The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 621 The Panic Daji

Chapter 621 The Panic Daji

Fairy Bixiao and Fairy Qiongxiao were so stunned that they forgot to attack for a while.

They were stunned, but Xibohou was not. Without the assistance of his two daughters, Xibohou was blasted into the ground by Lin Fan's sword.

Xi Bohou, who was already injured, was even more seriously injured.

Lin Fan's sword not only severely wounded him, but also aroused his previous injuries.

The injury broke out all of a sudden, and Xi Bohou lost the power to fight.

"seal up!"

Lin Fan sacrificed the Bronze Hall and took Xibohou into it.

After catching Xibohou, Lin Fan no longer entangled with Sanxiao, turned around and flew towards Chaoge.

"Want to go, dream!"

Yun Xiao's voice came from behind Lin Fan.

"Here we go again!" Lin Fan's face changed slightly.

With Yunxiao behind him, who is that in his arms?At first glance, it turned out to be another bunch of thorns.


Hunyuan Jindou came again.

Lin Fan held up his sword to resist, and found that this time the Hunyuan Jindou was more powerful than before.

Lin Fan didn't want to continue entanglement, but San Xiao made a move together, so Lin Fan would leave whenever he wanted.

Seeing the fight resumed, countless flowers rained down from the sky.

The beautiful Baihua is like the sharpest knife in the world, not killing Lin Fan, but Sanxiao.

"How is it possible? How could Fairy Baihua help Hunjun?"

Qiong Xiao turned the Hunyuan Jindou around, and the Jindou released purple awns, wiping out all the rain of flowers that came.

"Are the rumors true?"

Yun Xiao was a little scared.

According to rumors, within a day, Lin Fan made Fairy Baihua fall in love with him.

"It's scary!" Bi Xiao patted her heart and said.

After being blocked by the sea of ​​flowers, it would be Chaoge if he continued to chase, so Sanxiao stopped the pursuit and left in the clouds.

Back to Chaoge, Lin Fan released Marquis Xibo.

As soon as Xibohou came out, he knelt down and cried loudly, calling for death.

Lin Fan didn't bother to change a pawn, so he didn't pursue Xibohou's death penalty.

However, capital crimes can be avoided, but living crimes cannot escape, and Xi Bohou was put in prison.

"Your Majesty, why didn't you execute Xibohou?"

Seeing the soldiers pushing Xibohou down, Fei Zhong was puzzled.

"Why did Gu execute Xibohou? Xibohou lost his mind due to the pain of losing his son. Gu understands when he takes action against Gu."

"Your Majesty is benevolent!"

Fei Zhong didn't believe it in his heart, thinking that Lin Fan put Xi Bohou in prison to torture him better.

Thinking he understood Lin Fan's meaning, Fei Zhong left the palace and walked towards the prison where Xibohou was held.

When he arrived at the prison, Fei Zhong asked the guard for a bowl of meat soup.

He lied that it was Bo Yikao's meat and forced Xibohou to eat it.

"Little Fei Zhong, you will die badly." Marquis Xibo kept cursing.

"Come on, the louder you scold, the happier I will be." Fei Zhong laughed out loud.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you, and His Majesty won't kill you either. It will only make your life worse than death!"

In the Western Pure Land, the Buddha's light enveloped Mount Sumeru, and the Buddha's voice echoed like thunder.

Saint Zhunti withdrew his gaze from the east, "Senior brother, what do you think about King Zhou's strength?"

"After being injured, the Golden Immortal Ninefold." Received the guide.

Zhunti sage agreed.

"As soon as King Zhou's strength is weak, there will be many rebels in the world. We only need to wait for Xibohou to return to Xiqi, and the conferring of gods can begin."

"Junior brother, conferring the gods has already begun." The guiding sage said.

"Bo Yikao has a predestined relationship with me in the west, but unfortunately, I can't wait for him to come to the west."

Saint Zhunti looked at Xiqi, "The holders of the list of gods have not yet arrived in Xiqi, and I have never felt that time passes so slowly."

"It's almost there!" The sage was guided into meditation again.


The Emperor of Heaven also pays attention to the list of gods, after all, the list of gods is to recruit official apes for the heaven.

Bo Yi was admitted to the list, and the Emperor of Heaven was just happy for a while.

However, before his joy could last, he learned that Fairy Baihua used the Hundred Flowers Formation to prevent Sanxiao from chasing Lin Fan.

The Emperor of Heaven is not well.

"Taibai Jinxing, find Fairy Baihua, and bet on Zhanxiantai!"

"Your Majesty, Fairy Baihua is also a victim!"

Taibai Jinxing wanted to persuade him again, but was kicked out directly by the Emperor of Heaven.

Palace Gardens.

Hundreds of flowers are in full bloom, competing for beauty.

Lin Fan looked at the beautiful woman standing in front of the sea of ​​flowers, grabbed a flower, walked over and pinned it on her head.

"Your Majesty, is this the bride?" Daji asked after Lin Fan.

"get out."

Daji bared her teeth and claws unconvinced: "Is being cruel useful? One day, I will be an empress too, prudish!"

"Sister Baihua, what are you thinking?"

When Lin Fan saw Fairy, he called Sister, and when Fairy Baihua sighed, Lin Fan held her hand.

"Don't think too much, I'm here."

"It's because of you that I think more."

Baihua Fairy looked cold, "Yaoji, Chang'e, Yang Chan, King Zhou, you"

"Please call me Lin Fan!" Lin Fan corrected.

"Lin Fan, how much more trouble do you want? Yaoji and Chang'e are my friends, how do you want me to face them?"

Fairy Baihua is good friends with Chang'e and Yao Ji, so she naturally knew that Lin Fan took away not only Yao Ji from Mount Hua.

"And Yang Chan, who is still a child, you are too much!"

"this is Love!"

Lin Fan looked affectionately into the eyes of Fairy Baihua.

"Love can accommodate everything, and tolerate all the shortcomings of Gu, and Gu has no shortcomings, that is, he has more wives."

Fairy Baihua didn't want to talk anymore: "You want Saint Nuwa?"

Lin Fan nodded.

"You're going to die, isn't it enough to have us?" Hua Xianzi hugged Lin Fan with a cold face.

Lin Fan didn't know how to answer.

Not enough, far from enough!
Lin Fan is so beautiful, but only good.

Beauty is nothing but embellishment to him, strength and eternity are his pursuit.

Fairy Baihua asked, but Lin Fan didn't know how to answer.

Not enough is far from enough, Lin Fan knew it was wrong.

People should pay attention to being consistent, but being consistent is the pursuit of powerless mortals.

Which one of the strong does not have three wives and four concubines.

"Sister Baihua, Gu will take you to Lutai to see the stars."

Lin Fan took Baihua Fairy's hand and went to Lutai to look at the stars, followed by a little tail, Daji.

The overwhelmed Daji didn't even look at Lin Fan, she was so angry that she swore again and again.

In the future, he will be so fascinated by Lin Fan that he will ruin Lin Fan's country and make Lin Fan pay the price for ignoring her.

She decided to burn Lin Fan to death when the Conferred God Tribulation was over.

"Your Majesty, it's still daytime, how do you see the stars?"

When she came to Lutai, Daji decided to act as a qualified light bulb.

"Don't talk, remember your identity, you are now a maid." Lin Fan swept towards Daji.

"Daytime?" Lin Fan raised his head to look at the sky, pointed to the sky with one hand, the immortal essence was revolving, and the unpredictable power went straight to the sky.

The sky and the earth change color, the wind and cloud change, and for a while, day turns into night.

Cover the sky with one hand!

A little bit of moonlight is scattered, and the stars are shining brightly.

When the breeze blows, the long hair is rolled up, and for a while on the deer platform, it is like a poem and a picture.

"It's so romantic!" A word flashed in Daji's mind, and she felt jealous of Fairy Baihua in her heart, and complained bitterly: "Bad woman, she agreed to kill Hunjun and avenge her best friend Yaoji, but in the would never be like this if it were me. "

Suddenly, the smile on Daji's face faded, and her beautiful eyes were full of fear.

His eyes fixed on the two sculptures under the deer platform.

The sculptures are lifelike, namely jade pipa essence and nine-headed pheasant essence.

These are two giant monsters. Judging from the horror on their faces, they don't even have the power to resist the person who killed them.

"Do you know these two goblins?" Lin Fan suddenly looked at Daji, startling Daji.

(End of this chapter)

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