The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 2206 Darkness

Chapter 2206 Darkness
"When I went to find him, I found that he had left there with his family. In recent years, I have been tracking his whereabouts, and now I finally have a clue. A few days ago, I went to him in the name of taming animals. But I found that he not only became a monk, but also became a figure admired by all the people."

"It's really ridiculous. Just when I was about to fight him, I found that I was not his opponent at all. What made me even more unbelievable was that he became so powerful in just a few years!"

"I wonder if you can tell me who this person is?"

Leng Sha looked at Zhuo Bai with worry and indignation on his face: "You City Lords also know this person, not only him, but Lingong is also the most familiar. Have you ever been to the county capital?"

"That heartless and ungrateful person is the current Lord of the county capital, Lin Jue!"

Hearing the words "Junducheng", the two of them were no strangers, because the second senior brother Zhuo Yi lived in Junducheng before entering the West Mansion, and later he went to Yunfu City because he admired Xijiang.

"What does your Excellency mean when you say that Lin Jue is very familiar with that Lingong?"

Leng Sha smiled contemptuously, and then turned around and sat on the chair: "According to my secret agent's information, these two people have some important business relationship in private. It's true that birds of a feather flock together, people are divided into groups, and they are equally despicable!"

"Speaking of Lingong, it's okay to have a bad stomach, and love to break up lovers, it's really selfish and despicable."

Zhuo Yu raised his eyebrows and asked curiously, "Where do you start with this?"

"You don't know?"

Leng Sha raised his eyes to look at them, and said a little amusedly: "That's right, even your city lord doesn't know, how can you two little brats know?"

"However, this matter is still waiting for your city lord to come back that day, and then let him talk to me in person, and I will consider whether to tell him. After all, if I am exposed, among the people who pass through your Yunfu City, It will undoubtedly make things worse for you, hehehe."

"Oh, by the way, don't you want to see Miss Lingque? It's not impossible, but you must remember not to make her angry, otherwise the consequences will be very serious."

Zhuo Yu and Zhuo Bai's eyes tightened, and they said again and again: "Of course it's no problem, but can you untie the cartilage rope for us first, otherwise it will be difficult for us to move."

Leng Sha was too lazy to even raise his eyes, and with a wave of his hand, the cartilage rope dissipated instantly.

"Then thank you, Your Excellency!"

"It's just that I don't know where she is now?"

Zhuo Bai nodded politely, and Leng Sha suddenly showed a smirk: "Before you can see her, you two still need to pass my spirit beast test, so go down for me!"

With a loud sound under their feet, Zhuo Bai and Zhuo Yu fell in the air in an instant, and Leng Sha coolly waved the mechanism to close it again: "Let's play with them!"


Zhuo Bai saw the darkness below, but his body kept falling, and he didn't know how deep the bottom was. He glanced at Zhuo Yu, who was also falling and shouting beside him, and then grabbed his shoulders, and he fell down. Looking at it, there is a red light flashing under the feet, and although the whole person is falling, but supported by this force, the body is considered to be balanced.

Immediately, Zhuo Bai turned his eyes to Zhuo Yu again, seeing that he also had this force under his feet, but seeing him yelling, he couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Okay, stop screaming, you won't die if you fall!"


Zhuo Yu immediately calmed down, and looked at his feet tentatively, and it was exactly as Zhuo Bai said.

"This person has an old acquaintance with our general, a little bit of punishment is nothing more than a big warning, and he will not do anything radical!
"It's just that if we want to leave, it will be impossible for a while. If the general finds out that the two of us are not there, we may be punished when we go back."

Zhuo Bai couldn't help sighing, his expression was a bit complicated, and he gradually became depressed.

"If I had known that this person was so cautious, I shouldn't have thought of using this trick. Now, who knows what method he will use to punish us."

Zhuo Yu murmured for a moment, then suddenly thought of what he said just now: "Wait?!"

"He seems to want me to play with his spirit beast!"

"Isn't that going to risk your life!"

His expression suddenly changed, and his face suddenly turned ashen. Zhuo Bai said in a low voice with a feeling of regret: "Those spirit beasts were domesticated by monsters before, even if they have lost their monster nature, once the person who tamed them ordered them, they will still attack the target." Violence erupted."

"Now, I'm not only afraid that it will be difficult to escape or close to death, but I've heard that Sha Shatangtang is cold-tempered and unpredictable. Now it seems that he may not spare us for the sake of the general."

Zhuo Yu was suddenly full of worry: "Then what should I do!"

"By the way, they found out that we are not here. The second brother will definitely tell the general that he is here, so that he will definitely come to us!"

"At this point, it can only be like this." Although Zhuo Bai was a little worried, he was not afraid, and what he was even more worried about was that he would not be able to make it to the time when he saw the bird. Dove's blood is probably hopeless.

"Don't think too much, he said that as long as we pass the level of his spirit beast, he will let us see Lingque. In this way, Ah Ming's injury will be saved!"

Zhuo Yu patted him on the shoulder and comforted him, Zhuo Bai nodded with determination in his eyes.

At the same time, inside the West General's Mansion.

Lin Fan squatted in the garden for several hours, but he still couldn't see the green grass blooming. His eyes were already wandering.

"Slightly sooner."

He looked up and saw that Zhuo Ming hadn't left yet, he couldn't help being a little surprised: "The fourth general can go back to rest, I can just stay here by myself!"

"It's okay, I'm just an idler anyway, it's the same wherever I am." Although there was a smile on his usual stern face, it made people feel insincere.


Hearing the call, Lin Fan raised his eyes and saw that the fifth lady was also coming. He couldn't help being a little startled: "No, I almost forgot that it's time for the blood transfusion for Poria cocos."

"Hello Fifth Madam!"

Yu Nuo walked slowly, saw Zhuo Ming was also at the side, and then pretended to smile calmly: "I didn't expect the Fourth General to be here."

"Hello Fifth Madam!"

She nodded with a smile: "Then I'll go see how the Poria cocos is growing. I'll be here sooner or later in the past few days, and I'm afraid I'm going to disturb the Fourth General."

"It's okay, Fifth Madam, please feel free."

Yu Nuo and Lin Fan nodded and walked to the other side. She observed that the stars in the sky were gradually brightening, and the moonlight was also reflected on the position of Poria cocos.
At the same time, a white light suddenly flashed among the flowers, and Lin Fan's absent-minded eyes suddenly lit up.

"Healer, look quickly, Yu Qingcao!"

Zhuo Ming excitedly pointed to Lin Fan's left side, and when he saw this, he immediately swung his finger and pocketed the blooming Yu Qingcao.

He looked down at the palm of his hand and couldn't help smiling: "Finally got it!"

Lin Fan looked at Yu Nuo with a smile on his face, saw that she was about to take blood, and immediately turned to Zhuo Ming: "Fourth General, it's pitch black all around, I'm afraid it's inconvenient for you, I'll push you away, just in time!"

"But the Fifth Madam, she still..."

Seeing that he was about to turn his head away, Lin Fan quickly put his hands on the back of the wheelchair and pushed him away: "Fifth Madam, don't worry about it, she likes to be quiet, let's go first!"

(End of this chapter)

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