The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 2274 Whereabouts

Therefore, the resentment he accumulated against Mr. Sun became deeper and deeper over this matter, because this was something that rarely brought him happiness in his childhood.

From the joy when he got it to the sadness when he lost it, only he knows the feeling.

It was he who personally destroyed his remaining beauty, but fortunately, he found it again now, which can be regarded as a commemoration of that time.

"Thank you, thank you."

Seeing him like this, Liu Ye was startled for a moment, then he couldn't help but narrow his eyes, raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "I didn't hear what you just said!"

"It's fine if you don't hear me, I'll go and pick up the fish in your pond first." Sun Yao stood up and walked away pretending to be indifferent, Liu Ye unconsciously showed a smile on his lips, and shouted: "Can you do it yourself? Let me help you!"

Looking up, the sun was gradually revealing the clouds. Seeing that it was still some time before noon, Li Fan felt parched outside the stone palace where Yaoli lived. Sometimes it will be a foot taller.

During this period of time, he was so obsessed with formations that he didn't even leave the door?
Li Fanfei was flying in the sky, seeing that there was no room for his feet below, and he was already complaining about him in his heart.

With a wave of his hands, he walked in, only to see that the hall was gloomy and cold, and the surrounding area was even more empty, it didn't look like a place with people at all.



"Little profit."

Called several times, but no one responded for a long time, it seemed that he was really not here.

Li Fan wandered around and took a closer look. This place is a good place to shelter. One can enjoy himself here alone. This Yaoli is really enjoyable. If he hadn't found this place by himself, he might have been the one. I don't even bother to mention such a good place to myself.

He jumped up the stairs in two steps in three steps, and lay lazily on the bed above: "It's fine if you're not here, let me enjoy this quiet place too."

Thinking that Lai and Zhuo Bai had agreed to take a nap at noon, it happened to be this time to take a nap. Li Fan closed his eyes slightly, and there seemed to be a gust of wind in his ears, which made people feel calm.

Just as he was gradually falling asleep, a small blue snake slowly climbed onto the bed and slipped into the side of Li Fan's face. He suddenly felt itchy on his face, and subconsciously scratched it. Lived in a soft thing.

He opened his eyes suddenly in fright, saw the green snake sticking out its tongue at him, and flung it away in fright.

"Snake, snake, snake!"

Li Fan hurriedly jumped up, his face turned blue with fright, he didn't dare to stay longer, and flew out of the mansion.

No, Yaoli must be asked to tidy up his stone palace tomorrow, otherwise he won't dare to come back next time!

"I'm just a spiritual pet, why is he so afraid of me?"

A childish voice came from the green snake, and the next second another white snake crawled out of the crack in the stone: "What, is Brother Li back?"

"No, this man came back to see Brother Li." The green snake slid its tongue and slid towards the white snake.

"I haven't seen Brother Li come back these few days, I'm afraid he's having fun outside again." White Snake couldn't help but sighed softly.

Frightened by the green snake, Li Fan flew directly to Lin Fan's house all the way. Normally it would take half an hour to travel, but this time he arrived in just a few minutes.

I wanted to sleep again, but unexpectedly, a snake disturbed my dream. It seemed that I had arrived early, otherwise I would have just slept in this pavilion!
Seeing that the door of the room was closed, it seemed that Lin Fan was not there, so Li Fan went straight to the pavilion, lay lazily on the seat beside him, and then he was able to relax and fall asleep.

At the same time, spirits gather all over the back mountain.

In order to allow his body to recover quickly, Lin Fan quickly entered a state of cultivation.At first, the purpose of ordering people to choose a place to live according to their own wishes was not only to get a secluded place, but also to make it more convenient for daily practice in a place where spiritual energy gathered.

This time, when the body was damaged, the spiritual power bred by the terrain of the back mountain came in handy.

A few meters away from Lin Fan, Hong Jing was hovering around. Seeing him so excited, Lan Xun really gave people a headache. Seeing him flying towards him, he waved his hand and immobilized him with a restraining spell.


Hong Jing struggled for a while, then said angrily: "I finally came out once, why did you stop me again!"

Lan Xun frowned slightly, feeling helpless, and withdrew the spell.

"Hey, that's right."

Seeing his high-spirited look, Lan Xun couldn't help but said, "If you keep spinning endlessly like this, the aura here won't be able to withstand your wearing down like this, so please stop it a little bit?"

Ben wanted to be astonished, but seeing that he was so calm, talking to him in a gentle manner, he wanted to give him face: "Okay, then I will try my best to restrain myself and go elsewhere."

"Wait, remember not to leave this mountain, or your aura will be exposed!"

Lan Xun looked at him and said, seeing that he casually babbled a few words, and then disappeared without a trace.

"It's hard to come out here, how can we do it if we don't have a good time?"

Hong Jing's mood at this moment is undoubtedly excitement, but there are only birds besides the forest here, so there is nothing interesting.

However, he also kept Lan Xun's words in mind, so as not to reveal his whereabouts, he would not leave this mountain forest.

He walked around in a circle, and just when he felt bored and wanted to go back the way he came, there was suddenly a rustling sound, followed by an ethereal voice lingering around.

"Red shocked."

"Who, who is calling me!"

Hong Jing hovered and looked around, and found a red light flashing in the southeast direction, which seemed to be guiding him in the dark.

After pausing for a while, he followed, but after a while, he suddenly sensed a breath not far away that attracted him.

Sure enough, he followed the red light to a tomb, and standing in front of him was a tombstone that was much larger than usual, but above it was engraved with a strange scarlet spell.

Hong Jing felt that her hostility seemed to be affected by the spell, and she suddenly rioted. Soon, everything in front of her eyes became confused, and the memory of her soul that had been cruelly split

Memories popped up suddenly.

"Strange, why hasn't Hong Jing come back yet?"

Lan Xun watched from not far away from Lin Fan, seeing that he was about to finish his work, but Hong Jing didn't come back for a long time. With his temperament, he was really afraid that he would really come out of this forest because of his playful nature.

Just when he was hesitating to look for him, he saw him come back. Lan Xun was about to step forward to ask, but he felt something wrong with his aura, which seemed to be mixed with evil aura, which intensified his arrogance breeding.

"Where have you been?" Lan Xun asked solemnly.

Hong Jing looked at Lan Xun with a somewhat confused consciousness. Ever since he saw the tomb just now, he felt something was wrong all over his body. He could clearly feel that there was something in the tomb that was attracting him to go in, but in order not to provoke Lin Fan, Unnecessary trouble, he forced himself to leave. (end of this chapter)

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