The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 632 The Desperate Heavenly Emperor

Chapter 632 The Desperate Heavenly Emperor
"Gu's patience is limited, you'd better agree quickly. Otherwise, if Gu can't make a move, it doesn't mean that Gu can't kill you."

A mirror appeared in Lin Fan's hand, and ripples appeared on the mirror surface, revealing an execution ground.

There are tens of thousands of big monsters tied up in the arena, kneeling on the ground densely, and there is a high platform in the middle of the arena.

There is a sword on the high platform, the god-slaying sword of the former heaven.

Lin Fan added fragments of Yuantu and Abi to this saber, making this saber more powerful than before.

The knife rises and falls, and every time the knife falls, a big monster's head falls to the ground.

The spirit and blood of the great demon separated from the corpse were sucked away by the god-slaying sword, and finally the corpse of an ordinary animal.

Thousands of big demons can't spend a few minutes with Zhanshenshensao.

After beheading the last big monster, the God Slashing Sword pierced through the air, using the mirror as a medium, flew out of the mirror, and appeared beside Lin Fan.

"Quasi-Saint Soldiers!"

Zhu Ganglian's face changed drastically, thinking of an unbelievable possibility: there is a saint behind Lin Fan.

If not, how to explain the refining and integration of Yuantu and Abi fragments in such a short period of time?

Among the god-slaying swords.

Quasi-sages can't do it, only saints can do it.

Who is the saint?
Zhu Gangli's thoughts changed sharply.

"Good eyesight. You are indeed a disciple of Chanjiao. Can you agree to Gu now?"


Zhu Ganglian lowered his head feebly.

From this moment on, he will not be tolerated in the heavenly court, and the heavenly court will not tolerate a rebel.

"Work hard, I'll take care of you." Lin Fan patted Zhu Ganglu on the shoulder.

"You should be grateful to Gu, without Gu, you would become a pig, right!"

Lin Fan handed the God Slaying Sword to Zhu Ganglian.

"Chop their heads off with it."

"Yes!" Zhu Ganglian lowered his head, and when he raised his head, he found that Lin Fan was gone.

The line of sight fell on Zhanshen Shensao, full of fear.

He hid the fear in his eyes and put the knife on his waist.

"Come here, call the leaders of the coalition forces to discuss matters."

"No!" The lieutenant was about to go down.

Zhu Ganglian added, "Strengthen your guard."

The lieutenant general didn't think much, thinking that Zhu Gangli was worried that the leader of the coalition forces would attack when the matter was discussed.

After all, Heavenly Court invited them to come to help out, but they lost their ancestors.

An hour later, the leaders of the other four groups appeared in the tent, each with experts from various races, and there were hundreds of monsters after careful calculation.

"Zhu Ganglian, did you come to us for something? Don't forget who you are."

"It's your turn to speak after all the heavenly soldiers and generals are dead. You are just a young general. If you have something to say, I am rushing to eat people. Yo, draw the sword? Do you want to kill us if you draw the sword? I haven't seen you for a few days. body?"

The sea demon king laughed.

Lin Fan leapfrogged to kill monsters, and slashing and killing monsters at the same level was like cutting melons and vegetables, so he used Lin Fan as a metaphor.

"It's not that King Zhou is possessed, but that I really want to kill you." Zhu Ganglian raised his knife and dropped it.

"court death!"

The demon king of the sea tribe circulated his demon power, and raised his trident to face the falling knife.

He planned to kill Zhu Gangguan with a single blow.

Unexpectedly, the black force front cut across the trident, dividing him into two vertically from the middle.

The spirit and blood of the dead sea monster king Yuanshen were absorbed by Zhanshen Shendao and turned into a three-meter fish.

If he died normally, his body should be hundreds of meters in size, but when he was killed by the Zhanshen Shensao, his blood was sucked out, so he could only return to the normal animal form.

Without the support of demon power, the corpse can't even speak demons.

Zhu Ganglian beheaded the monster king of the sea clan, which shocked the big monster in the tent.

"Zhu Ganglian, what is the knife in your hand?"

"Are you crazy?"

"Heavenly Court wants to kill us, it really is a conspiracy by Heavenly Court."

No matter how they cursed, Zhu Ganglian killed them one by one.

If the strength is not enough, make up for it with quasi-holy weapons.

In the end, a Jinxian Nine Great Demon was beheaded by Zhu Gangyan at the door of the tent.

"I did it."

Zhu Gangli took out a mirror and contacted Lin Fan.

Lin Fan retracted the Divine Slaying Sword from the air, and the Divine Slaying Sword sank into the mirror.

"Very well, the next step is the coalition forces."

Three days later, except for the Heavenly Court troops, the rest of the coalition forces were killed by the Great Merchants and the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals amidst the sound of curses.

All the dead coalition forces were turned into Lin Fan's points.

"Piggy, you must die!"

Zhu Ganglian's colleagues were also killed.

It is inevitable that the Yaoxian will sympathize with the Yaozu. Before they died, they uttered the most vicious curse on Zhu Ganglian.

"Zhu Ganglian, we curse you, curse your beloved goddess for being snatched by a scumbag. Curse you"

"Don't worry, it's okay, it's just the curse of the weak."

Lin Fan patted Zhu Ganglu on the shoulder, suddenly looked a little weird, and asked, "I heard you like Fairy Chang'e?"

"Nothing." Zhu Gangli quickly denied, but his eyes betrayed him.

"It's better not to, or you will cry to death. Because Fairy Chang'e is lonely!"

After Lin Fan finished speaking, regardless of Zhu Gangli's ugly expression, he laughed loudly.

The laughter spread to Nantian Gate and then to Lingxiao Palace.

Hearing the laughter, the Emperor of Heaven was furious when he learned that the Heavenly Court army not only failed to attack King Zhou, but helped King Zhou kill the coalition army that was attacking King Zhou.

Several times I resisted the urge to slap the dead pig's mane.

Compared with killing Lin Fan, the Heavenly Emperor prefers to kill traitors first.

"Taibai Jinxing, what's your idea?"

The Emperor of Heaven sat on the throne and asked, and asked someone to close the Nantian Gate, so as not to let Lin Fan's wild laughter enter the heavenly court.

"Your Majesty, I think that King Zhou will turn into ashes as soon as the calamity comes. We might as well let it go and don't care about anything." Taibai Jinxing suggested.

"Then before the calamity came, what evil did King Zhou do?" asked the Emperor of Heaven.

Taibai Jinxing didn't dare to answer.

Everyone in Heaven knows that Lin Fan kidnapped Fairy Yaoji and Fairy Baihua in Huashan.

No matter what the identities of the two fairies are, what will damage the face and dignity of Tianting.

If the Heavenly Court can't even protect the immortals in the Heavenly Court, how can they rule the Three Realms?

"Don't dare to answer?" The Heavenly Emperor glanced at the immortals.

"You listen."

The Nantian Gate opened, and wild laughter came in.

"King Zhou is laughing, laughing wildly. This is not taking heaven or me seriously. I will kill him with my own hands!"

"Your Majesty, the overall situation is the most important thing!"

Taibai Jinxing and other immortals persuaded.

"I just want to kill him, not the overall situation."

The Emperor of Heaven tried to calm down his anger.

"I don't kill him, I just obliterate his cultivation and turn him into a mortal."

"Your Majesty, think twice. The strength of King Zhou is widely measured, and only His Majesty can check and balance in the heavenly court. His Majesty's status is so precious, it is not worth taking action to teach a human emperor."

Taibai Jinxing had just finished speaking.

A violent impact came from Nantianmen.

"Who is so bold to attack the Heavenly Court!"

All the immortals were furious, and they all looked at the south gate.

When they saw the person coming, the faces of the immortals changed.

It's him!

It was Lin Fan who bombarded Nantianmen.

A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye.

The Emperor of Heaven sent troops to attack Da Shang, so Lin Fan naturally wanted to get back the interest.

The sage restricted him from making casual moves, but the Heavenly Court was not within the restriction.

The Battle of the Conferred Gods had nothing to do with the Heavenly Court. When Lin Fan fought, what else could the saint say?

Restricting Lin Fan's shots is nothing more than for the normal operation of the Great Tribulation of Gods, and it has nothing to do with the Heavenly Court, so it is no problem to fight the Heavenly Court.

(End of this chapter)

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