The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 618 Killing 2 Demon Girls

Chapter 618 Killing the Two Demon Girls

And Fei Zhong's words happened to be heard by the second and fifth sons arranged by Tianting in the palace.

After a while, the Emperor of Heaven got the news.

"Bastard! A traitor! A traitor!"

The enraged Emperor of Heaven broke so many glazed cups.

"Is it just paper? Talking about getting rid of me and replacing him in broad daylight is so bold, and no one from the three sects dare to talk like that."

Do mortals eat green gentian now?

He opened his mouth and shut his mouth to talk about asking for the position of Emperor of Heaven.

Nine-headed pheasant essence and jade pipa essence came to Chaoge.

He intends to join the beauty pageant team and enter the palace.

How can human women have their competitiveness.

Unexpectedly, when I came to the registration office, I realized that the beauty pageant is over, and it will end forever.

"Sister, what should we do? King Zhou doesn't choose beauties, how can we sneak into the palace?"

The jade pipa is in a hurry.

"Sneak in, since King Zhou doesn't take the initiative, then we will take the initiative!"

The nine-headed pheasant gritted his teeth.

dark night.

The palace guards the large array to operate, and the evil spirits dare not approach.

There are also high-level soldiers and guards patrolling and guarding everywhere, and the evil spirits are hard to get over.

Two black shadows crossed over the guards and entered the palace, landed on the ground and turned into two dignified court ladies, with great demeanor, mixed with the singing and dancing team and came to Lin Fan.

The music played, the neon clothes danced lightly, and the dancing posture was clear. Lin Fan nodded from time to time, not knowing whether he was listening to the music or watching the dancing posture.

Looking at it, Lin Fan felt that something was wrong.

He is an honest emperor, why did two court ladies jump and run to his side.

Still leaning against him for a while, his face was full of happiness.

"You two girls, please respect yourself, Gu is a decent emperor."

Lin Fan sat upright, his eyes dazzled.

He waved his hand and let the singing and dancing team go down, leaving only him and the two girls.

After the singing and dancing team left, Lin Fan didn't do anything bad that crossed the line, and the two witches were stunned, impatient to wait.

"Your Majesty is good or bad, my slave Yuqin, this is my sister Yufeng, her heart hurts."

The two women are the jade pipa essence and the nine-headed pheasant essence who sneaked into the palace.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in rocks and nine-headed monsters!"

Lin Fan smiled lightly.

From the moment the two women appeared, he could see the identities of the two women.

Familiar with Fengshen, how could Lin Fan not know what kind of monster Nuwa sent to harm his country.

Originally, Lin Fan was very interested in seeing each other, but after seeing it, Lin Fan realized that it would be better not to see it.

Even the maids around him are dragon girls, it's no wonder Lin Fan would be interested in them.

"You can see it!"

The jade pipa controlled Lin Fan's hand.

The nine-headed pheasant controlled Lin Fan's other hand.

"People say that King Zhou is so beautiful but stupid, and it is true when I saw you today. You have fallen into the hands of our sisters. We can eat whatever we want."

Lin Fan didn't even bother to lift his head.

"Isn't there still a fox? Where is it?"

"Hmph, with us two beauties here, I still want more, so greedy!"

The nine-headed pheasant sneered, and opened his mouth, intending to devour Lin Fan's yang energy.

Exhaling the demonic aura, the two women realized that Lin Fan who was right in front of him seemed to not exist.

No matter how they breathed, they couldn't absorb Lin Fan's yang energy.

"Do you know what my cultivation is?" Lin Fan asked with a smile.

"Jinxian Jiuzhong, heh, it's not like we haven't eaten the immortals of Jinxian Jiuzhong."

The nine-headed pheasant spirit showed the body of the demon clan, a nine-headed chicken, how could it have the beauty of the past.

Wing grabbed Lin Fan's hand and pulled hard, intending to tear Lin Fan's hand off.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she started to move, she found that Lin Fan's hand was as heavy as Mount Tai, and she couldn't even pull it.

At this moment, two rays of divine light appeared in Lin Fan's eyes, and the divine light turned into a sharp sword intent, piercing through the nine pheasant spirits.

With unparalleled sword intent, he instantly killed the nine pheasant spirits.

Seeing that the nine-headed pheasant was dead, Yushi Pipa turned around and fled.

However, the invisible sword intent pierced through her body from behind her.

Following Lin Fan's beheading of the two demon girls, some movements were made, Fei Zhong ran over in a panic after hearing the sound, and then saw the two corpses on the ground.

"Your Majesty, are you okay!"

After all, Fei Zhong thought of King Zhou's combat power, and immediately laughed at himself.

Just kidding, with King Zhou's strength, no one can hurt King Zhou unless a saint takes action!
"No problem, just two little demons."

After scanning the corpses on the ground, Lin Fan suddenly thought of someone.

Ji Chang!

"By the way, where is Xibo Hou Jichang? Didn't you say that you are going to Beijing to visit Gu, have you arrived yet?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, Marquis Xibo was exhausted from the boat and the car, and fell ill from overwork, and became seriously ill halfway."

Lin Fan nodded, as if he understood.

Of course, Lin Fan had no intention of killing Ji Chang for the time being.

The saint is playing chess, Lin Fan is also playing chess, and Ji Chang is the chess piece.

"I don't know if the fox demon has seized the house at this time?"

Lin Fan thought about it, and immediately asked people to prepare the corpses of the jade pipa essence and the nine-headed pheasant essence, and show them to Su Daji when she arrived.

Then observe from her reaction to see if she has been taken away by Qingqiu's thousand-year-old vixen.

After Fei Zhong left, Lin Fan directly announced the retreat.

Not long after Lin Fan announced his retreat, Xi Bohou arrived at Chaoge.

Arriving at the same time as Marquis Xibo, there was also the daughter of the princes of the Su family.

At the post house, Bo Yikao was ashamed again, "Miss Su still doesn't want to see me? It's the seventh day."

The chubby maid shook her head.

"My girl told you to go back, but she also said that she doesn't know any Bo Yi Kao."

Daji really didn't lie, she really didn't know Boyikao.

After all, I haven't even seen each other, so how can I know each other.

Bo Yikao staggered back three steps.

"How? Impossible. Sister Su wouldn't treat me like this."

Bo Yi took out the Guqin, sat on the ground in the small courtyard of the post house, plucked the strings, and played the favorite tunes of him and Miss Su.

However, Miss Su is dead, and she is possessed by the Daji demon girl who has no musical talent.

The Daji demon girl gave up her demon body shortly after she seized her body and became a human completely.

Because only in this way can he deceive the big merchants in the palace.

At the end of the song, Boyi Kao still refused.

He lifted the piano dejectedly, intending to leave.

At this time, there was a commotion outside the posthouse.

It turned out that it was Lin Fan who heard the sound of the piano.

Entering the post house, Lin Fan recognized at a glance that Bo Yikao was the masked youth who besieged and killed him back then.

"Bo Yikao has seen His Majesty!" Bo Yikao was a little panicked.

Saluting, it's hard to hide the fear in my heart, King Zhou won't recognize me, right?
He was worried that Lin Fan would recognize him and execute him directly.

"Bo Yikao, the son of Xibohou, let him die. Aiqing is very elegant and plays the piano in the posthouse."

Lin Fan suddenly put away his smile, "Bo Yi Kao, you are so brave, do you know who lives in it? It's a lonely beauty. What's your idea of ​​playing the piano to a lonely beauty. Come, tell Bo Yi Take the exam!"

"Your Majesty, I misunderstood! The minister is right."

Bo Yikao was heartbroken, "I have absolutely no interest in Miss Su.".

"It turned out to be a misunderstanding, let him go. Now that Aiqing has come, let's go in with Gu to see Beauty Daji."

Lin Fan waved back the maid who came up to stop him, and walked into the wing of the post house first. Bo Yikao wanted to follow in, but was stopped by the guards.

"My lord, you can't go in, the girl is still taking a bath."

The maid chased Lin Fan, almost crying.

(End of this chapter)

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