The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 663 Gu, Lin Fan, King Zhou of the Great Shang

Chapter 663 Gu, Lin Fan, King Zhou of the Great Shang

"Bastard, let Gu know which unworthy descendant is ruining the country, and Gu will definitely strangle him to death. Uh, King Zhou!"

The fifth emperor of the Great Shang vomited blood.

Now the Great Merchant Ghost Dynasty will be presided over by him.

The first and second generations have already reincarnated back, and the third and fourth...

Seeing the endless evil spirits attacking, the heroic Fifth Great Shang Emperor felt fear for the first time in many years.

When a human dynasty collapses, the corresponding underworld ghost dynasty will be slaughtered by evil spirits.

The fifth Shang king dare not imagine how much disaster he will suffer once the ghost dynasty is broken.

He clearly remembered the ruins of the Xia Dynasty Ghost Dynasty.

At that time, the ghost people of the Xia Dynasty could be said to be dead rather than alive.

If it weren't for a Xia Jie.

Xia Jie was the king of subjugation in the yang world, but he was very happy in the underworld.

After he died, he took the beauty and became a ghost emperor in the underworld, protecting the ghosts and people who were subjugated in the Xia Dynasty.

It's just that there is no human dynasty to correspond to, and without assistance, everything can only be relied on by oneself.

"Fifth Shang King, you are a traitor and a traitor. The world's great merchants are about to run out. You should think about the way out for your ghost people." Standing next to the Fifth Shang King is a heroic man with a ghostly look, but he doesn't look like a ghost at all. .

He wears a dragon and sparrow sword on his waist, and walks like a dragon or a tiger.

"For the reason that Cheng Tang destroys Xia, but saves the ghosts of the Xia Dynasty, I will show you two ways to survive."

The man stuck out his finger, "First, the great merchants in the yang world have survived the calamity. As long as they survive the calamity, the ghost dynasty of the great merchants in the underworld will not perish."

The Fifth Shang King shook his head.

The doom of the dynasties in the world is not easy to bear, what's more, this time it is not only the doom of the dynasties in the world, but also the doom of the gods.

When the two catastrophes add up, the fifth king of Shang doesn't believe it, so the beautiful King Zhou can survive this catastrophe.

"Second, before the Dashang Ghost Dynasty is broken, hand over some of the ghost people to Gu, and Gu will protect you for you."

"Xia Jie, you are going too far!" The Fifth Shang King was furious.

Is this making him betray the ghost people?

"Is it too lonely?" Xia Jie asked with a smile.

The Fifth Shang King had nothing to say.

Xia Jie turned around, got on the dragon sparrow chariot and left.

His talent is the king of the subjugated country in the yang world, but he is the eternal sage in the underworld.

As the dragon sparrow chariot passed by, all the ghosts attacking the Great Shang Ghost Dynasty retreated one after another.

As the chariot left, all the ghosts rushed forward again, fighting with the Da Shang ghost army.

Killing ghosts rolling, ghostly air filled the air.

I don't know how many ghosts and gods fell in the fight, lost the opportunity to enter the six realms of reincarnation, and completely dissipated in the world.

More large merchant ghost soldiers were captured by evil ghosts one by one, and they were directly put on the fire grill for barbecue, and they were crushed, bitten to death and swallowed amidst screams.

These evil spirits clapped their hands after eating, and went to find new prey for the ghost army.

This is a hungry ghost crawling out of the hungry ghost realm.The most powerful one is a Daluo Jinxian who was alive in a certain space during the Lich War. After death, he became the Hungry Ghost King and ruled many hungry ghosts.

This time, the Hungry Ghost King's eyes fell on the Fifth Shang King.

"Oops!" The Fifth Shang King was caught by the Hungry Ghost King before he had time to react, and he grilled it directly.

"Hurry up, save Your Majesty." The Dashang Ghost Army panicked.

Which ghost emperor is this the big merchant who was eaten?


The ghosts and gods in the underworld are far more powerful than those in the Yang world and the Three Realms.

Because all the dead souls return to the underworld.

The fire of the hungry ghost was burning, and the fifth king of Shang felt like a duck on the oven, turning into a delicious roast duck at a fast speed.

It won't take long to get ripe.

The most frightening thing is that they are still sane when they are ripe.

In the words of some ghosts and gods in the underworld, the sober prey is always the most delicious.

Because the fear of the prey is also the food of ghosts and gods in the underworld.

The fear of their prey is like a seasoning to them, the more fear they have, the better it tastes.

"Your Majesty!"

"Heaven, the fifth king of Shang, is he going to be eaten like the third and fourth emperors?"

In the past, the prayers of the Great Merchant Ghost General did not receive any reply.

This time, two streamers of light pierced the ghostly air from the sky and landed.


With a flicker of sword light, a huge ghost hand flew up.

"I'm not dead?"

The fifth king of Shang looked at his intact self in disbelief. On the ground was the hand of the king of hungry ghosts.

There was a divine light in Lin Fan's eyes, and his eyes turned into Heavenly Sword Sword Qi to slash at the evil spirits attacking the Great Merchant Ghost Army.

As far as the eyes can see, all the evil spirits with a cultivation level below the celestial beings will be wiped out.

"A living person in the mortal world?!" The Hungry Ghost King looked solemnly.

The living have a physical body, unlike the just-dead strong in the same realm, who have no strength, but do not have a physical body to support their strength.

Many spells are based on having a physical body, and they cannot be used without the physical body.

"Gu, Lin Fan, King Zhou of the Great Shang Dynasty." Lin Fan stood in the air and coldly glanced at the ghosts.

Those ghosts who escaped his gaze and sword intent retreated one after another.

"King Zhou, bastard, you are an unfilial son." Before the Hungry Ghost King could speak, the Fifth Shang King cursed.

Lin Fan flipped his palms, and directly slapped the Fifth Shang King down, and stomped on his feet.

"Call Grandpa!"

The tyrannical power cannot be resisted by the Fifth Shang King.

All the big merchants and ghost generals were dumbfounded. Is this a violent beating of their ancestors?
"You even beat your ancestors, you disobedient descendants." The Fifth Shang King vomited blood, angry.

"Who is your descendant, call him grandpa. Otherwise, you will be so lonely that you don't even know your mother."

Lin Fan swung his fist and beat the Fifth Shang King.

Just beat hard, not killed, not even injured.

The stern cry of pain reverberated, giving the Great Shang ghost generals and ghost soldiers a more intuitive understanding of the Great Shang King Zhou.

Lin Fan beat the Fifth Shang King, but the Hungry Ghost King didn't attack and kill him.

It wasn't that the Hungry Ghost King didn't want to move, but in the eyes of the Hungry Ghost King, Lin Fan's whole body was full of flaws, which made him dare not move.

"Disobedience to descendants..." The fifth Shang Wangtong couldn't even speak clearly.

Since it wasn't Lin Fan's real grandfather, Lin Fan naturally wouldn't hold back.

If it weren't for the need for ghost management in the Dashang Ghost Dynasty, I'm afraid it would not be as simple as beating, but beating to death directly.

"Call me grandpa! If you don't call me, I will kill you if you don't."

The fifth king of Shang did not call.

If you call your grandson who has passed through many generations grandpa in front of so many people, wouldn't it be...

However, Lin Fan's fist could not be refused by the Fifth Shang King.

"King Zhou, this is not good. No matter what he says, it is you." Madam Shiji thought that Lin Fan beating up his ancestors was also very handsome.

"Hmph! Gu..." Lin Fan paused. "Gu is born noble, not everyone can be a Gu ancestor, he is not qualified enough."

Lin Fan lost his patience, and directly controlled the Fifth Shang King to kneel at his feet and call Grandpa.


"Very well, from now on, you will either be called His Majesty Gu or Grandpa Gu." Lin Fan said to the previous emperors and royal family of the Great Shang Dynasty.

The Fifth Shang King couldn't bear the blow, rolled his eyes and fainted.

Kicking the Fifth Shang King away with one kick, Lin Fan walked towards the Hungry Ghost King while the tyrants were staring at the tyrant.

"Hey, why didn't you die? In front of Gu, suicide is your best choice. If you die in Gu's hands, you don't even have the chance to be reincarnated."

"Arrogance!" Feeling Lin Fan's strength, the Hungry Ghost King used his exercises to merge with many hungry ghosts in the Hungry Ghost Dao, gathering the power of many hungry ghosts in one body.

(End of this chapter)

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