The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 2284 Thoughtful

"Mom, is that you?"

"Why did you leave me, why!"

The magic phosphorus stone that Yuhua gave to Sufeng before leaving for the Demon Realm actually shone with a fierce red light at this moment.

How could it be possible? Could it be that Shi Luo is about to awaken early? !
No, is there evil energy infiltrating his body? !
Sufeng, who was sitting on the couch, suddenly sat up and saw that the red light on the magic phosphorus stone was eroded by a black energy. If this continues, if the evil energy in his body is stimulated, he will lose his mind!
At the same time, Lin Fan led the three of them into the temple, and gently put Zhuo Bai down, but seeing no one around, they were nowhere to be seen.

"Where are Qiankun and the others?"

Zhuo Yu looked around but couldn't see them, and suddenly became panicked. Li Fan's gaze on Zhuo Bai also froze at this moment.

"He should have gone out to look for us. This Lan Xun, didn't I ask him to keep an eye on things here?" Lin Fan scratched his head and then turned his attention to Zhuo Bai.

"I can't control that much anymore. Qiankun is with Lan Xun, so nothing will happen to him. But this kid, if he doesn't untie his knot early, I'm afraid he won't be able to come out!"

"Heart knot?" Li Fan calmed down and looked at Lin Fan. He saw him looking at Zhuo Yu thoughtfully and said, "His heart knot is the most vulnerable point in his heart. You two have been together for so long, but what do you know?"

"Huh?" Zhuo Yu frowned slightly, and couldn't help but bewildered.

"Don't tell me you don't know anything, right?" Lin Fan's face suddenly condensed, and then he sighed softly. If this strategy doesn't work, he can only find another way.

"Let me think about it, let me think about it first!"

Zhuo Yu tried his best to calm down his thoughts. In the past, he would always hold things to himself. Even if he encountered any frustration, he would bear it silently. Even if he was asked, he would only give people a cold face. .

Although they had been together for so many years, at this moment, Zhuo Yu suddenly realized that he didn't seem to know much about Zhuo Bai's past, because he never confided his feelings to anyone.

Is there any knot in his heart? What could happen to him?
Zhuo Yu leaned his head and pondered for a moment, then suddenly raised his eyes and said: "Oh, by the way, his brother, it must be about his brother!"

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes: "Zhuo Bai's younger brother?"

Little brother
Li Fan looked at him with the same blank expression.

"What exactly happened?"

Zhuo Yu thought for a moment and said, "I don't know exactly what happened. It's just that I followed him and Qiankun unintentionally that day and heard him and Qiankun talking about his younger brother."

"It seems that he died of illness. This incident also left a lot of trauma in his heart. Maybe it was because of this that he felt very guilty towards his brother, and the person he said he wanted to protect should be referring to His brother is right."


Li Fan sank for a moment, feeling an inexplicable sense of loss in his heart.

The cold wind outside gradually picked up, and the dilapidated window paper was blown rustling. After listening to Zhuo Yu's general story, I already had some understanding of Zhuo Bai's heart.

"Okay, I understand!"

"He is now under the illusion of an evil spirit and is trapped in his own nightmare, unable to extricate himself. When I cast a spell to contain him in the nightmare, I need someone to comfort him."

"Of course, I can only hold it back for a moment, because his dream is based on the fear in his heart. Subconsciously, he resists others from entering, just like his perseverance in wanting to protect his younger brother and not allowing others to trample on him.

"I'll do it!" Zhuo Yu spoke before Li Fan. He raised his eyes and looked at him: "Senior Brother Zhuo Yu, let me go. Maybe I know how to comfort him, so you can rest assured and leave it to me."

Seeing that his eyes were so firm, he usually got along well with Zhuo Bai: "Okay, but you'd better not play any tricks, otherwise Zhuo Bai can't get out, and I'll kill you first!"

Li Fan smiled lightly: "No." "Okay, remember that you only have one chance, because the evil spirit has rooted deeper and deeper into his nightmare. I'm afraid it won't take long to take over his body and completely replace him." he."

"Then please ask the spiritual master to start quickly!" Li Fan said nervously while looking at Zhuo Bai.

Lin Fan's frown slightly relaxed: "Okay!"

After saying that, he opened his hands and turned his fingers rapidly. Golden light flowed between his fingers and flowed along Zhuo Bai's eyebrows.

Then, he stretched out his hands, touched the center of Li Fan's eyebrows with golden fingers, and then introduced his consciousness into Lin Fan's nightmare.

Lin Fan had solid support, and what happened next could only be decided by Li Fan.

Zhuo Yu's solemn face looked nervous and uneasy. On one side was Zhuo Bai and on the other side was Qian Kun. He couldn't get away from here to look for it, which made him very embarrassed.

Lin Fan originally didn't know how to use spells unless absolutely necessary, but he didn't expect that this evil spirit would force him to take action today. If he had to stabilize the two of them at the same time, he might consume too much spiritual power and stimulate them again. Poison veins.

"Zhuo Yu, stabilize Li Fan's consciousness for me, don't make any mistakes!"

"Oh, good!"

Zhuo Yu was stunned. In order not to be distracted, he could only focus all his mental power on him.

"Qiankun, I'm sorry, I can't stay with you anymore."

In the darkness, he watched his senior brothers leave him one after another, and his mind was already in a state of madness.

Lan Xun rushed over and saw that his pupils were filled with black energy, and the turbid and evil energy all around was invading his body. What he didn't expect was that a human body could contain so many things at the same time. A breath.

"Tell you not to come out. Look at what you look like now. It won't be long before these evil spirits take advantage of you."

He waved his hand, but as a ball of spiritual energy surged in his body, the aura in his body disappeared in an instant.

As the black energy on his body dissipated, his consciousness also passed out. When Lan Xun saw that he was about to fall, he caught him with one hand. He lowered his eyes and gave him a cold look: "Human race, what a trouble!"

Su Feng, who was on the way, suddenly saw the red light of the magic phosphorus stone dimming. It seemed that the evil energy had been controlled, but what puzzled him was how it was suddenly dissipated when it was still very strong just now.

For a moment, he thought of Lin Fan. Could it be him? !

However, Shi Luo's demonic nature has not yet awakened, and the demonic energy in his body is hidden deep inside. It should not be possible to find anything for a while. However, the magic phosphorus stone suddenly reacted so strongly. It seems that he was stimulated by something. That's why.

Right now, the matter in Lincheng could only be put on hold for the time being. He wanted to see what Lin Fan had done to him!
At the same time, under the protection of Lin Fan, Li Fan came to a place surrounded by darkness: "Is this the place of Zhuo Bai's nightmare?"

"Please let him go, woo woo woo"

He suddenly turned around and saw Zhuo Bai who was crying in a low voice. Li Fan hurriedly walked over and suddenly saw Zhuo Bai with red eyes, stretched out his hands and cried bitterly: "Xiao Fan, it's my useless brother who failed to protect me." you"


Li Fan stopped immediately and saw the veins on his forehead bulging out, as if he was trying his best to stand up, but he seemed to be restrained by something, but his expression of crying uncontrollably made him feel familiar.

He couldn't help but stretched out his hand towards him, but found nothing: "What's going on?" (End of Chapter)

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