The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 2189 It Doesn't Matter

"Okay, Hong Jing, thank you, I will take care of the rest myself."

"Lan Xun, you can't stay outside for a long time yet, go back first."

"Okay, remember what I said!" Lan Xun looked at Lin Fan resolutely, and then pierced his eyebrows again.

"Where do you want to go?"

Leng Sha directly blocked Lin Yi's retreat, and before he could react, he directly cast a magic spell to stop him.

"It's pretty fast, keep running."

Seeing him approaching gradually, Lin Yi couldn't move, and his heart was even more nervous.

With a gust of wind blowing across his face, Lin Yi's true face was instantly exposed in front of him: "You!"

"Yo, Xiao Zhan looks quite handsome, wearing this black cloth, I really can't tell."

Leng Sha was about to flick his fingers, but was stopped by General Xi who rushed over the next second: "Stop!"

Then, I saw him undo the spell on Lin Yi.

"What are you doing?"

"Meet General Xi!"

As soon as Lin Yi cupped his hands, Leng Sha at the side was startled: "What?"

General Xi nodded, and then explained to Leng Sha: "I forgot to tell you earlier, this is my second general, Zhuo Yi."

"He he is your man!"

"Did you make a mistake? If you didn't say it earlier, I've been chasing you for so long!"

Leng Sha's eyes resented, and then he looked at Zhuo Yi: "You are so courageous, you dare to sneak up to Lin Kong's side, you are not afraid that one day he will see through your identity, and you will not know how you died in the end."

"Don't be afraid, I swear allegiance to the general to the death, not to mention spying on the enemy's situation and protecting the safety of Yunfu City is my duty!"

Leng Sha couldn't help sighing: "You really are a loyal subordinate, no wonder you General Xi is willing to pay for you."

"All right!"

Then, General Xi looked at Zhuo Yi: "This mission is successful, you don't need to go back to him, follow me back to General Xi's mansion."

"But!" Zhuo Yi suddenly raised his head, with a bit of stubbornness in his eyes.

"No, but now he must be suspicious of you, and if you go, you will only have a dead end. If you don't obey, you will be dealt with by military law!"

"All right, all right, don't you mean that you don't want him to put himself in danger? With so many detours, no wonder people always misunderstand you."

Leng Sha raised his brows slightly, and then looked at Zhuo Yi: "If you don't want your general to worry, just do what he says, not to mention the cruel and merciless person like Ling Kong, it's better not to take this risk next time. "

"I guess, he might hate me this time. It seems that I have to go out to avoid the limelight."

General Xi's eyes flashed immediately: "Sorry, I got you involved in it."

"We've been friends for so many years, I'm sorry, but it's a pity that this trip was in vain, and I didn't get anything." Leng Sha couldn't help sighing, his eyes froze suddenly.

"Wait, Beast Control Stone!"

"Almost forgot about it."

After the words fell, Leng Sha disappeared.

"Let's go too!"

General Xi and Zhuo Yi looked at each other, and then disappeared.

Leng Sha hurried over but only saw Lin Fan and Dong Jiang: "Where's the Beast Control Stone?"

"Where's my poison lick beast?"

Seeing him searching everywhere, General Dong couldn't help smiling, then rolled his eyes slightly, and said meaningfully: "Of course it has already turned into ashes."


"The rare treasure was ruined by you!"

"It's you again, spoiling my good deeds again and again, I will fight you!"

"Hey, you are still relying on the master, but if you still want to catch up with me, you can wait for the next life!"

After finishing speaking, General Dong disappeared without a trace, and Leng Sha rushed forward in a rage. Seeing the disappearing figures of the two, Lin Fan couldn't help shaking his head and smiling.

Xi Jiang and Zhuo Yi came to Lin Fan's side one after another, looking at the calm surroundings with blank expressions, as if nothing had happened.


Lin Fan glanced at the people beside Linkong, and said meaningfully: "It seems that you are the second general of the West General's Mansion."

Zhuo Yi then nodded and said: "That's right, it's me, I wonder if you are a spiritual master?"

Lin Fan smiled lightly and shook his head: "Now that things are up, I don't need to hide it from you anymore. In fact, I am not a spiritual master."

Zhuo Yi couldn't help being taken aback: "You said you are not a spiritual master?"

The West General's Mansion also looked stunned, but he was not without doubts before. After Lin Fan's explanation, now that he thinks about it, all doubts in his heart are easily resolved.

On the other side, Yanhua and Sufeng came out of the Lingong Mansion, and they recalled the young man in white clothes just now, with abundant spiritual power lingering around him, which is definitely not possessed by ordinary people.

"Do you think that person is related to him? I saw her jump out of Lin Fan's body with my own eyes. What kind of relationship do they have?"

Su Feng frowned and pondered, but he couldn't figure out how to explain it.

"The person you saw just now is actually a sword spirit, but he is different from ordinary sword spirits. He does not need to go through cultivation, and he is born with divine power. This is something I still can't figure out."

"Sword Spirit Transformation?!"

"Isn't that, isn't it that Lin Fan is his host!"

Su Feng couldn't help clapping his hands, if that was the case, then dealing with Lin Fan would become even more difficult.

"Also, how do you know that this person must be a sword spirit?"

Yanhua couldn't help but pause, and then said with a cold look in his eyes: "I have seen him summon Lan Xun before, and the aura contained in Lan Xun's sword is commensurate with the young man who just appeared."

"Once upon a time, I realized that Lan Xun Sword was extraordinary, but I felt the breath of heaven from it, and it seemed that I was bound by heaven."

"He was able to exert such a powerful force just now, and it seems that he has got rid of the shackles of the heavens, so his power is beyond anyone's control."

Yuhua took a step forward, then turned her head and gave him a cold look: "By the way, if you meet Lin Fan next time, it's best to avoid him."

"I know, I know, I didn't expect you to know a lot about him." Su Feng deliberately put out a long tone.

But Yuhua left indifferently without any response, and he seemed to be more decisive than before.

"I'm sorry, these days caused you to worry about Yunfu City, and made you go all the way to find Poria grass for Zhuo Ming." Xi Jiang sincerely cupped his hands.

"Zhuo Ming?" Zhuo Yi's face sank involuntarily.

Lin Fan frowned and said with a smile: "The general is serious, and sharing the burden for Yunfu City is nothing more than my promise to the fifth lady and the city lord, and I search for Poria cocos for Zhuo Ming, but I just happen to know where it is, so it's just a matter of little effort."

"Speaking of which, does the general have the whereabouts of Quejiu?"

General Xi's heart sank, he sighed and said, "Yes, there is, but the other party doesn't want to say it."

Although Zhuo Yi was at a loss, when he heard that Zhuo Ming was involved, he immediately became excited: "General, is there a prescription that can cure Ah Ming?"

After seeing him nodding his head solemnly, his face immediately beamed with joy, and the boulder that had been weighing on his heart was finally able to loosen three points.

The corner of Lin Fan's mouth curled up, and he said leisurely, "But the master of the Shasha Hall just now?"

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