The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 645 The Frightened Xibo Hou

Chapter 645 The Frightened Xibo Hou

"Which saint?"

This is a headache for the Heavenly Emperor incarnate Qiankun Patriarch.

With the support of saints, it is not the same level as without the support of saints.

"Those two bald donkeys in the west? No, absolutely impossible. So, Sanqing?"

The ancestor of Qiankun denied Sanqing.

Then, there is only one possibility left, Saint Nuwa!

Thinking of this, the Heavenly Emperor who was far away in the Heavenly Court suddenly understood.

From the time when Lin Fan came to Nuwa Temple to propose poems, it was a bureau. Lin Fan was from Nuwa.

This also explained why Lin Fan dared to write poems in Nuwa Temple without fear of being killed by the saint, and also explained why the saint Nuwa didn't kill Lin Fan.

It turned out that from the very beginning, it was the bureau set up by the sage Nuwa.

Wanting to understand this point, the Heavenly Emperor looked at Nuwa Saint's attacks against Lin Fan one after another, and felt that it became more and more unusual.


The Emperor of Heaven suddenly thought of a crucial question.

"What's the purpose of Nuwa sage to set up this situation? She has paid so much for King Zhou, what is the relationship with King Zhou? Is it possible?!"

Patriarch Styx and Heavenly Emperor wanted to go together.

However, Patriarch Styx believed that the saint standing behind Lin Fan should be one of the two saints in the West.

Lin Fan killed the bald donkeys in the west. In the eyes of Patriarch Minghe, those bald donkeys were just sacrificed for the sake of making the play more realistic.

As for why it is the second sage of the West?

Don't look at the two sages of the West who seem to be honest, but they are full of evil and calculating.

Patriarch Minghe thought of the calculations of the Second Saint of the West against him, and then thought about it, many Shuras in the blood sea were fooled by the Second Saint to Mount Sumeru, and felt more and more that the person behind Lin Fan was the Second Saint of the West.

"Big Brother, as the Emperor of Heaven, you actually backtrack? Hehe." Lin Fan said disdainfully.

"This..." Heavenly Emperor incarnated Qiankun Patriarch blushed.

As the Emperor of Heaven, he still needs face.

"Patriarch Qiankun's ghost lingers, and it's normal for me to lose control of my avatar occasionally."

After the Emperor of Heaven finished speaking, he didn't want to continue talking on this topic, so he quickly reprimanded one of the great merchant generals who stood watching the battle, "Zhu Ganglu, betrayed me, surrendered to King Zhou, you are fine!"

The coalition forces were defeated, and all the troops sent by Heavenly Court surrendered to Lin Fan.

Zhu Ganglu was the representative of the general who surrendered, and was entrusted with an important task by Lin Fan, and the official worshiped the general.

How could the Emperor of Heaven not be angry when he saw the Rebellious Boy?

His eyes contained the sword intent to engulf the world, pressing towards Zhu Gangman.

"Uncle, now Zhu Gangli is a lonely general." Lin Fan moved a step sideways to block the eyes of the Emperor of Heaven.

"Very good! King Zhou, if Zhu Gangli can surrender to you, he can also betray you. I still have something to do, so I won't stay."

The Heavenly Emperor incarnated with a cold snort, turned into Liuguang and left.

As soon as the Heavenly Emperor left, only Patriarch Styx remained among the quasi-sages.

"Hmph, goodbye!"

Patriarch Styx snorted coldly, then tore open the space and returned directly to the sea of ​​blood.

As soon as the two quasi-sages left, the powerhouses from the three realms who came to the wedding banquet also said that they had something to do at home and wanted to leave.

They remembered that Lin Fan had said that the reason for inviting them here was to wipe them all out.

If you don't leave, you will be wiped out.

"You want to leave too?" Lin Fan smiled and looked at them.

"Gu's Chaoge is that you come and leave whenever you want?"

"King Zhou, what do you want?" a strong man asked.

"Guardian law can live, if you don't, you will die!" Lin Fan squeezed a golden fairy who was about to sneak away to death.

"What method?"

"It's very simple, don't kill people at will."

Lin Fan set the rules.

"Is there a problem? If not, you can leave. The Dragon Clan of the East China Sea stays behind. The Lutai has been damaged and needs you to repair it."

Ao Guang, the new Dragon King of the East China Sea, is obedient and immediately leads the construction team of the East China Sea Dragon Avatar to repair the deer platform.

As soon as the powerhouses from the Three Realms left, the Lutai became much more spacious.

All the ministers of the great merchants dissipated the seriousness and tension on their faces, and began to eat wine and food with confidence.

Song lived for a long time, until Lin Fan sent the last minister away, and then led Bai Wuxia back to the bedroom, and said with a smirk, "It's late at night, Miss Bai, let's do something bad."

at the same time.

Uncle Bigan's mansion.

Uncle Huang sighed to Yue Kong, feeling that life would be better than death.

He just learned that Lin Fan married his fiancée.

"Why? Why? Who will tell me that this is a dream, I want to wake up, I want to wake up!"

The cry was so powerless, Uncle Bigan fell into despair.

Losing Qiqiao Linglong's heart, most of his strength was lost, and he no longer had the strength to turn the tables.

Suddenly, a benevolent voice appeared, and a man covered in Buddha's light appeared in front of Uncle Bigan.

"You really want to wake up?"

"you are?"

"Ancestor Minghe, believe in the ancestor, the ancestor will repair your heart and give you a new life!"

That night, the strong men from the Three Realms who left Chaoge and returned to their respective territories were suddenly attacked and killed by the masked strong man.

The sword formula used by the masked strong man is the Heavenly Sword Nine Jue.

"King Zhou, do you really want to kill them all?!"

A Daluo Jinxian eighth-layer powerhouse fell down the hillside, and the whole mountain was shattered.

"King Zhou, aren't you afraid of becoming an enemy of the Three Realms?"

"What I want is for King Zhou to be an enemy of the Three Realms."

The masked strong man cut off Da Luo Jinxian's head with a sword.

He pulled off the scarf, and the face of Uncle Bigan suddenly appeared.

"King Zhou, I didn't expect that Bigan would have a counterattack one day, just wait, your good day is not far away. I will pay back the humiliation you brought me a hundred times, a thousand times, and ten thousand times."

He beheaded the powerhouses of the Three Realms who had left Chaoge.

This account will only be counted on Lin Fan's head, because Lin Fan said that he would wipe them all out.

After chasing and killing several strong men, Uncle Bigan finally stopped.

He let out a maniacal, owl-like laugh.

"You killed people, and they will only charge you. I look forward to the day when you will become the enemy of the Three Realms."

With that said, Uncle Bigan disappeared in place.

Seven days later, the news that Bigan's mansion was brutally attacked and killed by a demon also spread to the palace.

The inspector general came to the palace and pushed open the door, only to see a bloody place, no dog or chicken was left in the palace, and all died tragically.

Among them, Princess Erya died the worst.

"Did you find Bigan?" the patrol general asked the soldier.

"No, there is no Bigan in the corpse."

The next morning, the news of the robbery of Prince Bigan's mansion reached Lin Fan's desk.

Lin Fan grabbed a scroll, "Understood, some powerhouses from the Three Realms who left Chaoge were intercepted and killed. They used the Heavenly Sword Nine Jue, and it seems that they sent someone alone? Absurd! You want to kill people, but you still need to send someone? "

"It's useless to wait!" The ministers hurriedly bowed their heads.

"Your Majesty, the matter of attacking and killing the strong man who came to the wedding banquet must be investigated clearly, otherwise, it will easily cause many strong men to be hostile to the big merchant and your Majesty." Wen Zhong reminded.

With Lin Fan's help, his cultivation has broken through to the level of Da Luo Jinxian.

"Any clues?"

"No." Wen Zhong shook his head.

"Just based on the sword aura on the wound, it is very similar to His Majesty's Heavenly Sword sword aura. Now there are rumors that the powerhouses of the Three Realms suspect that His Majesty's secretly trained guards made the move."

"Just to clarify, it's up to them to believe it or not, how is Lord Xibo doing recently?"

Xibohou's life is very difficult.

Meeting Jiang Ziya doesn't mean Xibohou's life is easy.

If history had not changed, Xibohou would be like a fish in water when he met Jiang Ziya.

But now, it takes more courage to create a rebellion against an emperor whose strength is comparable to that of the old quasi-sage than to commit suicide.

Xibohou didn't want to rebel, but he had to.

How can he unlock the Conferred God if he doesn't rebel?
Even if he wanted not to rebel, the saint would not agree.

Jiang Ziya came not so much to help him rebel, but to supervise his rebellion.

Xibohou spent every day in fear and fear.

It's not because he's afraid that the court's troops will come over suddenly, but because he's afraid that Lin Fan will come over.

He was not afraid of the imperial army, only Lin Fan.

The army will be dealt with by the army, but who will deal with Lin Fan?
(End of this chapter)

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