Chapter 639
On the way, Uncle Bigan continued to display his acting skills at the level of an emperor, and shouted in a weeping voice:
"The minister is loyal to the big merchants and loyal to him, and he has no second thoughts."

Some people who eat melons who don't know why are talking about it.

"Isn't this Uncle Bigan? Why did he go to prison and seem to be asked to be executed?"

"It's not about beheading, it's about digging out his heart. King Zhou said he wanted to dig out his heart. How cruel!"

"Where's the ruthlessness? Before, Emperor Bigan wanted to replace His Majesty, but now he just deserves what he deserves."

"Shuijun, get out of here."

There are all kinds of discussions.

In the sky, the Emperor of Heaven happened to pass by on his patrol, and seeing the excitement below, he said to Taibai Jinxing.

"Killing my uncle for the sake of the throne, King Zhou can't do it!"

All the immortals complained: Damn, you are not for the throne, even suppressing your own sister is not much worse.

Tucao belongs to Tucao, none of the immortals dared to say that the Emperor of Heaven is not.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid there will be great injustice for Bigan crying blood. You should send the Four Seasons Xingjun to snow, and use the snow in June to warn the people." Taibai Jinxing suggested.

The Heavenly Emperor's eyes lit up, and he was naturally willing to add trouble to Lin Fan.

"Look, it's snowing. It's snowing in June!"

A melon-eating commoner felt a chill on his neck, and when he looked up, he saw large snowflakes falling from the sky.

After a while, Chaoge turned into frost and white.

"Flying Snow in June, Uncle Bigan really has been wronged."

"No need! How could someone as good as Uncle Gan want to be emperor. Uncle Huang is thinking of us."

The one who spoke was the navy sent by the princes to Chaoge.

In the Great Tribulation of the Conferred Gods, the princes who rebelled were not limited to Xibohou.

"That's right! There's an inside story."

Speaking of the inside story, there were princes and navy troops who said vividly that the reason why King Zhou wanted to get rid of Bigan was because King Zhou robbed Bigan's fiancée.

The people were stunned.

"That's the emperor's wife! King Zhou didn't even let the emperor's wife go."

"Didn't His Majesty order to kill Uncle Bigan because he wanted to be the emperor and let Xibohou go?" Some people didn't understand why.

"Hmph, it's just that there is no need to be charged. The truth is that King Zhou bullied the emperor's wife, and found an excuse to kill the emperor's uncle. I heard that the punishment for digging out the heart was suggested by the emperor's wife, saying that she was sick and wanted to take people's hearts. Drug it."

"how is this possible?"

"There's nothing impossible. In my opinion, this sister-in-law is a vixen."

Gossip is always more attractive than the truth.

The speed of transmission was so fast that it soon spread throughout Chaoge.

In the palace, Lin Fan scratched his head when he heard the news, expressing that the history is surprisingly similar.

"Without the Daji demon fox, there is another white fox harming the lonely country?" Lin Fan looked strange.

According to common people's rumors, Bai Wuxia is a thousand-year-old white fox who, together with Daji, specially harms the great merchants.

"Your Majesty, do you need me to arrest and kill all those who spread rumors?"

Fei Zhong asked with a bow, not daring to raise his head, for he was afraid of seeing Bai Wuxia who was rumored by the people.

According to the rumors, Bai Wuxia is so beautiful that a man can commit suicide for her just by looking at her.

Although Fei Zhong didn't really believe these rumors, but with Bai Wuxia by his side, he was really under great pressure, as if he might die at any time.

Fei Zhong forgot that when Bai Wuxia was around, Lin Fan was also there.What he felt was Lin Fan's coercion.

"No, it's just a bunch of jumping clowns. Gu just likes to watch these little things bouncing around, despairing."

Lin Fan raised his hand to stop Fei Zhong from killing someone.

He looked up to the sky.

The snowflakes falling from the sky suddenly stopped.

After stopping for a while, it fell again.

Lin Fan cupped his hands to the sky, "It turns out that uncle has arrived."

The smile on the Emperor's face disappeared without a trace, he took a hard look at Lin Fan, and said to the immortals, "Let's go.

The Emperor of Heaven left, and the falling snow stopped.

Lin Fan sent Fei Zhong away, grabbed Bai Wuxia's hand, "Don't worry, Gu will keep his word. Gu spare his life."

Lin Fan didn't add another sentence: Lonely makes his life worse than death.

"You said spare his life, but can people live without heart?" Bai Wuxia said.

Is digging out people's hearts still a life?

"People can't live without heart. However, Uncle Bigan can do it because of loneliness."

Xingtai, it's time for execution.

The one who presided over the execution was Wucheng Wang Huang Feihu.

"Come on, execute!"

King Wu Cheng is not a melon eater who doesn't know the truth. He knows what the truth is about Uncle Bigan's so-called curve to save the country.

It's nothing more than ambition, no matter how nice it sounds, it's not wanting to be an emperor.

King Zhou is the brother-in-law of King Wucheng, and Bigan wants to overthrow King Zhou, so it's no wonder that King Wucheng has a good face about Bigan.

He looked at Bigan coldly, holding the command arrow in his hand, and was about to throw it out.

Uncle Bigan suddenly said: "Brother Feihu, aren't you worried about your wife?"

Huang Feihu's hand holding Lingjian froze.

If you say you're not worried, you'd be lying.

"Your Majesty is wise and powerful, Uncle Bigan, what is your intention to slander His Majesty again and again. Stop him and execute him."

Someone blocked Bigan's mouth with a rag.

A stench like salted fish almost made Uncle Bigan faint.

Seeing the bright and swaying sword light approaching, Uncle Bigan was afraid.

What about the robbers?Where's my doorman?Did you agree to die for me?
Bigan looked around, but didn't see a confidant or a doorman.

"Bigan, don't worry about it, no one will come to rescue you. Your Majesty has already ordered the army to surround your mansion. Your retainers and your confidantes are hard to fly. Don't worry, Your Majesty did not make things difficult for them, just as His Majesty did not make things difficult for you."

Wei Guan's words fell, and he raised his knife and dropped it.

Before Uncle Bigan could react, he stabbed into Bigan's heart with a knife.

Immediately, colorful rays of light rose into the sky.

Lin Fan saw the colorful rays of light soaring into the sky from the palace, and understood, "So that's the case. You have a seven-orifice exquisite heart, too many heart orifices, and too many scheming. In history, you were a good person. Unfortunately, this world is not a god in history. world, and you're a bad guy."

Bai Wuxia couldn't understand what Lin Fan was saying.

"What history? Your Majesty, can you see the future through the long river of time?" Bai Wuxia asked.

"Hehe. How is that possible. Let's go, don't make the emperor wait for a long time."

Lin Fan grabbed Bai Wuxia's hand and disappeared into the palace.

The two appeared in the vegetable market.

Lin Fan was carrying the burden, carrying the water spinach, while Bai Wuxia wiped off the sweat that didn't exist for him.

Xingtai, after the execution, Uncle Bigan saw his heart being dug out.

"I'm not dead?"

Uncle Bigan couldn't believe it.

How can a person live without a heart?

"The punishment of digging out the heart has passed. Your Majesty has an order. If Bigan survives, the crime will be forgiven and he will be reduced to a commoner. Uncle Emperor, you are free."

Huang Feihu came to Bigan and released Bigan from the shackles.

"You go, be a rich man, His Majesty will not kill you."

Bigan didn't react for a while, and didn't wake up until he saw his heart was set up.

Not killing him is more cruel than killing him.

Thinking of his wife Erya whose waistline was about to block the door at home, Bigan shuddered, Lin Fan made his life worse than death.

Why did he marry Erya, not for fame.

Now that Lin Fan has demoted him to a commoner, is Er Ya still useful?

As soon as he thought that he would continue to live with Er Ya, he gave up, "Your Majesty, the king wants the minister to die, and the minister has to die. The minister will go now."

As he spoke, he slammed his head against the pillar.

The people saw it and said that Bigan was a good uncle.

"Come here, take the emperor back."

Huang Feihu ordered someone to send Bigan back to the mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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