The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 627 Quasi-Saint Artifact

Chapter 627 Quasi-Saint Artifact

"Six Paths of Samsara Fist!"

Lin Fan circulated the six reincarnation fists, with thousands of hands out, forcibly knocking out all the incoming attacks.

Under multiple attacks, the golden light of the Thousand-Handed Tathagata Dharma Appearance dimmed, and golden cracks appeared one after another.

"King Zhou can't stop it anymore, work harder."

Yiming Yaoxian is the most active.

Slashing God Sword swung, the sword struck Lin Fan's fist.

The bombardment was so many times that Yaoxian Yiming almost suspected that what he was holding was a fake Zhanshenshensao.

"The magical sword left by the ancient heaven? The ancient heaven is destroyed, how powerful the remaining sword can be."

Lin Fan dismissed it.

The thousand hands of the thousand-hand physiognomy were continuously smashed into pieces.

The shattered Dharma Aspect's hand was obliterated by the tyrannical immortal essence, or turned into the purest Shura power.

The Asura Clan finally made their move.

"Are they all here?"

Lin Fan asked, the broken Tathagata dharma image gradually healed under the despairing eyes of everyone.

"Gu will send you on the road together."

The blood demon sword came out of its sheath and cut straight in ten directions.

The sword light enveloped all the strong men who besieged Lin Fan.

"Let's go!"

The heavens collapsed.

The sword intent is born, and the sword energy is released.

Swords are faster, people are faster, people are faster, swords are faster.

Lin Fan drew his sword, it was so fast that he couldn't see the trajectory of the sword.


The endless sword energy circulated, and the blood demon sword chopped into pieces with a single sword.

The magic knife broke, lost its resistance, and the blood demon sword went straight through Yiming Yaoxian's eyebrows.

One sword cuts off grand plans and ambitions.

Yiming Yaoxian held onto the edge of the sword unwillingly.

The deathless head flew high, fell, turned into dust, but was obliterated by the sword light.

The Blood Demon sword turned sharply and turned towards Shura.

"Gu hasn't killed Shura yet." Lin Fan was excited.

Excitement is inevitable for the first kill.

But he saw two bloody sword qi coming across the border, breaking Lin Fan's sword edge.

"Patriarch Minghe, Yuantu, Abi?"

The sword energy spread across the sky, endless blood spread, and the void turned into a sea of ​​blood.

Two evil divine swords float above the sea of ​​blood, exuding a ferocious aura that exterminates all living beings at all times.

According to the light of the sword, all the masters present only felt the qi and blood surging, and they might leave the body at any time, but it was the evil sword that absorbed the qi, blood and primordial spirit.

If you don't pay attention and your cultivation base is weak, you will be swallowed by the evil sword and turned into a mummified corpse.

The sword light spread into the distance, and the forward of the Heavenly Court Alliance Army had no time to react, and turned into a mummy in the sword light.

Deficiency of qi and blood, left behind mummy filth, and the five decaying qi of heaven and man are all in one, which is a first-class cancer.

If one is not dealt with properly, the filthy qi and the five declines of heaven and man will spread, and immortals will fall into the five declines of heaven and man and die if they encounter it.

The Heavenly Court Allied Forces instantly wiped out the vanguard.

Seeing this, Lin Fan was speechless.

The coalition army is either a pig teammate or a teammate killer.

Lin Fan can assure you that there are definitely more coalition troops who died at the hands of his own people than those who died at the hands of the great merchants.

"Yuan Tu, Ah Bi, quasi-holy artifact, go back!"

Zhu Ganglian hurriedly led his troops to retreat.

Zhu Gangli is a disciple of Chanjiao, and his knowledge is far beyond that of ordinary immortals and monks. He can recognize the legendary terrifying magic soldiers, Yuantu and Abi at a glance.

The coalition forces retreated thousands of miles again.

"Sura Clan, you are going too far."

The Buddhist Daluo Jinxian glared at the Shura Daluo Jinxian.

Fo Guang clashed with Shura's devilish energy, so Dayou fought first and then Lin Fan.

The masters of other races also glared at the masters of the Shura race.

Only Heavenly Court lacks masters, and Yiming Yaoxian and others have already withdrawn from the battle circle.

Yiming Yaoxian, who had withdrawn from the battle circle, led the allied forces to avoid the range of Lin Fan and other masters fighting, and detoured to attack Hangu Pass.

"Destroy his cultivation first."

The two Daluo Jinxians of the Shura clan held quasi-holy weapons Yuantu and Abi, and pointed their swords at Lin Fan.

Lin Fan only felt that he was being stared at by two terrifying trolls, his golden body was stinging, and the Buddha's light was constantly being worn away.

The power of Yuan Tu and Ah Bi seems to be greater than the power of saint weapons?
In fact, it is not the case, only Yuan Tu and Ah Bi are more aggressive, and Lin Fan feels this way.

"Don't be in a hurry, you can fight first." Lin Fan smiled, with the Blood Demon Sword lying in front of him, blocking Yuantu and Abi's edge.

"Ha ha."

Except for the Shura clan, all other masters retreated quietly.

When no one was willing to attack, Yuan Tu and A Bi hacked around.

If the cut is missed and the cut is cut, wouldn't it be an unjust death.

Don't look at them as Daluo Jinxian, but they are only juniors, and they can't stop Yuantu and Abi's sword.

If he was not hacked to death, he would be sucked up by Jianfeng and turn into a mummified corpse to die.

Even if it is the Daluo Jinxian, the primordial spirit cannot escape the sea of ​​Shura's blood, and will perish forever.

Liberation is impossible unless the sea of ​​blood is exhausted.

The sea of ​​blood never dries up, Asura never dies, and the sea of ​​blood never dries up, the primordial spirit and soul that sink into the sea of ​​blood will never be liberated.

The two great Luo Jinxians of the Shura tribe are a man and a woman.

The man is ugly, but the woman is as beautiful as a flower.

One person and one sword, the two swords combined to kill Lin Fan.

Runes made of blood appeared on Yuantu's and Abi's swords.

"I ask myself alone that I didn't have any grudges with the Shura clan, why did you participate in the muddy waters of the heavenly court?"

Lin Fan asked, the Blood Demon Sword manifested golden runes, spreading without God's power.

"If there is no way to fool the king, everyone will get it and kill him."

Male Shura's ugly face was covered with pimples, and there seemed to be faces on the pimples.

With the face of a human being and the face of a god or demon, they were all strong men killed by him.

"The ancestor needs your heart and soul." The female Shura said, combining purity and beauty, with a touching smile.

"If you want to be alone, don't you want to abolish the orphan?"

Lin Fan sneered.

The blood of the strong can cut down mountains and rivers, and the blood of the heart can be said to be the source of hematopoiesis.

Without the heart blood, how to make blood, how to ensure that the blood produced is efficient and useful.

"Your ancestor stretched out his hands, and someday he will go to the sea of ​​blood alone, talk to him, and cut off his claws that have crossed the boundary."

"Now, Gu will kill you first."

The sword energy of the Heavenly Sword soared into the air, and the endless golden sword energy manifested, as if to turn the sea of ​​blood into a sea of ​​sword energy from the Heavenly Sword.

Lin Fan formed a thousand hand seals and transformed himself into a Buddha. The Buddha's voice is vast.

He is the Buddha, and the Buddha is him.

In a short period of time, Lin Fan cultivated the Thousand-Handed Tathagata Dharma to the level of Buddha.

The thousand-handed Tathagata completed the Dharma, Lin Fan's realm did not increase, what increased was only his combat power.

"Buddha Qi, Sword Qi?" The two Asura urged Yuan Tu and Ah Bi to their full strength.

I saw that the male Shura turned into a ferocious beast in human form, hundreds of feet tall, with bloody skulls on his feet, and bone spurs on his back.

He was nothing like a human being at this moment.

Yuan Tu also grew bigger in his hands, turning into a sword that held up to the sky.


While drinking violently, the sea of ​​sword energy and blood rolled, and the sky and the earth changed color.

The female Shura is holding the Abi sword, and she is as pretty as a country and a city.

A Bi slashed, the heaven and the earth became thicker, imprisoned the void, and imprisoned the movement of the immortal essence.

With the aftermath of the explosion, Da Luo Jinxian, who was watching the battle, couldn't see the situation clearly, but only knew that the sword energy struck quickly like a stream of light.

The fierce power of the quasi-holy weapon erupted, and the ghosts who died under the swords of Yuantu and Abi manifested.

"Which bastard said that King Zhou made a big disturbance in the Dragon Palace, was seriously injured by a saint, and half of his cultivation was crippled, so he could only display the combat power of the Ninth Level of the Golden Immortal. Is this the Ninth Level of the Golden Immortal?"

The Da Luo Jinxian Jiao Yao King from Xihe Niuzhou was angry.

(End of this chapter)

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