that she has known about this for a long time!"


When Liu Ye heard Sun Yao's words, he looked at him suspiciously.

"It's okay, but it seems that Lin Mo must be planted today."

He deliberately changed the subject, while Liu Ye glared at Lin Mo and said angrily, "I've heard that he is a flirtatious man, but now it seems that he is simply a scumbag!"

Sun Yao looked at him meaningfully, and joked: "Isn't our Young Master Liu also a romantic figure?"

Liu Ye rolled his eyes at him himself: "Look at what you said, I'm different from him, I'm only flirting with girls from brothels, and I won't do things like robbing women from good families and hurting nature and reason!"

Sun Yao's eyes fluttered and he nodded slightly: "It's true!"

With a wave of her sleeve, the illusion disappeared in front of her eyes. She looked coldly at Lin Mo, who kept avoiding her eyes, her face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, which made everyone around feel a shiver.

"Did you see every scene just now?"

She took a few steps forward, looked at Lin Mo with scrutiny, and then she looked at Master Lin to one side, and saw that he was clutching his heart in pain, and his face was very pale.

"Master Lin, this is what your son did!"

"This matter is all done by me alone, and has nothing to do with my young master!"

Mo Wei suddenly raised his eyes and looked at Yu Nuo with fierce eyes, the determination in his eyes made Yu Nuo sneer.

"Don't worry, this matter has nothing to do with you!"

As he said that, Yu Nuo took a blue gown from the guard behind him and presented it in front of Lin Mo. He lowered his eyes and glanced, the panic in his heart had already risen to his throat.

"Look, no one is more familiar with this dress than you."

Yu Nuo said bluntly: "Everyone must have recognized this dress before when Jin Ning'er was knocked out. She held on to her last bit of consciousness and saw Mo Wei who knocked herself out and not far away. Lin Mo standing everywhere."

"And that day, Lin Mo was wearing exactly this dress!"

"In that dark alley, a woman who had worked hard all day was planning to go home with a vegetable basket. She must have never thought that this kind of thing would happen to herself!"

Yu Nuo spoke word by word, using the most emphatic tone in every sentence, her eyes were like a cold pool, fixed on Lin Mo who was in panic at the moment.

Then, she pulled up her sleeves and spread them out in front of everyone: "Also, the solidified mud stains on the top can prove that the person at that time was you. Burn this thing?"


"Before, you arrogantly said that we have no evidence to convict you. Now that the evidence is in front of you, if you still want to speak hard, it is wishful thinking!"

Hearing this, Master Lin stood up with resentment and walked towards Lin Mo: "Mo'er, did you do all these things?"

He looked at him tremblingly, with an expression of disbelief: "I want you to tell me yourself whether you did these things!"

Lin Mo lowered his head and trembled all over. Seeing this, Lin Xue quickly supported Master Lin: "Father, father, please calm down first."

"Up to now, I still refuse to admit it!"

Suddenly, a sonorous and powerful voice sounded, and in the blink of an eye, General Xi and General Dong appeared in front of his eyes. Seeing General Xi, Lin Mo's body shrank in fright, and his legs trembled like chaff.

"It's General Xi, the future is coming!"

Discussions arose, and everyone looked at General Xi with eyes full of respect.

Xi Jiang held an earring between his fingers and presented it in front of everyone. Lin Moqiang glanced calmly, and his eyes trembled.

"I just came back from the place where Jin Ning'er was knocked out, and I found an earring, and this was what she left behind when she hit her head against the corner of the wall when she fainted."

"We only found one when we searched her home. The Fifth Madam must have shown you the memory of the deceased. She was wearing the same earring as this one!"

General Xi turned his head to look at Yu Nuo, saw her nod her head slightly, and then shifted her gaze to the front of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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