And the evildoer was embraced by him with a charming smile on his face. Seeing the coldness of this scene, he naturally guessed what would happen next, and the evildoer also took advantage of the time when the two were enjoying each other, sucking the man's essence gas.


Leng Sha directly cast a spell to open the scholar's eyes, and the next second he rolled out of the bed in a panic, shouting as if he was at a loss, and was about to leave the door.

"What's the matter, son."

Seeing the true form of the evildoer, he let her seduce her, and he was terrified in his heart: "Monster! Monster!"

When he shouted, the evildoer immediately became furious, and just as she was about to swallow the scholar in one gulp, Leng Sha, who was watching the theater in the dark, made a move.

When the scholar saw Leng Sha, he quickly hid behind him, holding his hair and trembling, not daring to look at the monster.

Seeing his disheveled appearance, Leng Sha couldn't help chuckling: "I said little scholar, I told you earlier that your seal is black, why didn't you believe me?"

"Still." After that, he looked at the beautiful monster with a playful face, and said jokingly: "It's still hard to extricate yourself from being immersed in the fragrance of beauty these days."

"Who are you? If you are sensible, go away!"

Hearing this sharp voice, Leng Sha was extremely upset: "Yo, why are you so angry, you treated this kid in a charming manner just now, how can you be so rude to me now."

After all, Leng Sha turned around and directly suppressed her, without even giving her the slightest chance to make a move, he sucked her into his own space and could never leave.

Leng Sha raised his eyes to Lin Fan who was listening intently: "Do you know what happened to that scholar?"

"Dead!" Lin Fan asserted abruptly.

"Hey, you can tell me all of this. Yes, even though I rescued him after being sucked in for so many days, he suffered from a serious illness because of his weakness and died straight away!"

"If you say that the scholar deserves it, who told him to be greedy for beauty, but I later found out that the reason why the evildoer kept him for so many days is that our spiritual masters are curious?"

Seeing his meaningful appearance, Lin Fan always likes to tease people's appetites, no wonder Xi will let him come this time, perhaps part of the reason is because this person is very difficult to deal with.

"Hall master, speak bluntly!"

Lin Fan smiled.

Leng Sha stared at him like water, seeing Lin Fan's face was indifferent, and he didn't show much curiosity, and then he said with a half smile in his eyes: "Actually, that monster and that scholar have a bad relationship in the previous life!"

"In the previous life, that monster was just a little monster who had just cultivated into a human body, but he never thought that he would fall in love with that scholar at first sight when he first entered the mortal world. Naturally, most men are passionate, and fell in love with that little monster at first sight."

"After the two fell in love with each other, they never thought that the man would deceive Xiao Yao's feelings and abandon her. Then he turned around and married another woman."

"Before that, because the man was injured, the little demon gave up a hundred years of cultivation for her and sacrificed his inner alchemy to heal his wounds. After being let down by him, he had no choice but to go back to the Yaozu to practice again in heartbreak."

"When she came back from cultivation, the man's lifespan in the world was over, she was unwilling to let it go, so after several years, she found his next life again, and she planned to torture him slowly to avenge the previous life !"

"And the scholar died as a result of his retribution. I saw that evildoer was too resentful, so I didn't train her into a demon pill, and she has been trapped in my space ever since."

"Unexpectedly, there is such a layer of origin, but why is the voice of the monster only Zhuo Yu can hear?"

Smiling coldly, the slender hand was playing with the Xiao in his hand: "I have talked so much with the spiritual master, naturally because this matter is very interesting, not only interesting, but also very wonderful."

Lin Fan looked at him calmly, seeing that he was always turning around, and didn't bother to waste his time talking.

"Because, the three generals of Xijiang and that book look like one person. I guess that monster must be as shocked as I am when he sees him, and now he is trying to kill him."

"I've been talking with him for so long, just wanting to say that Zhuo Yu looks like that heartless and ungrateful man, so in this way, wouldn't Zhuo Yu be dead?"

"Although he hasn't seen that monster show up yet, he doesn't even need to think about it. The monster has waited for so many years to come to the scholar's life, and his cultivation is definitely higher than Zhuo Yu's!"

Lin Fan stared at him with cold eyes, "I don't know if the hall master can let the two of them go. It's their fault this time. They shouldn't have trespassed in the Shasha hall. I apologize to you on their behalf!"

"Why is the spiritual master like this? This matter has nothing to do with you, but don't worry, that evildoer is bound by my space magic and cannot confront him head-on. It just depends on whether his heart is pure or not."

"Otherwise, the mind is wrong. If I am really confused by that evildoer, I really can't save him, so it depends on him."

Lin Fan's eyelids sank slightly for a moment of thought: "If it was Zhuo Bai, he would be sure that he would not be fooled by the evildoer, but with Zhuo Yu's words, it is hard to predict whether he will be fooled by the evildoer."

"It is said that the generals of Xijiang are really good. I can just use this monster's beauty to see if he can still maintain his sanity. If he is so easily fascinated by it and loses his life, it can be regarded as a substitute. A Yao screened out useless people!"

"However, I advise the spiritual master not to act rashly, because if I don't pay attention, the space may collapse at any time, and then neither of them will be able to get out."

Lin Fan couldn't help but look at him differently, he was more difficult to deal with than he imagined, but he really couldn't do it easily now, otherwise if the space was out of his control, something might happen.

It seems that now we can only let nature take its course, it is best that Zhuo Yu can maintain his sanity and not be confused, otherwise, with the current situation, who can protect him.

He glanced at Leng Sha coldly, saw him staring at him with bent lips, the smile on his face showed a trace of sarcasm, but with the current Lin Fan, the impulsiveness of the past had already faded away.

Otherwise, this would have turned him into a useless person!

At the same time, Zhuo Bai felt that Zhuo Yu's hand holding his clothes was gradually loosened, and then he glanced at him indifferently.

Seeing his blank eyes and expressionless face, he suddenly felt that something was wrong: "Senior brother, what's wrong with you?"

He called out, but he didn't respond, then Zhuo Bai patted him, seeing that he was still looking blank, presumably it had something to do with the voice he just mentioned.

So, he pinched his fingers intently and poured a ray of breath into his consciousness.

Zhuo Yu opened his eyes unconsciously, and found that he was in a dark and smoky environment, he looked around in a panic, at this moment, that weird laughter rang in his ears again.


"Come here."

"Who are you, come out for me!"

Hearing this charming laugh, Zhuo Yu already suspected that it must be a monster, but Hall Master Lengsha had clearly said that only his spirit beasts should be here, so how could there be monsters. (end of this chapter)

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