The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 2157 Vulnerability

Chapter 2157 Vulnerability
Seeing this, Lin Fan quickly explained: "It's the girl Xinwan from Wanhualou that I was talking about. She was by her side all the time in her life, and she was also her maid."

General Xi nodded, waved his hand and said, "Let her in!"

Lin Fan pursed his lips and smiled, and within a short while, he saw Qingli walking in. Today, she was dressed in a low-key plain white, not as gorgeous as in Wanhualou, her face was a little haggard, but she couldn't hide it. Concentrating on her beauty, it seems that she is overthinking, and she must have not had a good rest last night.

"Xinwan, a little girl, has met General Xi."

General Xi focused all his attention on the woman's corpse, he waved his hand when he heard it, and said solemnly: "Come here and have a look, she is someone you know."

Qingwan walked by, looking at her with red eyes, "It's her. I couldn't believe it when I heard the spiritual master yesterday, but I didn't expect it to be Yu'er."


Lin Fan had some doubts. He seemed to be calling her Jue Lin when she was called before.

"Yes, her name is Jue Yu. Although we haven't known each other for long, she has always been willing to listen to my heart. I treat her more like a sister. How did she become like this?"

As she spoke, Qing Wan was already choked with tears.

"Then do you know where she lives and who is there?"

Xi Jiang watched her every move and any small expression that might be overlooked with scrutiny.

"She seldom mentioned anything about her to me, and I didn't know her background. Before I entered Wanhualou, she seemed to be with another woman named Lanqian, but later The girl was redeemed by the nobleman, and she left Wanhualou."

"Not long after I entered Wanhualou, my mother reassigned Jue Yu to me, but a few days ago, she suddenly told me that I would go home to visit my relatives, so I agreed. See her again in such a sight."

Qing Wan cried.


General Xi said in a deep voice, "How is the matter going?"

"The subordinates have identified and continued to investigate and question Wanhualou. The detailed origin of the deceased has been ascertained. The name of this person is Jue Yu. Both parents died when he was young. There is still a twin sister named Jue at home. Lin."


Lin Fan was startled. He seemed to have heard Lan Qian call her Juelin before in the Wanhua Building. Yes, it was Juelin!
The guard continued.

"In order to shoulder the burden of the family, otherwise her younger sister would suffer, she practiced martial arts hard since she was a child."

"Later, she was favored by the procuress of Wanhualou, and she was selected as the maid of the former courtesan Lanqian, and then became the maid of a woman named Xinwan."

After listening to the guard's words, some of Lin Fan's doubts were relieved. He glanced at Qingwan, it seems that she really didn't know that there was a monster attached to her maid, but the monster saved her, so he should have some feelings for her. Feelings are.

"Then where is her family?"

General Xi said in a low voice.

"The family members are waiting outside, this subordinate will let her in!"

After a while, he saw a plainly dressed woman coming forward. At first glance, Lin Fan almost thought she was the woman lying in front of him. If it wasn't twins, everyone present would be shocked. .

As soon as she came in, her eyes fell on the corpse. For a while, her face suddenly turned pale, and she ran to Jue Yu crying: "Sister, what's wrong with you, wake up, sister!"

"My condolences!" Zhuo Bai on the side couldn't bear it, she could empathize with her experience the most. A few years ago, he saw his brother vomit blood and die in front of him.

"Tell me quickly, what's wrong with her, are you scaring me, sister, woo woo woo."

"Your sister died of illness and has been gone for several days." Lin Fan replied.

Jue Lin hugged Jue Yu and began to cry. Seeing this, Xin Wan's eyes kept dripping with tears.

Xi Jiang stepped aside, and did not ask until her mood stabilized a bit: "The girl's name is Juelin, and is your sister Jueyu lying there?"


Lin Fan's eyes froze, and he interrupted her words: "I was in Wanhualou before, but I heard the former oiran girl Lanqian call her Juelin, how could she become Jueyu now!"

Hearing Lin Fan's words, an imperceptible coldness flashed across her face, so she pretended to be complicated and said, "This is the end of the matter, and I don't need to hide it anymore, in fact, I am Jue Yu !"

Everyone looked at her in astonishment, General Xi said in a deep voice, "Then why did you use the name Juelin?"

"Because of this, I can make her less hurt."

"The former Huakui girl of Wanhualou you mentioned, my sister mentioned to me that she is understanding, gentle and kind, and treats my sister like a real sister. This young man said that she knows my sister's real name, then It means that my sister trusts her, so I can't bear to lie to her."

"After Miss Lanqian was redeemed, she wanted to take my sister away with her, but because of me, she had to continue working as a maid in Wanhualou."

"But she can only use my name, because only in this way can she avoid those people's search and continue to make money outside without being affected."

And things have to start two years ago. At that time, Jue Yu was seriously ill and needed Dabi's treatment expenses. Her only sister, Jue Lin, chose to go to the casino.

Elder sister Jue Lin has been intelligent since she was a child, especially her hearing ability is better than ordinary people. She won game after game by virtue of her keen hearing ability. In the end, she took a large sum of money and cured her younger sister Jue Yu. disease.

After that, it attracted the villains of the casino to find fault. They kept harassing her where she worked through her sister's name. If she hadn't some martial arts skills, she would have been lucky to escape every time.

Later, Jue Yu figured out a way to let her sister go out with her own name. Although the situation was calm for a while, people still searched for her with a portrait. In order for her not to be harmed, Jue Yu used Jue Lin's name to replace her in silence. Bear everything.

After listening to the narration, everyone was quite moved. Jue Yu suddenly smiled and looked at her with tears in her eyes: "But what she doesn't know is that when she practiced martial arts every night, I was also practicing , Originally I thought that I also had the ability to protect her, but I didn't expect her to die for no reason."

"On weekdays, I see that she is obviously well. How could it be, how could it be that she suddenly got sick and passed away? You clearly promised me that you would always be with me. Do you know if you made a mistake?"

Jue Yu clenched her hands tightly, and tears kept dripping down on her hands. She cried so heartbreakingly that others didn't dare to say anything more.

General Xi was full of thoughts: "It was diagnosed that she was suffering from an old disease. The root cause of the disease was long ago, but she failed to seek medical treatment in time. It is likely that she did not want you to worry, so she will not show her weakness in front of you. one side."

(End of this chapter)

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