The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 2202 Questions

It was only for Zhuo Ming to have a pleasant place when he woke up, but since he woke up, he locked himself in the house and rarely went there, and even if he went, he would only choose the season when the plants withered.

Perhaps, his state of mind is like withered flowers and plants, which can be touched the most deeply, but General Xi does not want to see him degenerate and give up on himself, so he does not hesitate to travel across mountains and rivers to search for all kinds of things that can help repair the body every few months. The spiritual grass of the heart.

But the results are always not what people want, even if they find relevant spiritual herbs, they will only work for those who have cultivation bases, and it will not help Zhuo Ming who has lost all cultivation bases.

This is also the regret that has always existed in the hearts of generals.

"The general doesn't need to think too much, I will try my best to help you find a rescue formula!"

General Xi's slightly frowning brows relaxed a little. If Lin Fan hadn't been there to solve the problems these days, he probably wouldn't have the time to take care of so much just because of his own situation.

"Thanks to the spiritual master here!"

"However, as far as I know, Yuqing grass is like a flash in the pan, it will bloom in an instant, and only when it is picked off at the moment it blooms will it have a medicinal effect."

Lin Fan's eyes flashed suddenly: "Yes, I almost forgot about this, so general, I will go first!"

Seeing him walking hurriedly, the general couldn't help but smile knowingly: "If he can always be used by Yunfu City, he may be a rare talent for the city lord."

"Hey, it hurts, it hurts, senior brother, let me go!"

Zhuo Yu was caught by Zhuo Yi's ear and walked all the way, already in great pain, he quickly broke away from his hand, and looked at him with a red face: "I haven't finished training yet, if senior brother is fine, then I will leave first .”

"and many more!"

Seeing him turn around, Zhuo Yi smirked in his ear and said, "Did I let you go?"

The ups and downs of the voice made Zhuo Yu Tanmu stunned: "If you have something to do, please tell me, I really should go to training!"

In fact, this was just a cover for Zhuo Yu to escape from under his nose. Who knows why he angered her from the moment he entered the mansion, so that the magnetic field between the two of them was basically opposite.

For this reason, every time he competed with his fellow apprentices, he would still be ridiculed by them.

It would have been fine if Zhuo Yi wasn't there, he just laughed it off, but if Zhuo Yi was there, he would only increase the difficulty of his training even more unscrupulously, which is why he is still afraid of him.

"Okay, I really have something to do!"

In the next second, Zhuo Yi stood up straight, looked at the back of his head seriously and said.

Seeing that he was silent, he continued: "It's about Zhuo Ming."

When Zhuo Yu heard this, he turned his head immediately: "What's the matter, did something happen to the fourth brother?"

"Not because of that."

After finishing speaking, Zhuo Yi turned around and looked towards the horizon: "Before that, I want to ask you a question."

Zhuo Yu saw that there seemed to be something on his face, so he was a little stunned and said, "What's the problem?"

"You know what happens to an eagle that is supposed to be flying freely in the sky and suddenly gets shot in the wing by an arrow?"

Zhuo Yu looked towards his line of sight and saw a huge eagle hovering in the sky, and then he said innocently: "Since I fell from a height of a thousand meters, I can only watch myself fall. But there's nothing you can do."

"What will happen if this eagle lives tenaciously but loses the right to soar?"

Zhuo Yu couldn't help wondering: "It's strange, senior brother looks weird today." Without thinking too much, he continued: "If you lose your freedom, despair."


Zhuo Yu suddenly came to his senses: "Could it be that the senior brother is talking about the fourth senior brother?"

"That's right. Although Zhuo Ming entered the mansion a few years later than you and me, you also know that he has always been a character who refuses to admit defeat, and his ambition is far greater than yours and mine."

"Do you know how he entered the mansion back then?"

Zhuo Yi's question stopped him, he pondered for a moment, and asked in doubt: "Isn't it just the mansion that you pass the trial?"

"No, it has to start from that day"

At that time, the West General's Mansion had just been established not many years ago, besides the General Zhuo Feng and the Second General Zhuo Yi, there was only the youngest Zhuo Yu in the mansion.

On the way back to the mansion that day, General Xixi and Zhuo Yi suddenly saw a noisy sound on the street. Although the young Zhuo Yi had acquired all kinds of abilities since childhood, he still couldn't bear his curiosity and sneaked up behind the general's back join in the fun.

He squeezed into the crowd with all his strength, and stuck his head out because of his short stature at the time, but what he saw was a thin boy who was about his own age, but looked younger than himself.

The only thing that impressed him deeply was that he had snow-white skin, but the anger and stubbornness on his face made his fair cheeks rosy.

"I said if I didn't steal it, I didn't steal it. Don't make false accusations!"

"Then where did the thing in your hand come from? It's clearly from our store!"

Seeing the young man angrily arguing with the owner of the steamed stuffed bun shop, while the surrounding crowd was full of onlookers, sometimes pointing and pointing, made people feel irritable.

The young man shouted stubbornly that he did not steal his buns, but there was a trace of concern on his face.

At the beginning, Zhuo Yi, like the people around him, believed that he had stolen it, but if it was an ordinary thief who was caught, he would look like he would refuse to admit it, but compared to this young man, he didn't seem to have any guilty conscience in his eyes. Yes, just a little more hesitation.

Just when the two were quarreling and about to fight, the lady proprietress of the bun shop timidly stepped forward to stop her, but she was thrown away when her hand just touched her husband.

Seeing the woman fell to the ground, there was a hideous scar on her arm, although she quickly covered it up.

However, Zhuo Yi could still see clearly that there were marks on her arm from being beaten by the whip, and the old and new wounds overlapped, causing the scars that had just scabbed to open again.

"You talk as soon as you talk, why are you pushing him!"

Even when he was young, he spoke sonorously and forcefully. His eyes were sharp and full of anger, pointing at the owner of the steamed stuffed bun shop.

In the next second, he passed him to help the proprietress up. The moment he looked at the proprietress, his eyes became gentle again, and his words lost the hostility just now.

"Little bastard, see if I don't beat you to death today!"

I saw the man standing behind the boy directly picked up the wooden stick at the side and wanted to hit him on the shoulder. Seeing that the situation was not good, Zhuo Yi was about to make a secret move to stop him, but was stunned by the sudden words of the proprietress.

"I gave him this bun, if you want to hit me, hit me!"

The cowardly proprietress suddenly looked at him with an emotional outburst, her eyes turned rosy in the next second, her face was full of fear and panic.

"You gave it to him?"

The man also asked in a daze, as if everyone thought that the matter would be resolved when it was cleared up, but he grabbed the woman's hair the next second and shouted angrily.

Some people around couldn't understand how he was thinking of stepping forward to stop him, but was so frightened by his angry face that he didn't dare to go forward. After learning the truth, Zhuo Yi couldn't understand it, but he didn't realize that. The boy blocked the stick for the woman.

Seeing that the man was about to hit him again, the shocked Zhuo Yi immediately kicked him away.

"Are you OK!"

Zhuo Yi saw that a bluish-purple mark was instantly branded on the back of his neck, and his heart ached.

He and the proprietress helped the boy up, but saw that he just smiled indifferently, and said that this injury was nothing to him. (end of this chapter)

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