Chapter 660

The two spoke, and quickly expressed their anger.

Empress Shiji immediately fought with Daoist Taiyi in front of the Golden Light Cave.

The sword came and went, and the sword energy crossed the sky, disturbing the creatures around Qianyuan Mountain to flee.

After a short battle, Daoist Taiyi took out the Kowloon Divine Fire Cover.

Nine fire dragons soared into the air, covering Empress Shiji inside.

Empress Shiji slashed at the fire dragon with a sword, and the sword slashed on the fire dragon, bringing out sparks.

The extended sword has infinite light, but it can't split the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover.

"Take it!" Taiyi Daoist snorted lightly.

The Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover puts away Shiji Empress, and Jiulong in the cover induces vomiting of Sanwei Shenhuo, and it seems that Empress Shiji is about to be refined on the spot.

Lin Fan, who was far away in Chaoge, felt something in his heart, and one hand sank into the void, and he grabbed the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover thousands of miles away.

"You... King Zhou!" Seeing Lin Fan walking out of the void holding the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover, Master Taiyi hurriedly urged Xian Yuan to recall the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover.

"What do you want to do?"

Faced with King Zhou whose strength was comparable to that of the quasi-sage, Master Taiyi felt a little afraid.

In particular, there are a lot of cruel legends about King Zhou.

"What do I want to do? I just want to say that the sky has eyes."

With a cold snort, Lin Fan shook his hand lightly, and his strength sank into the divine fire cover.

Kowloon wailed and spit out Shiji Empress.

After the horrific firepower dissipated, Empress Shiji, who was waiting for death, found that what she was waiting for was not death, but a masculine young man with a bright smile.

"He is King Zhou?" Empress Shiji was so moved that she felt that King Zhou was the hero who came to save her on the colorful auspicious clouds.

"Fairy, are you alright?" Lin Fan extinguished the burning Sanwei Shenhuo on Empress Shiji.

"It's fine, I'm just worried to death."

There was sincerity in Lin Fan's words, which made people unbelievable.

"You are King Zhou? You are not the son of King Zhou, are you?" Empress Shiji looked straight at Lin Fan, as if she hadn't recovered from the shock of death.

Lin Fan's face twitched, "Gu is the king of Zhou, as if it were fake. Daoist Taiyi, if you don't hand over Nezha, you don't need to kill the victim. Don't mention doom to Gu. There must be a reason for things to happen, even if there is a doom You can't kill people casually. Nezha, come out for me."

Lin Fan shouted loudly.

Nezha heard Lin Fan's words and obediently came out of the Golden Light Cave.

"Do you know what's wrong with you?" Lin Fan asked sternly.

Standing there like a high mountain made Nezha feel unspeakable pressure, and also made Nezha feel the righteousness of Lin Fan that all evils do not invade.

If you want people not to know, unless you do it yourself.

If the world knows it, so does Lin Fan.

It only took Lin Fan a second to understand the ins and outs of what Nezha did.

The cause of the incident lies with Nezha, and the fault is also with Nezha.

Just as described in the original "Feng Shen Bang".

As for what Daoist Taiyi said, Empress Shiji should be robbed.
Lin Fan said hehe.

If you don't kill, how can you respond to robbery.

Facing Lin Fan and asking Nezha, Master Taiyi was covered in cold sweat.

Nezha's destiny is to overthrow Cheng Tang and the Shang Dynasty ruled by Lin Fan.

Daoist Taiyi was worried, and Lin Fan couldn't help killing Little Nezha.

Daoist Taiyi doesn't distinguish between right and wrong, and is unreasonable, but his feelings for his disciples are genuine.

Otherwise, he would not have killed Shiji to protect his apprentice.

If Lin Fan hadn't appeared in time, Shi Ji would have died.

"Your Majesty, Nezha is still young..."

"Shut up! Can you go unpunished if you make a small mistake? Can you kill people indiscriminately?" Lin Fan stopped Master Taiyi, and asked Nezha again, "Do you know where your mistakes are?"

"Your Majesty, Nezha was wrong." Nezha obediently knelt in front of Lin Fan and admitted his mistake. "Nezha's fault is that he shouldn't deny his fault and kill him..."

Nezha spoke slowly and sincerely.

Lin Fan listened to him quietly, and then said, "Your mistakes add to your mistakes. It doesn't matter if you make mistakes, but denying your mistakes with lies will only make more mistakes. Your mistake is that you shouldn't hurt people at will. Fairy Shiji didn't think about it." You want your life, but you want her life. If you are not a practitioner, but an ordinary person, you can be sentenced to death in Dashang by relying on the law alone."

"Nezha knows his mistake and is willing to be punished."

"Apprentice..." Master Taiyi wanted to speak, but was stopped by Lin Fan's fierce eyes.

Lin Fan has never had a good impression of a master who only teaches his disciples how to behave, but not how to be a man.

"Fairy, I'll leave Nezha to you now." Lin Fan turned sideways and let Empress Shiji handle the matter.

When Empress Shiji saw Nezha kneeling, she was furious.

Angry at him for not distinguishing between right and wrong, angry at him for killing Biyun Xiantong.

"If you can rescue Fairy Boy Biyun, or find a good home for him, then I won't kill you." Empress Shiji said.

With the means of an immortal, it is not difficult to find a place for a person who has entered reincarnation.

Empress Shiji meant that Nezha would transform into Biyun fairy boy to the next life.

"Nezha is willing, thank you for not killing me." Nezha kowtowed.

"Forgive me, I won't accept your kindness. I have kindness to your father, but his son killed my apprentice and tried to kill me, causing me to almost die. If I have kindness to you again, I'm afraid I won't survive tomorrow."

"Nezha, I'm ashamed!" Nezha lowered his head even lower, not knowing that Li Jing and Empress Shiji still have such a relationship.

He secretly rejoiced that Lin Fan appeared in time, otherwise, killing his father's benefactor by mistake would be a great crime.

Although the benefactor is dead if he dies.

But anyone with a bit of conscience can't do such ungrateful things.

Lin Fan had read the original novel of "Fengshen Bang", and the original novel was written with ungratefulness.

The original is scarier than ungrateful.The Nezha in the book is not as harmless as the people in the anime, and Empress Shiji is not as evil as in the anime.

In the original book, only seeing that Empress Shiji took Li Jing to the White Bone Cave on Skull Mountain, she knew that Li Jing was not the murderer, and Li Jing's son was the murderer, and after she released Li Jing, she knew that Empress Shiji was not a bloodthirsty person.

Moreover, in the original book, Empress Shiji knew that Nezha was the murderer, and had no intention of killing her. Even after Nezha injured Caiyun Xiantong, she attempted to attack her, and she had no intention of killing her afterwards.

"If there's nothing else, I'll go first." Lin Fan was about to leave.

"Your Majesty, please also invite Your Majesty to gather at the Bone Cave on the Skull Mountain." Empress Shiji issued an invitation.

Lin Fan was invited, and the two went to the Bone Cave on the Skull Mountain together.

Seeing Lin Fan leaving, Master Taiyi gave a sigh of relief.

Seeing Nezha kneeling, he couldn't help worrying about Xibohou.

What should the General of Destiny, who was supposed to be facing Xiqi, do now facing Dashang?
Xibohou would probably die of anger.

Lin Fan followed Empress Shiji to Skull Mountain, and found that Skull Mountain was not as eerie and terrifying as imagined.

There are bones everywhere on the mountain, some bones show signs of weathering, and some bones emit a faint breath.

It can be seen that the owner of the bone was a strong man during his lifetime, but the vicissitudes of time have worn away his strength and perseverance.

After the death of a strong man, after a long time, it is just a pile of dry bones that have weathered with time.

"In the past, Skull Mountain was a battlefield. The bones on the mountain were left over from immortals and gods and demons who died in battle. After a long time, Skull Mountain was formed." Empress Shiji explained, pointing to the bones everywhere.

Seeing Lin Fan's eyes, her beautiful face was a little blush, and she explained, "There used to be some monsters that cannibalize people on the mountain. After I came here, I cleaned them up. Only the pure and good people are left. Unfortunately, blindly The pure kindness cannot escape life. Biyun Fairy..."

The tragic death of Biyun Fairy Boy deeply touched Empress Shiji.

"Your Majesty, don't be sad. Gu also has the ability to live and die, flesh and bones. Maybe the Empress can accompany Gu to the underworld to find the soul of Fairy Biyun and give him a new life."

(End of this chapter)

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