Chapter 669
Prince Jinwu quickly grabbed a group of demon clan gods and ghost troops and sent them to the divine wheel behind his head.

The Eastern Emperor Bell reappears.

The dilapidated ancient clock was spinning in the air, oscillating sound waves in circles.

The quasi-sage soldiers of the ancient heavens reappeared.

As the sound waves passed, the continuous sound bombardment repelled a series of quasi-sages.

"The Emperor of Heaven Burys Longevity!"

The emperor's sword came out, and Prince Jinwu fought in blood.

Other quasi-sages also made moves one after another.

For a time, more demons and gods died.

The battle continued, and Lin Fan fought left and right with the Mieshi Dao in his hand.

The battle was no longer a fight for the Eastern Emperor Bell, but a chaotic battle, attacking each other.

However, the main force of the attack was still Prince Jinwu.

"Badao Wuji!" Lin Fan slashed at a quasi-sage of the mountain with his sword, and merged with the quasi-sage.

It is said that this quasi-sage was transformed by the part of Buzhou Mountain that collapsed when Gonggong was angry.

Infinite strength, invincible.

During the scuffle, he shot Lin Fan frequently, so that Lin Fan tried to kill him.

Lin Fan no longer attacked and killed other quasi-sages, but only defended, specifically killing him.

The rotating Tyrannical Saber is extremely fast, bringing out the fire of destroying the world.

The flames are cold for a while, and the body of rock is restrained under the ice and fire.

However, the quasi-sage of communion also operates the law of water and fire.

"Hehe, when it comes to playing with fire and water, I am the ancestor of the gods." The Holy Communion shouted.

His way of water and fire is stronger than Lin Fan's way of water and fire.

Lin Fan had no choice but to change his moves, using the sword's momentum to transform it into a sword's momentum, using the Mieshi Dao to perform the Heavenly Sword Art.

"Nine tactics of the Heavenly Sword, breaking the sky!"

The knife light went straight forward and collided with the giant rock hand. Lin Fan was bounced away and flew thousands of miles away.

It happened to appear next to Prince Jinwu.

"Heavenly Sword Nine Jue, Zhen Zi Jue!"

The Mieshi Dao slashed three times in a row, bringing out the sword intent of the Heavenly Sword, and slashed towards Prince Jinwu.

The Golden Crow Prince saw that the sword was coming, and he didn't care about dodging the attacks of other quasi-sages. He screamed quickly, and his body shrank sharply, turning into a black-gold three-legged Golden Crow.

With the black sun on his back, the Eastern Emperor Bell on his head, and the Emperor Sword in his hand, he brings out the wheel of death.

He waved his wings like a magic knife, and struck with the cutting sword, bringing sparks.

"The corpse is comparable to a quasi-saint soldier?"

Other quasi-sages also saw this scene.

They boast that they will be traumatized when they are slashed by the Mieshi Dao.

Prince Jinwu was chopped off, only sparks were brought out, not even his hair was hurt.

How can this be?

"No, his body is coated with a quasi-saint."

There is a quasi-sacred eye to see the source.

"Strange, since that's the case, how did he die that year?"

How did he die that year?

A series of thoughts turned quickly.

However, Zhunsheng's fighting is faster than thinking.The Golden Crow Prince took advantage of the momentary poor cognition to block the sword stabbed by a quasi-sage with his body.

With a clang, the sword couldn't break through the defense.

The quasi-sage had a look of fear on his face.

Because the emperor sword fell.

He avoided the Emperor Sword, but he couldn't avoid the Donghuang Bell, and was covered by the Donghuang Bell, and the sound of the bell wiped out the primordial spirit.

As soon as the primordial spirit dispersed, the quasi-holy corpse fell down.

After being soaked in corpse aura for many years, coupled with severe attacks and loss of soul, the corpse that has been honed over the years can no longer be overwhelmed, turning into dust and dissipating.

The first quasi-holy death.

I didn't care that a quasi-sage died, and I just wanted to get the Eastern Emperor Bell quickly.

However, the faster, the slower.

None of the quasi-sages who did it were weak.

The Golden Crow Prince was able to kill a quasi-saint due to poor cognition.

The moment Zhunsheng knew that his body was protected by a quasi-holy artifact and needed to be careful, Zhunsheng, who was too late to stop in the future, killed him.

Zhen killed a quasi-sage, and the three-legged Jinwu incarnated by the Jinwu prince flew feathers on its wings, and the feathers shot in all directions like a magic knife.

With the feather of the real fire of the day, it broke through the defense of the quasi-sage who could not dodge.

Pfft...the sound of the blade entering the body came.

Of the thirteen quasi-sages who besieged him, all except Lin Fan were stabbed.

A quasi-sage was seriously injured.

This time it was not Prince Jinwu who did it, but other quasi-sages.

When they saw that their teammate was seriously injured in an instant, they immediately seized the moment and made up the knife again and again.

Hundreds of big moves were blasted down, blasting the quasi-sage who was hit by the knife into scum.

The worse the injury, the faster it will hit you.

"One less competitor."

Ao Lie, the dragon ghost, also killed a quasi-sage who was pierced by a feather knife.

Black Bone Dragon Claw took out a heart that had stopped beating a long time ago, put it in his mouth and chewed it.

For a moment, blood splashed.

"Unfortunately, it has been dead for too long and is not fresh enough."

He looked at Lin Fan, unable to hide his greed.

There is a living quasi-sage here, it must be delicious.

However, when he looked at Lin Fan's blade, he decisively withdrew his gaze, because there were two quasi-sage heads under the Mieshi Dao.

Lin Fan also took advantage of Prince Jinwu's attack to kill his competitors.

When Prince Jinwu saw this, he almost vomited blood.If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't burn my soul.

"Six Paths of Samsara Fist!"

Lin Fan saw that the Golden Crow Prince was regretful, so he seized the momentary gap in his heart and struck down with the Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist.

puff puff.

The punch was fatal, and the quasi-sacred weapon protection on Prince Jinwu was actually exploded.

Lin Fan reached out and grabbed the Eastern Emperor Bell.

"Long Xiao Nine Heavens!"

The dragon ghost Ao Lie roared, the demon dragon roared, and countless demon dragon gods appeared in his claws. The dragon claws slammed and knocked away Lin Fan's hand to grab the Eastern Emperor Bell.

A knife light cut from the side, the knife light was so fast, it made Ao Lie's hair stand on end, and he quickly stopped.

"Dragon Slaying Knife? Dragon Slayer Quasi-Sage?" Ao Lie looked at the other party with a murderous expression.

It can be called Dragon Slaying, and its prestige is naturally forged from the corpses of dragons.

"Uncle Tulong, you..."

Prince Jinwu never expected that the former court official would join the ranks of attacking him for the treasure.

"His Royal Highness, the quasi-sage who slaughtered the dragon is dead. I am just a ghost, and then the quasi-sage."

Tulongzhunsheng turned his face away, not looking into the eyes of Prince Jinwu, dragged the dragon-slaying knife, and the thick blade smashed the mountain quasi-sage who was about to go forward.

"Hand over the Eastern Emperor Bell, and you are still His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

"Dream! I..."

Prince Jinwu's voice stopped short, his sword hand froze, and he turned his head with difficulty.

The underworld is more chaotic and dangerous than the world.

The terrifying quasi-sacred coercion with the aura of Buddha and demon erupted from the light wheel at the back of Prince Jinwu's head.

Light and darkness coexist, Buddha energy and demon energy coexist.

A black and gold two-color demon god broke the light wheel, and all the powerful monsters and gods who were guarding in the light wheel died tragically.

The black steel fork pierced through the defense of the Eastern Emperor Bell and pierced the heart of Prince Jinwu.

The heart that had long lost its vitality collapsed under the power of the steel fork.

"It's you?!"

Prince Jinwu looked at the strong man behind him in disbelief.

"His Royal Highness, I'm sorry, but I also want the Eastern Emperor Bell."

King Vajra Yasha Ming smiled apologetically.

"When did you become a quasi-sage?"

Not to mention that Prince Jinwu couldn't believe it, even Lin Fan and others couldn't believe it.

Lin Fan clearly remembered that he killed Vajra Yasha Ming Wang Yinshen.

If you are alive without a certificate, you can become a quasi-sage, but after a dead body, you can become a quasi-sage.

Genius is not enough to describe.

Because after a person dies, the body and the soul are separated, and the soul is like a tree without roots. Only the soul is the original person, and the body does not belong to it.

"it's been a while."

King Vajra Yasha Ming grinned.

The bull's mouth on the bull's head opened, turning out a huge suction force, and sucking the Donghuang Bell over.

The bull's head released a demonic energy to suppress the Donghuang Bell, rolled its tongue, and hung the Donghuang Bell around its neck.

In the blink of an eye, the Eastern Emperor Bell changed hands.

With a flick of the steel fork, Prince Jinwu vomited blood and flew backwards, the dark sun on his back cracked inch by inch.

"Junior, court death!"

Lord Zhong Fan, the Eastern Emperor, and the quasi-sage who besieged Prince Jinwu turned to King Kong Yasha Ming.

To be precise, he is not Lord Vajra Yasha, but the corpse of King Vajra Yasha.

As for Prince Jinwu, who cares.

It's not Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi, a Jinwu prince is not the turn of seniors like them to pay attention to.

(End of this chapter)

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