The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 634 Heavenly Emperor's Hole Card

Chapter 634 Heavenly Emperor's Hole Card


Seeing him, Lin Fan first thought of a headless giant.

Xingtian, the great witch of the witch clan.

He fought against the Emperor of Heaven in Changyang Mountain, and disappeared after being defeated.

"It is said that Xing Tian's body was decomposed and suppressed all over the place. I didn't expect it to be a fake news. The real Xing Tian's body was refined into an incarnation outside your body by you."

Lin Fan's gaze became serious.

The incarnation refined from the body of the great witch Xingtian represented that Lin Fan had to deal with two quasi-sages.

"Hehe. Don't mention those idiots. Only they can come up with the idea of ​​decomposing and suppressing Xing Tian's body. Such a good body is not refined, but decomposed and suppressed. The mentally retarded will not think about it." Heavenly Emperor said.

"Brother, aren't you worried about Xing Tian's resurrection?" Lin Fan asked, avoiding the ax struck by the avatar of the Heavenly Emperor.

"Worry! That's why I suppressed Xing Tian's head."

The heavy battle ax fell to the ground, cutting out an abyss.

In the abyss, endless negative aura emerges.

Belongs to the negative atmosphere of the witch clan.

Curses, evil thoughts, countless.

A face appeared on the belly of the avatar of the Emperor of Heaven, the face was blurred, his eyes were bleeding, and he stared at Lin Fan firmly.

The ax in his hand slashed in a row, unleashing a series of critical strikes.

During the critical strike, the terrifying power erupted, and the power was overwhelming, reminding Lin Fan of a nuclear explosion.

The continuous critical blows made Lin Fan's blood surge.

Lin Fan's Taiyi Immortality Jue and Thousand-handed Tathagata are powerful, but it doesn't mean that the Emperor of Heaven and Xing Tian are weak.

Even if a pig has cultivated to the quasi-sage level, a drop of pig's blood can kill an immortal.

The Emperor of Heaven drew out his sword to cooperate with the incarnation of the Emperor of Heaven to attack.

The sword of the Emperor of Heaven began to become thicker, as thick as heaven and earth, as thick as the universe.

Lin Fan found a bit of charm of splitting the sky and the earth in his sword posture.

After careful observation, Lin Fan found that this charm came from Xing Tian's ax technique.

"How about it, aren't you shocked? Xing Tian was lucky enough to get Pangu's half-style sky-opening ax technique back then, and after he died in battle, this half-style sky-opening ax technique also fell into my hands. I accommodated it in my own martial arts and reproduced the sky-opening ax technique The power of the axe."

The Heavenly Emperor's sword left scars on Lin Fan's body.

The more critical it was, the calmer Lin Fan became, and his heart was as still as water.

As his mind turned, the Buddha's light spun around in the back of his head, and a quasi-sacred weapon appeared in Lin Fan's hand, the old heavenly god-slaying sword fused with fragments of Yuantu and Abi.

The knife came out, and the terrifying breath spread.

The Divine Zhanshen Knife actually changed, the endless Heavenly Sword intent emanated from the knife, the light flowed, and the Divine Zhanshen Knife turned into black wings.

Every piece of wings is a finely divided God Slaying Sword.

The blade plunged into the abyss, actually absorbing the negative aura left by the Wu clan for thousands of years.

Death breath, killing intent, curse. All can accommodate the blade.

A gleam of clarity appeared in the dark sky of the chaotic land beyond the sky.

"The name of the sword will destroy the world!"

Lin Fan lifted the saber, dragged the saber and slashed towards the ax that fell from the incarnation of the Emperor of Heaven.

Ax and knife clash, bringing out countless destructions.

Lin Fan retreated again and again, and the other hand held the Blood Demon Sword to block the Heavenly Emperor's Emperor Sword.

"Brother, you are so cruel. Are you really disregarding family affection? After killing Gu, Fairy Yaoji will become a widow."

Lin Fange held the sword of the Emperor of Heaven, and stared at the Emperor of Heaven.

The anger in the eyes of the Emperor of Heaven was fierce, like a volcano, and like an unfathomable abyss.

If you think that the Emperor of Heaven has lost his composure because of the anger in his eyes, then you can directly reincarnate.

Which one of the guys who can live from the prehistoric to the present is simple.

"King Zhou, no matter what you say, I will not kill you now. I will only obliterate your cultivation, and make your life worse than death after you become a god, and death is worse than life! Life and death, endless reciprocation."

The Emperor of Heaven was speaking of a dire situation.

To make life worse than death, to make death worse than life, to be caught in a cycle without escape, is more terrifying than going down to the [-]th floor of hell.

"Brother, although your character is not good, Gu promises that after winning the final victory, Gu will not kill you."

Lin Fan laughed out loud.

Amidst the laughter, the Heavenly Emperor showed a puzzled look, not understanding why Lin Fan was laughing.

Facing the siege of two quasi-sages, shouldn't one fall into despair and wait for fate to come?

"Does he still have a hole card?"

The Emperor of Heaven thought of an impossible possibility.

What kind of hole cards can block the two quasi-sages?

"Could it be?"

The Emperor of Heaven thought of a legend that had been circulating recently.

Behind King Zhou stands a saint.

Many people speculated that it was a Western sage standing.

The Emperor of Heaven scoffed at this.

If there was a saint standing behind Lin Fan, the Heavenly Emperor would intuitively believe that it was the saint Nuwa rather than the Western saint.

"Impossible!" The Heavenly Emperor couldn't believe his guess.

"Also, why was King Zhou not defeated?"

The Emperor of Heaven discovered the crucial point. Facing the siege of the two quasi-sages, Lin Fan only retreated, but was not completely defeated.

With the presence of the Thousand-Handed Tathagata, Lin Fan is not afraid of any siege.

Fighting, seeing Lin Fan resisting the siege of the two saints with the help of the Thousand-Handed Tathagata, the Emperor of Heaven almost had the urge to greet the whole family of the Western Saints.

At this time, the Emperor of Heaven decided not to wait any longer, and immediately the incarnation uttered a loud shout.

"Open the sky!"

In the sound of drinking, the jet is like a tornado, and the ax is held high, reappearing the image of breaking the world and splitting chaos.

The legendary ax that has disappeared has reappeared, although it is only a half-style.

But it was only halfway, the power of the split made the Heavenly Emperor and Lin Fan look sideways.

Lin Fan used the Mieshi Dao to resist, using the sword with the sword.


Lin Fan's martial arts has reached the point where everything in the world can be used as a sword.

At the same time, the Emperor of Heaven drew out his sword, applying Pangu's half-style ax technique to the sword technique.

"Open the sky!"

The two quasi-sages launched the strongest attack on Lin Fan at the same time.

Lin Fan used the Blood Demon Sword to resist.

The sword brilliance circulated, the bright sword light burst out, and the land beyond the sky was shrouded in terrifying aura.

The thunder light spreads, but it is the sword and the axe, and the two swords strike each other to bring out the world-destroying thunder light.

Opening the sky half way, facing Mietian's sword, who will win?
The sword that opens the sky faces the sword that cuts the sky, who will win?

At this moment, all the creatures in the three realms trembled, and even Daluo Jinxian felt uneasy, and they all looked up at the sky.

Is the apocalypse coming soon?

Two consecutive shocking explosions pierced the chaos outside the sky, and the aftermath scattered and rolled up smoke. Wherever it passed, mountains and rocks collapsed, chaotic rocks pierced through the sky, and dust filled the air, covering the sky.

I saw a headless terrifying creature in the dust standing in the sky and the earth, holding a giant axe, headless, but an astonishing light erupted from his eyes, the light pierced through the dust, and black mist diffused from his body.

There was a faint bloodstain on his body, but the bloodstain was not visible.

The ax he was holding slammed into the ground.

The earth collapsed, and the dust in the sky was wiped out by the aftermath.

"A strong blow!" Lin Fan coughed up blood, and walked towards the Heavenly Emperor with a knife in one hand and a sword in the other.

"It must be that Xing Tian's understanding of Kai Tian's half-style was only half-understood at that time, otherwise Xing Tian would not be the loser."

The Emperor of Heaven rarely agreed, nodded and said: "Xing Tian's understanding is not as good as mine. He is very strong, but I am stronger, so I won, and he became an incarnation outside the body. You are very strong, but only a little worse than Xing Tian back then. But I wonder, why can't I beat you?"

"Because I have a thousand hands." Lin Fan replied.

Qianshou once again struck the Heavenly Emperor's incarnation.

(End of this chapter)

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