The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 2193 1 silent

"It's all right."

Su Feng smiled warmly, then let go of his hand, and said modestly and politely: "I'm really sorry, I was rude just now."

"The girl is so beautiful, how can she go out alone, she should be accompanied by someone to protect the girl's safety?"

Hong Yan suddenly felt shy, and just when she was about to speak, she heard an annoying voice.


Hongyan glanced at Qianqian, saw that he was about to walk towards him, and said to Sufeng in a coquettish voice, "I don't know if you can talk further, my lord?"

"Okay, I am willing to accompany you."

Seeing her blushing and hurrying away, Su Feng deliberately took another look at Qian Qian to lure him over.

"It's so urgent to leave, I really can't wait."

Sufeng followed Hongyan to a secluded alley, saw her suddenly pretending to be weak and tilted her foot, and followed her will to wrap her arms around her waist.

"Are you all right girl?"

Hongyan suddenly smiled happily, pretending to be unsteady and buried herself in his chest.

"I don't know the son's name?"

"The little girl fell in love with the young master at first sight. If I want to see the young master again in the future, I wonder if there will be a chance?"

Sufeng smiled unconsciously: "It's my good fortune to be admired by a girl. My name is Suye. If the girl wants to see me, how about meeting here at Xushi tomorrow night?"

After finishing speaking, Su Feng helped her up. At the same time, when he heard Qianqian walking towards here, he said with a smile, "It seems that your family has come here to look for you, so I'll leave first."

Hongyan couldn't help being a little dazed, and when she looked around, she really saw Qianqian walking in this direction, then she smiled and took a step closer, and said softly, "Master, you must fulfill your promise."

Su Feng smiled and passed by, and when Qian Qian passed by, it was obvious that his eyes had already fixed on himself.

He secretly cast a spell to make him trip, and deliberately went to help him up. While holding his wrist, he took a good look at his right hand and found that there was no red mole.

"It's not Shi Luo?!"

"Useless things!"

Hongyan stared at the embarrassed Qianqian sharply, and then could only walk towards him. When Sufeng realized it, Qianqian had already freed his hands and ran away.

From the corner of the eye, Su Feng saw that he hurriedly helped Hong Yan with a worried face, while the woman gave him a sneaky look, Su Feng actually thought it was a bit funny: "This human race is really abusive."

"How about it, but I saw a red mole on his right hand?"

Yanhua flashed in front of him in an instant, looking at Qianqian with cold eyes.

"I checked, and there is no red mole on his palm, so he is not the person we are looking for."

"How is it possible, the magic phosphorous stone obviously reacted!" Seeing the two people behind him who were about to walk here, he pulled Su Feng to turn around and disappeared.

"Get out of here first!"

The two moved to a secluded pavilion in an instant, and Yan Hua stared at the calm lake, and said softly: "There is another possibility, that is, Shi Luo is probably the person next to them, and has close contacts! "

"It's true, he is only 14 years old now, and the fat man just now is clearly in his twenties, which doesn't fit Shi Luo's characteristics at all."

Su Feng frowned immediately: "You didn't say it earlier!"

Yan Hua glanced at him, then cleared his throat and said solemnly: "I didn't think about it for a while, but I will pay attention next time."

"What a surprise, I even sacrificed my appearance to attract that woman's attention!"

Yanhua said meaningfully: "Aren't you the best at this?"

"It's just a chance for you, don't blame me for restricting your freedom."

"Can it be the same? I like people who are young, beautiful, gentle and considerate. Just now, they are so hypocritical and love to act. It's really not my taste!"

Yanhua pondered for a moment: "The two were a couple just now."

"It's up to you to say, this envoy has already seen it, but that woman still wants to hide that she is a woman who has not left the cabinet, and she doesn't look at what she looks like in the mirror!"

Seeing Sufeng's angry look, Yanhua immediately had a plan: "I mean, since they are a couple, and the man is obviously very dependent on his wife, then Shi Luo is probably by their side .”

"Since you are attracted by that woman, I am wronged for you to use your tricks and find out if there is someone of the same age in her family, so that you can find Shi Luo naturally."

"Are you serious?"

Su Feng looked at him with darker eyes, and before he could speak, he immediately vetoed: "I won't go no matter what, I'm going to you, this sacrifice is too great, I can't do it!"

"If I had your tongue, I would have no problem. It's just that people are looking at you, and you should be able to handle it with ease. Now, why are you so eager to refuse?"

Yan Hua's expression inadvertently stretched, and he glanced lightly and continued: "This matter is related to the nightmare. If we don't find Shi Luo quickly, I don't think I need to talk about the consequences."

"Don't forget, there used to be a Demon Lord Demon Venerable who was willing to spare us, but now it is an order from the extremely violent Demon Nightmare. In his eyes, he has no affection for us at all."

Thinking back to the demon clan a few days ago, the scene of being coerced by the nightmare really made people feel a chill in the heart, even if they didn't see his real body, they were already afraid.

"Okay, okay, I'll go."

"I'll make an appointment with her tomorrow night, let's act then!"

In desperation, he could only agree.

In the West General's Mansion, the general became vigilant immediately after receiving the envelope from Qian Kun, and then he informed Fifth Madam and Lin Fan of the matter, and it seemed that he was going to do something secretly again.

"What does the black dragon that the general mentioned look like?"

Lin Fan leaned on his chin and looked at the general in confusion, only to hear him reply: "Qian Kun said that the pattern is extremely complicated, and it is impossible to draw a picture temporarily, but what he can tell is that he has a black body and red eyes. And it's in the shape of a dragon."

"By the way, it's the pattern engraved on the altar, but I think there must be a great relationship behind this thing."

Lin Fan pondered for a moment, and Yu Nuo at the side also had a solemn expression. She frowned, and suddenly thought that Lin Kong had a similar pattern on his body, but it was accidentally seen when she was passing by his room when she was young, and she had a little impression of it. Vague.

"General, let Qiankun keep an eye on it first, and tell us about the latest developments!"

"Now, we need to plant poria cocos. It's morning. If we plant it today, it will grow soon!"

"Okay, then follow the instructions of the spiritual master. I will write a letter to Qiankun right away. It's just about Poria, so I will bother you two!"

The general sincerely handed over his hand and handed him the jade pendant that could come and go freely in the West General's Mansion. After seeing him smile and nod, he walked towards the outside of the hall.

Along the way, Yunuo saw Lin Fan observing the sky: "I don't know where we are going to plant?"

Lin Fan was holding the flower pot that had been prepared long ago, and the spiritual soil with the most vigorous aura had been poured into it, and the seeds were about to be planted in it.

"Everything pays attention to the right time, the right place, and the harmony of people. When the time is right, there must be enough spiritual energy to nourish the place, and the harmony of people depends on you, Fifth Madam."

"Then there is only two difference now. The location is favorable. I observed earlier that the West General's Mansion is the closest to the Yunfuli land, so the aura is naturally indispensable, but it depends on which one is the most suitable for planting."

After finishing the words, Lan Xun's voice rang in his ears: "The deep courtyard of the West General's Mansion is the place where the spiritual energy is most prosperous!" (End of this chapter)

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