The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 653 Lin Fan's Confidence

Chapter 653 Lin Fan's Confidence

At this time, Lin Fan came to the gate of Biyou Palace and knocked on the gate of Biyou Palace.

The echo came from the ancient palace, it was the voice of the sage Tongtian:
"Come in. Qiong Xiao, Yun Xiao, Bi Xiao, Gui Ling, you all come in too."

Lin Fan stepped into the palace and saw the Tongtian Saint.

This time, what I saw was the main body.

Tong Shengren carried the Qingping sword on his back, with black hair and the appearance of a middle-aged uncle.

The appearance is hazy, shrouded in halo and mist.

Without Da Luo Jinxian's peak cultivation base, he couldn't see clearly, and even if he could see clearly, he couldn't remember the saint's appearance.

"King Zhou."

"Just call Gu Lin Fan." Lin Fan interrupted.

Saint Tongtian took a meaningful look at Lin Fan, "You are not King Zhou! Which fellow Taoist are you?"

Like the Second Saints of the West, he believed that the one standing behind Lin Fan was the Saint Nuwa.

Nuwa saint has gone through thousands of calamities, and she doesn't seem to pay attention to a guy who has practiced for less than a hundred years, so there is only one possibility.

The Tongtian sage believed that Lin Fan was a strong man in the prehistoric period and took away the body of King Zhou.

This also explained why Saint Nuwa would stand against Lin Fan.

"I don't remember which fellow Taoist in the prehistoric world has your cultivation level? Patriarch Hongyun?"

The faces of the four girls changed slightly.

It seems that I heard some secrets that shouldn't be heard, so I won't be silenced, right?

"The sage has good eyesight. He can tell at a glance that Gu is not King Zhou. However, Gu is King Zhou. This is recognized by the Dao of Heaven."

Lin Fan didn't care about Tongtian Shengren guessing his identity.

The strong will not care about intrigues, let alone stronger opponents.

"I don't know how the sage thinks about Gu's previous words?"

Lin Fan asked.

What words?

The four girls were a little confused.

"Master, do you really want to promise Hunjun to help Da Shang?" Qiong Xiao was anxious.

If she is allowed to make a move, she is more willing to help Xiqi.

Tongtian Shengren didn't answer, just stared at Lin Fan, "Can you really guarantee their safety?"

"Of course. If you want to kill them, you have to step over Gu's corpse. You can safely hand them over to Gu."

The four women had a bad premonition in their hearts.

Look at Lin Fan, and look at Tongtian Saint.

"Master, you won't sell us to the faint king, will you?"

The Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit asked.

Saint Tongtian glared at her fiercely, causing her to bow her head in fright.

"It's not selling, it's asking Lin Fan to protect you."

"But the master is a saint, isn't the protection of the master better than the protection of the faint king?"

The Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit is hard to understand.

San Xiao was equally incomprehensible.

When a saint can't protect someone, a quasi-sage is needed to protect him.

"Hehe. In normal times, you naturally don't need the protection of outsiders. But this time, I am also in the catastrophe. I protect you, and you are in danger of falling. Lin Fan protects you, and you have a chance."

Saint Tongtian didn't explain much.

He also didn't know why the saint's protection had no life, but Lin Fan's protection did.

He counted several times, but he didn't figure out where Lin Fan's life was.

"You go with him and come back after the catastrophe is over. In a few days, your senior brothers will also come to Dashang."

After leaving Biyou Palace, Lin Fan led the four daughters into the warship. Although the immortals on the island couldn't understand why the Tongtian Saint let the four daughters go with Lin Fan, they didn't stop them.

The warship sailed out to sea, and Jin'ao Island was far behind.

The four women watched the island getting farther and farther away, feeling complicated.

"Sages can't protect us? King Zhou, will Master be in danger?" Qiong Xiao asked Lin Fan.

"I don't know." Lin Fan replied.

Historically, the sage Tongtian left with Patriarch Hongjun after the Great Tribulation, and there was no news after that.

It does appear in Journey to the East, but it is a folk novel.

And in Journey to the East, Saint Tongtian ended even worse.

As for the Sanqing, the legend of the Sanqing came after the Han Dynasty, and it is not known whether it is the incarnation of the three saints.

And even if it is really the incarnation of the three saints, it doesn't mean that the real body is fine.

"However, the Tongtian sage has great supernatural powers and has the Four Swords of Zhuxian, so there should be no danger."

At worst, when the sword formation of Zhuxian was broken, the saint made a move, and Gu also made a move.

Lin Fan made up his mind.

Soon, Jinao Island disappeared from everyone's sight.

As soon as Jin'ao Island disappeared, Lin Fan returned to the cabin, drinking for fun, or watching the dragon girl's sword dance.

In the words of Sanxiao and the Holy Mother of Guiling, it is a dream of death.

Seeing that Lin Fan only cared about drinking for fun, the four girls always felt like their business was about to end.

A few days later, Qiong Xiao couldn't see it anymore, so she found Lin Fan and advised Lin Fan to restrain himself.

"As an emperor, he should be diligent in his administration and love the people. Only in this way can the country last forever."

"The long-term protection of a country depends on the emperor's hard work, then the country may be over. The emperor just loves the people, and diligence is what the courtiers need to do. Otherwise, why raise so many ministers and give them salaries?"

"Unreasonable!" An angry shout came from the sky.

"If every emperor of the human race thinks like you, the human race would have perished in the prehistoric age, how could it have the glory it has today."

"That's because the Human Sovereigns in the past didn't have the strength of Gu. Gu admired the Human Sovereigns of the past. But Gu is not them, and Gu's method may not be suitable for them." Lin Fan looked towards the sky.

White clouds curl up.Above the white clouds, a black tortoise is flying in the sky with He Tu and Luo Shu on its back. The black tortoise is huge, flying in mid-air, blocking the sunlight, making the whole sea area look like night.

"Fuxi Emperor." Sanxiao and Guiling Virgin recognized Fuxi.

"Uncle Fuxi." Lin Fan stood up.

The strings of Fuxiqin turned into sword energy and cut down.

"King Zhou, I will teach you a lesson for the saint Nuwa." Fuxi's angry voice came from the sky.

Teach you for the Nuwa sage?

In an instant, the two sages in the west on Mount Sumeru showed a sudden look.

"If it was just a guess before, then it is certain now that King Zhou belongs to Senior Sister Nuwa."

Yuxu Palace, the original sage, "Senior Sister Nuwa is so scheming, she almost tricked everyone into applauding. I thought that the only thing I would do in the Great Tribulation of the Conferred Gods is to compete with Senior Brother Tongtian, but I didn't expect, hehe, so scheming."

The sound of the piano is clear and pleasant, and the strings of the piano turn into sword lights and cut off.

The sword light is huge and boundless, like a sword flying across the sky, shot down from the sky.

Under the addition of gravity and speed, before the sword light arrived, the sea water under the sword light sank into a thousand zhang deep ditch.

The sea water swept to both sides, and the warship that Lin Fan was on rushed up into the sky amidst the sweeping waves, and then fell high.

The falling warship hit the sea surface with a loud noise.

The dragon girl on the boat was knocked dizzy and staggered.

"Uncle Fu Yi, you are not alone, give up! Gu has already given you a move!" Lin Fan did not move, and slapped Jianmang with his palm.

The thousand-handed Tathagata's dharma is in motion, and it will not be destroyed for ten thousand kalpas.

The golden palm print bombarded the sword light, and slapped the sword light obliquely towards the sea.


The sword glow hit the sea, instantly evaporating the sea water.

"If you dare to call me uncle again, I will kill you first." Fuxi was furious, and Hetu and Luoshu shone brightly.

Mysterious runes appeared one by one, with brilliant golden light, and the runes condensed into chains, shaped like shackles, falling down under pressure.

"You are disrespectful to your ancestors, I will suppress you right away."

"Why bother, we are all family." Lin Fan smiled lightly, disappeared from the boat in the blink of an eye, and appeared behind Fuxi.

In Qianshou, more than a dozen hands silently grasped the shackle rune, and with a firm grip, the powerful force crushed the rune to pieces.

More than a dozen hand seals bombarded Fuxi.

But Hetu and Luoshu turned around and took the initiative to block Lin Fan's attack.

(End of this chapter)

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