The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 2166 Mission

"Yes, but they are all watching silently outside, for fear of disturbing the fourth general, and will give all kinds of instructions before leaving."

"If you want to talk about General Xi, I really broke my heart for you."

"We understand everything the general has done. Now that we are all grown up, we will let him worry a little bit."

Zhuo Yu glanced at the room, and then smiled at Uncle Wu: "In that case, let's go first, and Ah Ming will ask Uncle Wu to take care of him, and I will come here often."

Uncle Wu nodded with a kind smile on his face, and seeing Zhuo Yu walking away, he couldn't help sighing with emotion: "I really grew up."

Suddenly the door was opened, Zhuo Ming came out pushing the wheelchair, Uncle Wu couldn't help being a little startled when he saw this, he glanced at the breakfast on the table, he was almost eaten, he couldn't help but feel happy.

"Uncle Wu, take me for a walk in the back garden."

Zhuo Ming said calmly, Uncle Wu was a little unbelievable when he heard this, and after pondering for a moment, he hurriedly replied: "Okay!"

He let go of his hands, and finally headed towards the back garden under Uncle Wu's push.

In fact, in the room, Zhuo Ming heard most of what Zhuo Yu said. He thought General Xi had given up on him, but he still came to visit him often. Thinking of this, Zhuo Ming immediately felt regretful.

As early as the beginning, General Xi had already taken care of him in his heart. He should not think of him like this, and he should not spread the pain in his heart to others.

In the past, Zhuo Ming looked down on the cowardly and irresponsible people the most, but now he has become the person he hates the most. No matter who it is for, he is unwilling to continue to be depressed!
Qiankun walked out of the mansion with a heavy heart, with a gloomy expression on his face, recalling Cai Zhuoming's expression and what he said just now, he couldn't help feeling a sense of loss.

"Why does Fourth Senior Brother seem to dislike me? Did I go too far just now? I should listen to his opinion. How can I force him?"

"Hey, never mind, never mind, even if he doesn't like me, I can't see him depressed like this, um, yes, I must change him!"

Qiankun said to himself, but the gloom on his face still only increased. With his stomach rumbling, he rubbed it subconsciously: "I prepared breakfast for the fourth senior brother early in the morning, and I almost forgot that I haven't eaten yet." .”

He glanced around, then sat down on the street vendor closest to him: "Old man, have a bowl of millet porridge!"

"Okay, please wait a minute!"

At the same time, Lin Fan was on his way to the West General's Mansion when suddenly a familiar figure came into view. At first glance, he narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "It seems to be Honglian?"

He wanted to go forward curiously, but without paying attention, he bumped into a person walking towards him: "Hey, my hand!"

Lin Fan hurriedly looked down, and it turned out to be a fluffy kid. Seeing him covering his hands and looking at him pitifully, he squatted down and helped him up: "Little friend, are you alright?"

Seeing his pouting, he glanced at his elbows and saw some redness, but luckily he didn't break the skin. Lin Fan took out the medicine he was carrying, wiped it on the redness carefully, and turned his breath time will be fine.

"It's all right, doesn't it hurt?"

The child touched it in surprise, then stared at Lin Fan with wide eyes: "It doesn't hurt at all, it's amazing!"

Lin Fan rubbed his little head with a funny face, and then put the medicine in his palm: "Remember to be careful next time, this medicine will be given to you, if you still get hurt next time, just apply a little bit, It will heal within seconds."

"Thank you, thank you brother!"

Seeing his bright smile, Lin Fan couldn't help pinching his immature face: "You're welcome, go play, remember to be careful."

"Yeah, goodbye brother!"

Seeing the running figure of the child, Lin Fan also inexplicably laughed, and when he looked back, the figure was no longer there.

And Qiankun, not far from him, was listlessly stirring the porridge in the bowl. He yawned unknowingly, and murmured: "I did my homework for a long time, and I was preoccupied with how to prepare breakfast last night. How to sleep."

He ate dully, then became dull again.

At the same time, Lin Fan was passing him, and through the corner of his vision, he took a few steps back and looked at the vendor: "Isn't that Qiankun?"

Lin Fan walked over lightly, and slapped Qian Kun's shoulder with a smirk at the corner of his mouth, which shocked him instantly.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Lin Fan couldn't help covering his stomach and laughing loudly. The people around were attracted by the two and looked at them. Qian Kun looked back with a look of horror, and couldn't help patted his chest and said: "Master, you scared me to death!" !"

Seeing his dull look, Lin Fan couldn't help but hold back his laughter. He was always lively and smiling when he was seen on weekdays.

Lin Fan patted him on the shoulder, smiled and said: "It seems that you are in a bad mood!"

Sitting down with Qiankun, seeing him drinking porridge with his head bowed in silence, his face was listless, not as energetic as before, Lin Fan observed him for a moment, and couldn't help asking again.

"What happened to you, boldly tell your brother, maybe I can help you?"

"You can't help me. With Fourth Senior Brother's temper, no one around him wants to see him, let alone a stranger."

Qiankun murmured to himself, suddenly thought that he is not a spiritual master, then he must have a way to heal the fourth senior brother's injury!

Immediately, his face brightened, and he looked at him with twinkling eyes.

Seeing the sudden fiery gaze, Lin Fan couldn't help being startled, and seeing his expression of deep meaning, the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "Say it, what do you want from me?"

"Hey, the Healer is really different, he can see my little thoughts at a glance."

Lin Fan poured a cup of tea on the table with a half-smile, and drank it contentedly: "The more I hear the name of the healer, the more I get used to it. Unfortunately, I am not. When the city lord and Fan Xue come back , I must take this title.”

"That's not right, if you have something to say, just talk about it, otherwise I will rush to the West General's Mansion, and I don't have time to chat with you anymore."

At the same time, Li Fan was drinking tea opposite them, watching their every move.

Qiankun's eyes lit up immediately, and his words were a little excited: "Then I won't beat around the bush. In fact, this matter is about my fourth senior brother."

"Fourth Senior Brother?"

Lin Fan rubbed his face, thought for a while, and said, "When I worked with you generals before, I mentioned your senior senior brother Zhuo Feng and your second senior brother Zhuo Yi. If I remember correctly, your senior senior brother seems to be in seclusion. Second senior brother I went out to carry out a mission, so I haven’t seen him all the time.”

Qiankun deliberately lowered his voice, leaned closer to him and said: "The spiritual master is right, but I have never met the elder brother, it is said that he has been in seclusion for two years, and the second brother I have only been with him for a few days. He went out urgently to send a mission."

Lin Fan nodded: "However, I have never heard your four senior brothers mention it. After all, it has nothing to do with me, so I didn't ask too much."

He pondered for a moment, and then said: "I just remembered what you said. Yesterday, because of the formation, I needed each of the four generals to send one of the best people to assist me, but your west general chose your fifth senior brother." And it didn't mention your fourth senior brother at all, which makes me a little curious." (End of this chapter)

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